Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Not My Year Meme

1. Are you in a job that you truly enjoy?
I really love my job, though of late there are some aspects of my work environment that annoy the crap out of me. And I seem to have a perpetually bad attitude about dealing with the public, which is a bad sign indeed.
2. If you could do any job in the world what would it be?
If I could have my own office with a lockable door and speakers on my computer (thus eliminating the need for headphones) and do my current job, I'd be pretty damn happy. It's either this or going back to my 19-year-old self's dream of becoming a long-haul trucker.
3. If you could be a character in a novel who would you be?
Recently, I have begun to identify rather strongly with Gregor Samsa. Look it up.
4. When it comes to spending time with those you love, do you think it should be about quality or quantity?
Yes, that is BOTH are important.

We took Sparky back to college yesterday after a very strange spring break. When he arrived at home, his dad was in the hospital, which he chose not to visit much. Beast came home last Sunday, but was wackadoodle from the meds he was taking. On Tuesday, Sparky had to take him to the pain doctor for a cortisone shot to his spine. And the rest of the week, while I worked, I was regularly asking for updates from Sparky about Beast's condition. The only really fun thing Sparky got to do was go to the midnight release party for Mass Effect 3 on Monday with a friend.

In spite of all of this, it was a good week with him, his attitude was absolutely fabulous, and the times we were able to be together were good.
5. Is there a job/career you wanted but realized you couldn’t possibly do for one reason or another?
Well, the long-haul trucking kind of went bust because of my serious lack of skill in the backing-up-vehicles department. I'm much better now with that, but it's taken me over 30 years to achieve that.
6. If you could live anywhere in the world or out of this world where would you live?
I would love to go "weird" on this answer, but all I can think of is that I'd love to have a small home in the San Juans of Colorado.
7. Where would you most like to visit and who with?
I'd love to go bowling in Canada with Amy one of these days.
8. Which skill would you like to learn?
I'm going to find someone to give me bagpipe lessons. I am! Eventually.
9. What made you laugh today?
I've only been out of bed for an hour. Nothing very fun(ny) has happened yet. Yesterday, when I was supposed to be doing this meme, I did laugh at church a few times.
10. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Right now, I'm looking forward to coming home from work tonight and tomorrow night (at 7 and 9 respectively) and not having to worry about Beast being 'broken' again. That's enough for me.
11. What is your sign and do you believe in horoscopes, etc.?
I'm a Scorpio, and while the part of the description that deals with anger and passion seems to be fairly accurate, I don't really 'believe' in the planets telling me anything about myself.
12. If you could change one thing about your life thus far, what would it be?
I probably wouldn't. My life today would be substantially different if I changed much of my past.
13. If there was one charity you could give a huge contribution to, which charity would it be and why?
The ONE Campaign.
14. Should smoking be legal?
Smoking IS legal. It's just not allowed in places where your smoke pollutes my lungs.
15. What are your views on the smoking ban in public places?
Speaking as an asthma sufferer, I'm all for it. Some of my favorite family members smoke(d), and even they did (do) their best to stop because it's a grody, unsafe habit.
16. Why do you blog?
Boredom? Really, it's to use up my daily quota of words, and to answer goofy questions. I haven't had a great deal to say on the other blog for over a year, and that upsets me, but I'm rolling with it for now.
17. Do you have a favorite author?
No, I hate them all.
Of COURSE I do! I'm a book junkie. I just answered this question in the past few days, though so I'll just refer you there.
18. Can you play any musical instruments?
I can figure out one-handed piano, and I played the flute and piccolo in high school/college. Haven't really done much of either in the intervening years.
19. What would your ideal car be?
Functional, high gas-mileage, fun to drive, and NOT gray, white, or black. ;-) I'd love to have a reason to have a chocolate brown Jeep Cherokee, c. 1975.
20. Describe yourself in one short sentence.
"Wow, she's a total train-wreck, isn't she?"
21. What do you look for in a spouse/other half?
At the risk of being trite or soppy, someone who is good at things I'm not good at, and someone for whom I can be the same. Also, humor and intelligence is required.
22. Worst meal you’ve had?
There've been some recipes I've tried over the years that just did not work out right, that neither Beast nor I could choke down. I can't think of one specific one right now, but overall, I'm not really that fussy, so it has to be pretty damn bad to make me stop eating.
23. What do you do to relax in the evening?
This. Or read, do Sudoku, watch TV.... Sometimes I even have time for a long bath.
24. Do you get along with your siblings?
Those who are left, yes. I really enjoyed time spent with the two that are dead, but my oldest sister and I have gotten much closer in the past decade or so. I used to worship my brother, but he has become a thorn in my side as I've gotten older. Still, we get along fine, as long as we all play our roles appropriately.
25. Do you have any regrets?
Is there ANYone over the age of, oh, 3 years, who can answer this honestly in the negative?? Of course I do. Daily. I try not to dwell on them, but there are days when they are all I can think about; yesterday afternoon was like that. I'm not a lot of fun to be around in this mood.

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I am so proud of myself! I did not have to look up Gregor Samsa.

Cat. said...


After reading a summary of the book, I've realized that I never finished it. I only meant the first few chapters in my answer.

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