(Stolen, as usual, from Kwizgiver)
1. You are walking down the road and you look down. There is a bug. Do you step on it? I wouldn't go out of my way, either way.
2. What is one fantasy that you want to come true more than any other? I want Beast back on his feet with no pain.
3. Someone knocks on your door. Do you look out the window to see who it is before you open it? Do you open it regardless of who it is? Yes, I do look, because we have glass all around, and in, the front door. I would probably open it because the glass works both ways. However, if there is a way that I can avoid being seen by whoever it is (like, I'm upstairs, or in the kitchen), I'm actually quite likely NOT to go to the door.
4. Have you ever eaten Play Doh? Probably about 40 years ago.
5. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon as a child and why? I didn't watch cartoons on Saturday morning. Saturday morning was Cleaning Time. Mom did the house and I did--mostly pretended to do--my room. At noon, work stopped, whether it was done or not. But by then, cartoons were over too.
6. Are you a "people watcher"? Sometimes. I get accosted by so many weirdos at work, though, that mostly I try to hide from them elsewhere.
7. I have a bowl of fruit. There are apples, oranges & pears. You help yourself to one. Which one do you choose? Are they fresh from the orchard? If so, then an orange. Otherwise, I'd check the pears for a ripe one.
8. What is your biggest pet peeve in the blogging world? Spam comments.
9. What is one religion that you could just never see yourself joining? I don't think I'd be a very good Buddhist. I'm unlikely to do ANY fundamentalist religion (Judaism, Islam, or Christianity). I don't understand Taoism. I think I'll stick with the Presbys for now.
10. What word do you use far too often? What?
11. How long do you spend in the shower? However long it takes to get things done. Depends on whether I'm shaving, doing a long-condition of the hair, etc. If it's just soaping up hair and body and rinsing: 5 minutes.
12. If you were to write a personal ad about yourself, what would it say? I'd rather stay home alone every night for the rest of my life.
13. Your favorite flavor of soup is….? Chicken tortilla.
14. You are sitting on a bench in the park and a bug walks in front of your feet…. I'm unlikely to notice. Don't spend a lot of time looking at the ground when I'm sitting on a bench.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
#6 made me chuckle. I've got a ton of weirdos bugging me at school. (Imagine that.)
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