Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Five(s)

(Link in meme-roll)

1. What means success to you?
Leaving aside grammar, I think success is about how you feel about how you have lived and are living your life. It's tied to contentment, for me, which I wish I could find again.
2. When did you feel most successful in your life thus far?
Once I got my feet under me as a parent, even with all the bumps in the road. Also, attending business meetings and not making a giant fool of myself is wonderful.
3. What was your biggest success others helped you to achieve?
Others helped in each success. I can't take credit for doing any of it alone!
4. What was your biggest self-made success?
I can't honestly claim any of these, I don't think.
5. What can you learn about success from failing?
How to stand back up afterwards. That's the hardest part, for me, but also the one thing that has to be done.



1. Do you have any sort of allergy? If so, what are you allergic to?
I'm allergic to several kinds of pollen, especially corn, and cats. Those are the big two. But I have problems with dogs, down, hay, smoke, strong perfumes/colognes, mold, dust, and either almond oil or olive oil (topical). Oh, and morphine and, apparently, synthroid.
2. What kinds of symptoms do you experience during an allergic reaction? Are they mild, moderate, severe?
Moderate, these days: throat tickles, runny nose, itchy eyes, swollen glands and massive headaches. I used to use stronger meds, and need an inhaler at times, but I'm more careful about things now. One epinephrine shot in the ER taught me the importance of NOT DOING THAT again!
3. How do you manage your allergies?
I try hard to stay away from the things I'm allergic to--which means staying inside all summer as much as possible, especially in August-September, making sure I wash up if I do come in contact with anything (cats/dogs), avoid the meds I shouldn't have, and keep Benadryl and other drugs on hand at all times.
4. Do you have (or know someone with) an unusual or rare allergy?
My sister is allergic to corn as food. Try dealing with that once, yo. It's, unfortunately, becoming a lot less rare; I just met a kid this summer who is also allergic to it.
In other news, both my parents were allergic to different meds: Dad couldn't have aspirin, and some antibiotics messed him up. Mom was allergic to sulfa-based drugs.
5. If you are allergic to pet dander, yet choose to keep a furry pet, what influenced your choice?
I didn't find out I was allergic to dogs till I was an adult after we bought a German Shephard mix dog. Once she was integrated into our home, I just couldn't part with her. Such an idiot. We had a dog when I was a kid, though, and I never had trouble then. Anyway, she died about 9 years ago, and (so far) we haven't gotten another dog. Much as I love them. It's horrible.



1. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Why?
I really adore being warm. However, too hot is sick-making, so I'm gradually moving to preferring chilly weather since at least then I can add layers and warm up. However, I still like standing in the sun on a hot day on a mountain. Just lose the humidity.
2. What's your favorite way to stay cool?
Air-conditioning, of course!
3. What's your favorite way to stay warm?
Curling up under a blanket and sleeping. Are we actually warmer while sleeping, or is that just some kind of thing that goes with being under blankets?
4. When you see or hear the word "summer", what comes to mind?
Hot days, running through the hose, crunchy grass, popsicles, road trips...relaxing.
5. Any major summer plans this year?
Nope. We're busy trying to get the other person make the decision about whether we're going anywhere, trying really hard not to be pushy.



1. Do you remember your first crush? Did you tell them?
Well, seeing as my first crush was David Cassidy, uhm, no. My first person-I-knew-crush was Jim Phillips in 6th grade. No, I didn't tell him, but he was a 12-year-old boy, so really it was probably better that way!
2. Did you have a crush on a teacher? Which one?
There was one male teacher in my 5th-6th grade "pod" and he was mysterious and kinda cute for an old guy. But really, no, I never really crushed on teachers. They all reminded me of my siblings, since they were at least as old as the some of the teachers. ;-)
3. Do you still have crushes? Do you ever tell them?
I do, and no. It's more like mini-obsessions or mini-addictions. I'm over them fairly quickly.
4. What is your opinion of someone telling your crush object you have a crush?
Well, clearly I don't do it, but if it works out for others, good on 'em. Not my day to jury that particular behavior.
5. What does "having a crush" mean to you?
See #3 above. It's wrapped up in constantly thinking about whoever it is, to the exclusion (sometimes) of thinking about things that are actually GOOD for you, like eating, sleeping, and paying attention to work or your driving. In the worst cases, it can lead to sort of pre-stalking behavior.

1 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I liked the "Heat" portion. I'd rather be cold than hot, I think.

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