Saturday, July 2, 2011


(Link in meme-roll)
Starting the weekend with a firecracker Friday

1) This weekend most people in the U.S. will be celebrating Independence Day. Have you ever been injured in some way by Fourth of July fireworks?
Nope. I stay away from fireworks (actual and metaphorical) as much as possible.
2) I'm going to buy you a $100 gift card to a restaurant, but there's a catch. It either has to be a fancy restaurant where $100 may not even cover the cost of one entire meal for you and another person or a cheap fast-food restaurant where $100 could provide you food for several weeks. Which would you choose -- the fancy restaurant or the fast-food place?
Probably fast food. I can always get salads there, right? lol
3) Will you be watching any fireworks this Independence Day? Or will you be setting off any of your own?
We can see fireworks from 6 or 7 communities from our backyard. See my answer to question #1 about our own fireworks behavior.
4) If you could take home any animal from the zoo, which would it be and what would you name it?
Uhm, no thanks. There is a reason most of those animals are kept away from humans.
5) If you were made into an action figure, what accessories would be included with you?
A pillow and a laptop.
6) I've noticed that Facebook has totally become my way of keeping tabs on people who are no longer in my life. Have you ever used a social media website to "cyber-stalk" an ex-lover?
A-yup. Unfortunately, most of my exes have really common names so it's pretty hard to stalk them. In fact, my son had a teacher last year who shared the name of an ex. THAT was pretty weird.
7) Saturday (July 2) is "I Forgot Day." What is something you'd like to permanently forget?
Some of the ridiculously stupid and/or mean things I've said to people over the years.
8) I grew up right across the street from a cemetery, so graveyards are like a second home to me, but I know that's not how most people feel. Do cemeteries make you uncomfortable or are you okay being in one?
I love cemeteries!!! It would be awesome to live next to one. Talk about peaceful!
9) You can flip a switch that will wipe any band or musical artist off the earth. Who would it be?
I could easily say goodbye to Rush without a second thought. Presumably ALL copies of their songs would go with them?
10) You have one week to do whatever you want, all-expenses-paid, what things would you want to do?
Sort out ALL my photos and get them organized. I'm not asking for finished scrapbooks, but I'd love to have all the pictures in chronological order and labelled. After that, I could finish my mom and dad's files and memorabilia. Should probably do these in reverse order, actually.

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

Those are the best Super Hero accessories.

amy said...

If you ever want help with #10, let me know. I'll take a week or two off work and submit myself to be your labeling slave. I *love* doing stuff like that! (Remember how eager I was to do the post-Christmas pack-up?)

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