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The Fifteen Movie Questions Meme
1. Movie you love with a passion. Heathers. Or Dr. Zhivago (with Omar Sharif). RHPS.
2. Movie you vow to never watch. At this point, I'm willing to forego the dubious pleasures of any involving Seth Rogan until eternity.
3. Movie that literally left you speechless. The Piano.
4. Movie you always recommend. Home Alone. Good for everyone in the family, always brings the laughing. But only the first one.
5. Actor/actress you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie. Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts. They are comfortable, comforting, friendly, not "starry."
6. Actor/actress you don’t get the appeal for. About 98% of them.
7. Actor/actress, living or dead, you’d love to meet. Lauren Bacall.
8. Sexiest actor/actress you’ve seen. (Picture required!) This changes on nearly an hourly basis. Depends on what's going on in my life, and theirs, and so forth. And, please, do not demand things of me; I tend to react badly when people get bossy. {scowl}
9. Dream cast. [I immediately went to the fishing meaning of 'cast.' I think that may be answer enough.]
10. Favorite actor pairing. Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock. I don't know why, but they just make me laugh, even just the thought of them together.
11. Favorite movie setting. The final scene in Heathers.
12. Favorite decade for movies. Oh, hell, I dunno. NOT the current one, for sure.
13. Chick flick or action movie? Depends. I don't get to see much in the chick flick arena, but they sound so repetitious in reviews, as do the action movies. Perhaps this is why I don't go to the movies...?
14. Hero, villain or anti-hero? Hero, in the true "literary" sense of the word. Hard to explain. I don't like the whole "HERO" thing that movies usually have, but I want a perspective on the action, a point of view.
15. Black and white or color? Color.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
I like your answer for #14. I really get it.
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