Saturday, March 31, 2012

Woo math work done

(from here)
no clue whatsoever about the title--it came with the meme

started 5:02 p.m.

How would you spend a lazy afternoon? Napping.
What kind of movies are you drawn to? Comedies, but not idiotic comedies. Musicals, and crappy action movies are ok too.
How often do you update your Facebook status? Some days it's every couple of hours. Some weeks it's twice.
What's the first thing you'd want to see if you visited New York City? Ellis Island. Well, actually BIL, and then ELlis Island.
When you feel stressed, do you take things out on the wrong people? I try not to, but I have my moments.
Do you even wear any jeans other than skinny anymore? Of course I do: I'm 48. I don't even OWN skinny jeans.
Do you shop at Plato's Closet? Nope.
Do you know who Stefan Abingdon is? Nope. And y'know what? I don't even care enough to Google him.
Do you go more for a classic or a sexy look? I go for a comfortable look.
Jeans, mini skirt, or leggings? Jeans.
Ballerina flats or oxfords? Yes, but not at the same time, of course.
Hooded sweatshirts or cardigans? Whatever I find first.
What did you talk about at lunch today with your friends? Uh...I ate just before sitting down to talk to Sparky on the phone. Beast ate WHILE we talked to Sparky. So...this is not exactly a normal thing though; I try NOT to talk to people while I'm eating lunch (at work).
What's something you do in your free time a lot? This.
Are you sensitive to caffeine? Not so much. hah
Have you ever been ice-blocking? Again--not bothering to Google, and no.
Have you ever had a Wishing Pearl? WTF? No.
Would you rather live in Austin, Boulder, Brooklyn or Portland? Boulder. Need you ask?
Who is your favorite actress? Julia Roberts. And Annette Bening. And Meryl, naturally.
How do you usually get around? Uh...pretty well? Better than Beast, for sure.
If you had one night to live, what would you do? Sleep. OK, no--I'd probably call everyone I know like.
Which languages do you wish you could speak fluently in? Aramaic.
Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? Beast is too chivalrous to say that.
Have you ever tried yoga? Yes.
Are you very flexible? I have NEVER been "very flexible" and I'm not even "remotely flexible" nowadays.
What would be the band line-up to a concert at your design? Oh, I don't know. I'd love to see Melissa Etheridge in concert, and Dolly Parton. Different concerts.
Do you have any tattoos? Nope.
What position do you usually sleep in? Horizontal, and curled.
If you had to get glasses, would you prefer Juicy Couture or Ray Bans frames? I would prefer to pick frames that fit my face and don't cost a fortune.
Do you count calories or just eat whatever? The latter.
Have you ever been cyber-stalked? No clue. If so, it was by someone who didn't really bother to hassle me.
Have you ever cyber-stalked someone? Yes, and yet I didn't hassle them.
Do you like Vitamin Water? Never tried it.
What do you think about Kim K@rd@shi@n*? I try VERY VERY HARD not to think about anyone in that family.
Can you speak any French? Nope. I can read it, some, though.
When you've had a long day, what do you do to relax? Read, bathe, sleep.
Do you like to dress up? Not really.
Do you think too little or too much? Depends on the topic.
=) or =]? :-)
What's the view from your bedroom window? The street, the trees across the way, a cell tower (much better than the water tower that was taken down a couple of years ago.
Are you currently feeling resentment towards anyone? I was going to say no, but I resent (thought that's not strong enough) the company Beast has been dealing with for work; the people there are horrible people.
What's your main email's domain? I used gmail.
Have you ever read anything by Shakespeare? Of course I have.
Do you know anyone with the last name Green? The first boy I remember having a crush on had that last name. I can't think of anyone I've known personally since then.
What color is your front door? Blue-gray on the outside, white on the inside.
Do you think it makes guys look kind of girl-ish when they wear scarves? Only if they are carefully draped.
Favorite yogurt flavor? I'm not a huge fan of yogurt, so as long as it's not plain or peach, I'll probably eat it.
Do you smoke? Only when really really angry.
How do you feel about what's going on in Japan? What's going on in Japan?
Have you ever visited anywhere said to be haunted? I used to live in a house that, by rights, should have been haunted. There was no sign of it there though.
What would you say you waste the most time on? This.
Would you rather make-out or cuddle? Yes.
When you make pancakes, do they always sort of come out scrambled? Uh? The problem I have with pancakes is the last few are almost always burned. Oh well.

break to make dinner; restarted 5:38 p.m.

