Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday Mayhem

(Link in meme-roll)

1. In your opinion, what does Labor Day mean to you?
Wow. I'm just going to answer the question because I can't believe what you did there. Up until this year, Labor Day was sort of a silly, historical, three-day-weekend kind of holiday. After the events last spring in Indiana, Wisconsin, and elsewhere I'm a little more aware of what unions have done for our country and how important they are today.
2. How much was the minimum wage when you got your first job?
$2.85 was my hourly salary for the first year I worked at age 16. It went up to $3.35 (I think) after that, but I wasn't around long for that. My next job was about $3.75...and I think the minimum wage pretty much stayed there for the next decade. At least. How retarded is that?
3. What was your first job--as in real actual employee-job?
I worked at my local library as a shelver/shelf-reader. One of my sisters and my brother had worked there before me.
4.What was the best job that you ever had?
I like my current job. A lot. I do NOT necessarily love it each and every day, nor do I like some of what's going on the big picture right now, but the work I do...yeah, I love that.
5. What was the worst job that you ever had?
My first full-time job was insane. I learned so much in a short time, a lot of which has taken awhile to unlearn. My boss was crazy (as in Locked Ward Crazy....twice). The location was beyond strange. By the way, my starting wage there was $10/hour. I thought I was rich. I'd just finished grad school at age 24.
6. Describe your dream job.
I love looking at minutiae, plugging through rules that organize and coordinate things, I like looking at new books (and other media), I believe strongly in the mission of public libraries, I like talking to people about random things and learning random things... What's not to like about my job!?
7. Who has the best job ever?
Anyone who enjoys what they do and feels lucky to be doing it.
8. How do you usually celebrate Labor Day (or whatever holiday your location may have that is devoted to workers)?
Hang loose. We don't usually 'celebrate' it so much as we just crap out and do nothing. That pretty much sums up today; I went to the grocery store, did some straightening up, napped, played Facebook games, talked to Sparky on Skype, washed dishes (by hand and machine) and put them away....

1 sweet-talkers :

EMTWench said...

Here are my answers:

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