Monday, November 28, 2011

Sunday Stealing:

(Link in meme-roll)
The Bud is Back Meme

1. Why did you sign up for writing your blog? This one is just to keep a handle on the memes I do. I'm closing in on 6000 posts, believe it or not, which means I'll be close to 6500 by the time I get to its 8-year anniversary.

2. Why did you choose your blog's name? What does it mean? Wellll, long story here, but the short version is that it's clever and punny.

3. Do you ever had another blog? "Do I ever had???" What the fuckety-hell? I'm not even gonna answer this because of the phrasing of the question. I've had my fill of unintelligible in the past 24 hours.

4. What do you do online when you're not on your blog? Facebook. Games. Email. Twitter, though not consistently, and not lately.

5. How about when you're not on the computer? According to everyone I know, I'm NEVER not on the computer! It's surgically attached. But actually, I do read and do crosswords and clean the house and drive the car, and assorted other things. Oh, and sleep.

6. What do you wish people who read your blog knew about you? Oh, it's all in there. What you need to know is published. What I don't want you to know, I don't tell.

7. What is your favorite community in the blogosphere? Depends on the day. I can't really pick one drop-dead favorite, except my own little coterie of memes and friends.

8. What is your philosophy on your blog layout? Clean and readable. I used to make changes regularly, but I'm too lazy now.

9. Tell me about your picture you use to represent you on your blog. I live in the US Midwest; the picture on my blog looks like the Midwest in my favorite season, fall.

10. Pick 3 random blogs from your blogroll and tell us about them. On this site I'll go with Patrick's Place, which does weekend memes but also posts 2-3 times a week on other topics of interest. He's smart, savvy, and goofy in the way I'm goofy (read that however you like). Booking Through Thursday is a meme I love in concept (memes about books), but never seem to actually DO on my site. Sigh. And of course WTIT, which is just hoot--never fails to make me smile at the very least.

11. What features do you think your blog should have that it doesn't currently? Spellcheck. ...what? Wait, there IS a spellcheck on Blogger? But I have to USE it? ...Bummer.

12. What do you consider the 10 most "telling" interests that we would infer from what you blog persona? Another question written by someone who doesn't know how to use English words. I really don't have a clue what this is meant to say. What am I interested in? What do I talk about most? If you want to know what I've talked about most, go down on the sidebar to Labels to see what I've talked about since Blogger started allowing us to do labelling.

13. Do you have any unique interests that you have never shared before? What are they? Probably, but I can't think what they are, at least among those I'd actually share online.

14. The best thing about blogging is all of the friends that you make, Beside from those folks, do you think your blog has fans? OMG, really? I want to shoot myself over these questions, and I'm only 2/3 through!! I supposedly have 24 sorry, 28 followers. Don't know if that constitutes fans.

15. What's your current obsession? What about it captures your imagination? My current obsession isn't a good one, so I'm going to move on after saying it's not imaginary and it's pissing me off.

16. What are you glad you did but haven't really had a chance to post about? Well, ok, not totally horrid but more than a little confused. I'm glad I gave birth, I'm glad I went to Russia and China 25 years ago, I'm glad I got married...haven't blogged a lot about any of these things, among others.

17. How many people that first became a blog friend, have you met face to face? ...sigh... About 2. There are a couple of others I would meet up with in a heartbeat if they were within "meet-up" range.

18. What don't you talk about here, either because it's too personal or because you don't have the energy? Here's some circular logic: if I answer this question right now, I would therefore be talking about stuff I don't want to talk about here.

19. What's a question that you'd love to answer? "How hard do you want to hit the person who originally wrote these questions down?"

20. Have you ever lost a blogging friendship and regretted it? I regret lost friendships and connections for multiple reasons across the board. So, yeah.

21. Have you ever lost a blogging friendship and thought, “Was that overdue!” Only the Unmentionable Word who bashed me on my own blog, thus leading to the Standards of Behavior tab on the blog. Then again, we weren't actually friends to begin with, so....

3 sweet-talkers :

amy said...

#3 just made me choke on my own tongue. Wonderful!
#14: I am a fan. You can consider me a fan, anyway.
#19: Could we have an answer to that hypothetical question, please? In fact, I'm curious to know how hard you hit, when you hit. Hypothetically.

Cat. said...

Kinda like the sound of "fuckety-hell" when I say it out loud.

I'm your biggest fan!

Hard. In this case, really hard. Hard enough to hurt me when I connect.

Kwizgiver said...

I am so stealing "fuckety-hell" from you! :-)

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