How many people signed your latest yearbook? I could go upstairs and get it off the shelf and see, but as I recall that wasn't really done in college, so ... not many. If any at all.
Can you name five adjectives describing you? Can I name them?? I can list some: Intelligent. Conscientious. Goofy. Overwhelmed. Lazy.
Do you prefer long or short hair on the opposite sex? Don't care, as long as they take care of it.
Would you swap your first name for your middle? Hmm. I might. Nahh, it sounds too old. ;-)
Would you rather have 10 siblings or be an only? I kind have both ends of this going on. I think I'd rather be an only.
What is your favorite soda? Diet Dr. Pepper
Who is your hero? Several members of my family, Beast, and Nelson Mandela.
What is your opinion on legalizing drugs? I have no problem with legalizing pot. The others I have very mixed feelings about.
Do you drink coffee on a regular basis? Nope. I regularly do NOT drink coffee.
Do like country music? Some of it is fine, some of the time.
Even or odd numbers? I like even numbers better, generally.
What did you want to be when you were five? Older.
What country has your heart? Well, the US I guess.
Do you attend school dances? I don't anymore.
What is your favorite carnival attraction? I like the midway. The people are astonishing.
Is there a radio station you're partial to? Not really. Jack went off the air, so now I listen to the hard rock station when Sparky (or Beast) is in the car, and books on CD when I'm by myself. Occasionally, I'll tune into NPR.
Are you afraid of black cats? Only because I'm allergic to cats.
What is your favorite color? Blue.
Do YoU hAtE iT wHeN pEoPlE tYpE lIkE tHiS? Yes.
Have you ever done something illegal more than once? Yes.
If you could marry any celebrity, who would it be? I wouldn't want to be married to anyone famous.
What is your opinion of Finland? I have no opinions about Finland.
Can you swim? Nope.
What are your fears? Uncategorizable.
Do you watch the lightning during storms? Sometimes.
Who did you sit with during lunch period when you were in eighth grade? Judy, Laura, Teri, Nora... in the nerd corner.
Do you like House? Nope.
What is one thing in this world that can always make you smile? Baby giggles.


which one do you prefer?
lollipops or gum? Gum
america or britain? America
strawberries or bananas? Bananas
spider-man or batman? Batman
rocks or stones? Rocks
may or october? October
17 or 92? 17
scared or humiliated? Scared
bunny or rabbit? Bunny
tan or burgundy? Burgundy
tropical or temperate? Temperate
rabid dog or rabid raccoon? Rabid raccoon
vamps or werewolves? Werewolves.
insomniac or nocturnal? Insomniac

have you ever...
jumped off a house? WTF? No!!
swam in freezing ice water? Can't swim.
been attacked? Mostly verbally.
been made fun of? Hello, I'm 48. Yes.
cried for no reason? There's always a reason.
been out of the country? Yes.
thought about death? {{eyeroll}} ...yes.
gotten seriously injured? Nope.
gotten bit by someone? Yep.
screamed bloody murder? Yep.
been to a concert? Yep.
eaten snow? Yep.
killed anyone? Not... yet...
hurt someone physically? Yes.
made someone cry? Yes.
played with matches? Yes
been on a plane? Yep.
been to jail? I've been to jail. I haven't been in jail.
laughed so hard it hurt? Yes, but not for a long time.
read a book? ...holy shit! Yes.
tasted blood? Yes.
cried yourself to sleep? Not for a very long time.
physically hurt yourself on purpose? Not directly. I mean not to the extent of getting out a knife or shooting heroin, but in other ways...yeah, sometimes.
gotten revenge? Life's a great equalizer.
broken a promise? Yes.
been to church? Uhm, yeah.
hidden a part of your personality from the world? Yeah.
blown a bubble (from your gum) while underwater? I. Can't. BLOODY. SWIM!!
ran into a pole? Huh, yeah.
been extremely bored? Yup.
played chess with a stranger? Nope.
made a wild concoction and ate it? Yup.
had a sad dream and woke up crying? Yup.
lost a soul you loved? ...yes.
fell out of a tree? I don't think so.
lied about your age? Never needed to.
been food poisoned? Yes.
gone over Niagara Falls in a barrel? No. I don't think that's likely, even if I could swim.

