Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday Stealing BONUS

(Link in meme-roll)
The MONDAY Bonus Holiday Meme

1. If the moon were to be mistaken for a celebrity, who would it be?
I dunno; ...Selena Gomez? [No, I don't know why.]
2. What's a ghost to you?
I don't know any ghosts at all, so they are no one to me.
3. If you had to do anything with your sworn enemy, what would it be?
I don't have one of these either, so I guess they'd have to hang with my ghosts.
4. Oh no, Marge Simpson got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say to the aliens to get her back?
I think Marge is more than able to take care of her own self, and perhaps being with the aliens will give her a much-needed rest from the men in her family.
5. Have you ever had lunch together with your neighbor?
Uhm, no, not lunch. Dinner, though, yeah. I've had dinner with several of them.
6. If you had to pick your own personal theme song, what would it be?
More than likely it would be a Weird Al song....
7. Describe what's sexy to you.
Self-confidence, not cockiness, sense of humor, willingness to be a fool sometimes, and intelligence.
8. A vampire suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you do?
That would be shoocking, since I don't believe in real vampires. I don't really have a lot of deadly secrets, so {{shrug}}.
9. If had to have a role in a movie, what kind of character would you prefer to play?
Someone funny.
10. You have to read a coworker's (or friend's) very personal diary. You pick the person. Who is it and why?
I would love to know if V. kept a diary and read it now. She had a long, adventurous, amazing life.

2 sweet-talkers :

JonaBQ said...

oh yeah! maybe it'll be better for Marge to take a rest from her life sometime haha! :D
Sunday Stealing 1st entry

Kwizgiver said...

A Weird Al song what a choice!

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