Friday, August 26, 2011


(Link in meme-roll)
Burger King's mascot and the mankini just aren't normal

1) The 12th edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, published this month, has 400 new entries including the words sexting, cyberbullying, jeggings, and mankini. If you could create your own word to add to the dictionary, what would it be and what would its definition be?
I would remove jeggings, and webinar. I don't think we need to add much, but it should at least not be anything ugly like those two. {{shudder}}
2) Summer's Eve, the company that sells feminine cleansing products, has a new advertising campaign that promotes the vagina as all-powerful, the cradle of life, the center of civilization, and the thing men battle over. "Hail to the V," the company says. What is your reaction to this ad campaign?
If it's so wonderful and all-powerful, why the hell does it need Summer's Eve products??
3) Burger King announced last week that it was retiring its mascot who peeped into windows and popped up next to people in bed in commercials. Some people found the king creepy. What did you think?
I am one of those who found this king creepy and couldn't get a handle on how his creepiness was meant to convince me to venture into a BK. In fact, I've stayed away as much as possible from BK for the duration of this campaign.
4) The people in the Burger King commercials were happy when the king showed up with breakfast. How would you react to him showing up at your house?
There is not a doubt in my mind that I'd call 911. If there were a gun in the house, I would probably shoot on sight.
5) Actor Jim Carrey posted a video love letter to actress Emma Stone on his blog this week. If you were to post a love letter to a celebrity (whether it's serious or a joke), who would you write it to?
Bono, George Clooney, Robert Redford, Helen Mirren...people who have accomplished something beyond making money and turning themselves into caricatures.
6) Jim Carrey is 49, and Emma Stone is only 23. How big can an age difference between a couple be before it becomes too creepy?
I think that gap is way more than enough. Personally, I think anything over about 10 years is weird, and 15+ is downright odd. I mean, the fact that you're dating someone who was in the midst of adolescence when you were born, effectively could be your parent...that's ooky to me.
7) Hurricane Irene is wreaking havoc on the East coast. How would you feel if a hurricane shared the same name as you?
I anticipate that someday it could happen. My name starts with a letter in the first half of the alphabet, so...yeah. It would be annoying for the duration of the hurricane, but after that probably no big deal.
8) What is your definition of "normal?" (I will let you choose what type of "normal" you post about.)
Beast is on the road, or not. I am listening to headphones at work and buried in things to catalog. Sparky is...well, now, "normal" is Sparky is at college (sniffle), and Ruka is pretending to be terrified of us.
9) An Associated Press movie critic has listed her five favorite high school comedy movies -- "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," "Rushmore," "Sixteen Candles," "Election," and "Heathers." What is your favorite movie about life in high school?
I'll go with Heathers, since that really IS my favorite movie. "If I have to sing Kumbaya one more time..."
10) This weekend the comedy "Our Idiot Brother" opens in movie theaters across the United States. Have you ever had to help a relative out of an idiotic situation?
Every time the ads for this movie run, Sparky turns to me and says, "That movie is about you and your brother, isn't it? The name is even right!" Yup.

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