when's the last time you...
got kicked or slapped? On purpose? Several years. It's possible that Sparky did this at some point in the past 10 years.
talked on the phone? About 3 hours ago.
played a sport? I don't do sports.
gone to camp? Never.
stayed home sick? Earlier this winter.
baked a cake? November...?
sang aloud? Last time I was in church.
listened to music? Wednesday night at bell choir.
saw the snow? February.
got in a fight? A physical fight: last time Sparky & I fought (about 4 years ago). Verbal: a few weeks ago.
videotaped? I don't do this very often.
saw a friend? One is sitting here in the room with me finally.
went in a hot tub? Oh, good heavens...5 years ago?
headbanged? Earlier I get a headache, so it's been decades.
got a headache? ...nice timing. I have one right now, a small one.
tripped or fell? Earlier this afternoon.
got hurt? Daily.
ate froot loops? Within the last month.
smiled? A couple of minutes ago.
laughed? Earlier this afternoon, while talking to Sparky. What a goof.
flipped someone off? Oh, months and months.
swore out loud? Daily.

do you like...
gum? Yup.
drums? Yup.
britain? Yup.
tigers? Yup. I wonder if I'm allergic to them.....
blood? I appreciate its existence, and it doesn't bother me that much.
waiting? NO!
telling people off? I don't enjoy it after the fact, but it does feel good. I try not to get that worked up anymore though.
labels? No.
winning? Who doesn't love winning.
competition? Yes. Iron sharpens iron, to quote a friend.
sunlight? I live for sunlight.
night time? Yes.

just answer the questions...
what was the last book you've read? Last one I finished was The Scottish Prisoner
what was the last movie you watched? I can't remember. Bridesmaids? Maybe
when’s the last time you sang jingle bells? Christmas-time.
what kind of music do you listen to? My taste is pretty eclectic.
if you got to be the age you are in any year what year would it be? Now.
what’s your name? Cat.
do you like marshmallows? They're ok.
what’s something that pisses you off? Mean people.
what’s your pet peeve about yourself? I'm lazy.
how do you spell doughnuts/donuts? I haven't used the "gh" in eons.
do you have a cat? I am a Cat.
how many more days until school starts? For me? Hopefully never.
where are you? On the sofa.
do you have any current cuts or bruises? Just in my cuticle area.
when’s the last time you went to the beach? About 3 years ago.
who's the last friend you saw? Beast, still sitting across the room from me.
what was your first favourite band? Hmmm, I played the HELL out of Simon & Garfunkel's "Bookends" album for about 6 years.
are you chewing gum right now? Nope.

stopped to eat, restarted at 6:34

1. What is your name? Still Cat.
2. What would you like to be called? Cat.
3. What do you sometimes make people believe that you are called (for instance 14-year olds called Friedrich)? Cat.
4. What were you supposed to be called? Cat.
5. How long did it take you parents to figure out your name? They didn't choose my name.
6. What were you called before your now-name? The Surprise.
7. How old are you? 48
8. How old would you like to be? 28
9. How old do people actually believe you are? No idea; ask them.
10. Which country do you live in? USA
11. Which country would you like to live in? USA
12. Do you go to school? Nope.
13. Do you have a job? Yep.
14. Do you have any interests? Nope. {eyeroll}
15. Do you care? Yes.

