Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Heaven Eleven Meme

1. If you could live in any other time period, which would you pick?
Realistically, the only time period I would survive in would be the future. I'd be dead at least twice by now if I lived any time before about 1960.
2. What is your favorite topic to write on your blog other than a meme?
Of late, the only things I've been blogging are the books I've been reading.
3. What are some traits that you admire in a lover?
Conscientiousness, self-awareness, kindness, strength (physical and character), humor....
4. Could you adjust to life in another country?
Depends on the country, innit? Canada would be manageable, so would most other most-English-speaking countries. I could probably do all right in Spain, Italy, or Mexico, in a city, but I'd need serious tutoring in Italian.
5. If you could study anything, what would it be?
Early church history and polity and ancient Greek.
6. What is your favorite possession that cost less than $15?
Most of my favorite possessions cost less than $15. The most recent one is the pair of mugs Sparky got us for our anniversary, which he bought on the mission trip in June. I was virtually certain he wouldn't even pay any attention to our #25, but he did, which made the fact that the mugs are hideous less important.
7. Which color do you wear most often?
Brown. Bummer, I hate that. Oh well. I guess I wear a lot of blue as well, though.
8. What has been your “theme song”, or favorite song this summer?
Don't think I've consciously been aware of a theme song, but it's been such a crazy summer that any song that encompassed it would be impossible to listen to: mission trip, packing a kid for college, stress through the roof, Beast's back going out, FIL deciding to go into Hospice... Can you just imagine this song?? Is there a song called "WhatEVerthefuckEVer!?"?
9. What's the most romantic thing that's ever been said to you?
"I love you" is a good standby, I guess.
10. What would be your dream birthday cake?
Buttercream icing, white cake, GO!
11. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?
Oh, hell, I dunno. Probably all looks cooler to other people than to me; I think I'm pretty damn boring and nerdy.

3 sweet-talkers :

I am Harriet said...

That is a good standby.

Have a great day!

Join us for Monday Mayhem

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

That would be quite the theme song! LOL. This week's victim goes down as the craziest one ever...So far.

Kwizgiver said...

Nerdy = Intellectual Badass!

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