16. Who is the last guy/girl you kissed? Beast.
17. Where is the strangest place you have kissed a guy/girl? In a Pinto going 60 mph on a freeway.
18. Who was that with? Beast.
19. Have you ever fallen asleep in a guy's/girl‘s arms? Yup.
20. Have you ever asked a guy/girl if (s)he knew your name? Yup.
21. If so..did (s)he know it? At some point, yes.,
22. Are you considered a slut? Doubtful.
23. Do people have a reason to consider you a slut? No.
24. Do you consider yourself to be a slut? No.
25. How many times have you actually been a slut this year? Uh, zero?
26. Do you like robust guys/girls? "Robust"? lol Actually, roflmao.
27. Who is the most robust guy/girl you know? I can't stop laughing....
28. What do you consider great hair? Clean, styled...brushed and combed at least.
29. Do any of the guys/girls you have messed with lately have great hair? hee hee hee
30. Who has the best hair of the guys/girls you know? Oh, hell, I don't know.
31. Who is your Daniel (a guy/girl you can talk to about everything)? WTF? "Daniel"?? I guess that would be Amy, or Jen.
32. Do you have a crush on B?rd? Who? (not Googling)
33. Did you actually have sex with that guy/girl your friends and the rest of the world thinks you had sex with? (Be honest!) Nope.
34. Did any of your friends call you to ask if you had sex with them, coz she and some others had discussed it at work? Uh, no, I clearly do not have skanky friends.
33. What guy/girl do you wish you'd never kissed? Kenny.
35. What guy/girl who you have known practically all your life, did you crush on? Kurt.
36. Was that a good idea? Uh, no. I heard, when I was in college, that rumors were spiraling around him regarding his sexual preferences. And he was a jerk most of the time I was in school with him (K-12)
37. What guy/girl do you like, but who all of your friends hate? Brad Pitt count?
38. What guy/girl do you like, who all of your friends like? Beast.
39. If you could take anyone to the prom, who would it be? {eyeroll] I'm not about to start attending proms now.
40. If you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be? I'm not really into the dating scene.
41. Do you find yourself attracted to dead guys/girls? No. ew
42. If so, what dead guys/girls do you have a crush on? I don't crush on dead things.
43. Do you find Morten Harket attractive? No clue, but his name is damn dorky.
44. Who has the best hair EVER? EVER? Wow. Uhm, Madame Pompadour is definitely up there. And Samson.
45. What guys/girls are you really embarrassed to have had a crush on? Stupid ones.
46. Do you like tall or short guys/girls? Tall, I guess.
47. Older or younger than you? Don't care.
48. Do you have a crush on anyone who plays in a band? Nope.
49. Do you actually know anyone who is in a band? Yes.
50. Who does your family think is your boyfriend/girlfriend? Most of my family think I'm married to Beast.
51. Who is actually your boyfriend/girlfriend? Beast.
52. Which guy‘s/girl‘s have you spent the night at? Oh, fuck right off...
53. Has a guy/girl ever spent the night at your place? I'm not 12, ok?
54. Which guys/girls could you never ever kiss, even though you like them and have nothing against them? Pretty much all of them.
55. Do you send out wrong messages to guys/girls? Doubtful.
56. If so, why? {{burp}}
57. Do you have a secret crush on someone that will shock the rest of the world? Oh, yeah, you know it.
58. Do you sometimes beat up your friend's boyfriend/girlfriend? WHAT the HELL?
59. Do guys/girls always tickle you? No.
60. Do guys/girls always lift you up? Really, I'm going to throw up.
61. Would you ever kiss a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend, ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or crush? Yawn.
62. Do you have a habit of going into closets with guys/girls? Wow, whoever did this is weirder than Bud!
63. Do you usually have serious talks with guys/girls? No. I never, ever say ANYthing serious to ANYone.
64. Do you listen to old songs, for instance Cliff Richard - Living Doll, with guys/girls?
65. Have you ever kissed a guy/girl that your friends don't really like at all, coz they have a reason for it, coz they have known them for 10 years? ...and then I told her...wait, what? I asked...what? ... I told her to reclass that in -072...
66. Have you ever kissed a guy/girl that you have known for 10 years or more? Well, yeah.
67. Would you? Well, yeah.

68. Do you know what you are doing tonight (presuming this is a Saturday)? Oddly, it actually is a Saturday. We're watching shows we DVR'd this week.
69. Do you usually know what you are doing at the weekends? In a general sense, yes.
70. What do you usually do at the weekends? It varies widely.
71. Do you hang out a lot in other towns thatn your own? "Hang out"? Not so much hanging out oging on in my life.
72. Do you often get drunk and throw up every time, even though you haven't been drinking that much? Nope.
73. If not, do you know someone who does? I do, unfortunately.
74. Do you drink a lot? Nope.
75. If so, what do you drink? When I drink I drink Stoli, or white wine.
76. Do you have to drink a lot to get drunk? Not anymore.
77. Do you have a strong stomach? Not when it comes to alcohol.
78. Do you sometimes throw up spring rolls through your nose? Gah
79. If not do you know someone who does? No.
80. Do you often call people when you are drunk? Nope.
81. Have you ever thrown up while drinking, and then fallen asleep? Yuck, no. ...Uhm wait, yeah, 27 years ago I sorta did this.
82. Do you think your friends who drink are stupid? The ones who can't handle it, yes.
83. Does your mother know what you are actually doing at the weekends? Oh yes, I think she has a VERY good idea.
84. What are you doing next weekend? It's Easter. You do the math.
85. What do you usually do when you are drunk? Go to sleep.
86. Where do you usually party? I don't "party."
87. Do you go to clubs, or are you just too young? "TOO YOUNG"??
88. Have you ever bought alcohol, even though you weren't 18? Nope.
89. Do you usually act like a slut at parties? Nope.
90. Do you eat at lot when you are at parties in other people's houses? Nope.
91. If so what do you usually eat? Whatever they've got, I eat, but not any more than I would normally eat.
92. Do you clean up the mess you have made, or do you make other people do it? I usually don't mind helping clean up.
93. Or do you just pretend to be asleep on the couch or stay in a room with some guy coz you don't want to clean up? Hello, I'm not 12. No.
94. Do you usually make new friends at parties? I talk to people, but "make friends" might be stretching it.
95. What new friends have you made lately? Hmmm. There are a couple people at church.

96. Do you think that techno is pure shit? No, I do not.
97. What kind of genre do you prefer? I like almost every kind of music, in moderation.
98. Do you like heavy metal? Not my favorite, but I can listen tod it.
99. What is your fave band? U2
100. What song describes you the best? "Georgy Girl"
101. Do you really like that band that you know, or are you just saying it coz you have a thing with one of the guitar players? Fuck right off, again.
102. What is your fave song ever? "Amazing Grace"
103. Do you sometimes find Axl Rose attractive? I used to wonder how he could possibly be attractive. Now I just think I was insane.
104. What Norwegian band is your fave? I don't "like" bands because of where they are from.
105. Do you like the singers, the guitar players, the bass players, the drummers or the keyboard players the best? I like the bassists or the singers generally.
106. Do you know a really cute bass player? I... ahem I'm not chuckling again.
107. What band does your sibling listen to? No clue.
108. Do you hate it? Since I don't know what they are listening to, I have no idea.
109. What is your fave decade, as far as music is concerned? Oh, I like several, for several reasons.
110. Do you think that the hair bands of the 80s were cool? They were then. Now, not so much.
111. What is your fave hair band? Bon Jovi.
112. Have you ever been to a gig? Uh, yeah.
113. If so..what? Oh, please.

114. What kind of movie genre do you like? I like GOOD movies....
115. What kind of movie genre don't you like? Shitty, stupid, over-manifactured ones.
116. Does Steven Segal make you angry? No.
117. If so, why? So yeah, moving on....
118. Does Dolph Lundgren make you angry? No.
119. If so, why? Again, I'm moving right on....
120. Do you or have you ever crushed on Kevin Bacon? I did. He used to be cute.
121. If so? ...if so...what?
122. How many of the Friday the 13th movies have you seen? Zero.
123. Do you think that all of the actors in Friday the 13th suck? I actually rather think they do, simply because they are in those movies.
124. Do you like old classic movies? Some.
125. Who is your fave actress of all time? Didn't we already do this?
126. Who is your fave actor of all time? Omar Sharif.
127. In you think men or women are better actors? I think good actors are good actors.
128. Do you believe that Marilyn Monroe committed suicide? Yes.
129. If not..why not? la la la....
130. Who do you like better, Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire? Gene Kelly.
131. Do you think it is stupid to buy a lot of videos? I kinda do, yeah.
132. Do you prefer Rocky or Rambo? I prefer to stick my hand into a fire rather than subject myself to either.

This survey:
133. Do you think that the person who made this survey must be mentally disabled? No. Well, young, but not disabled.
134. Did you think this survey was stupid? There were moments, yes.
135. Do you think it was too long? Yes.
136. Do you think it contained too many stupid questions, for instance about closets, coz who goes into closets with guys anyway?? There were a lot of stupid questions.
137. Do you really care? No.

Finished @ 7:32 p.m.

*edited 5/15 to block searches on this term --gah

2 sweet-talkers :

amy said...

It is now my goal in life to make spring rolls come out your nose.

Cat. said...

Good luck with that: my nose is NOT that big. :-P

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Sweet comments from sweet people

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