Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
The Remedy (I Won't Worry)

1. What's the remedy for you to stop worrying?
Prescription medications. No, I am not kidding. I worry pathologically.
2. What is your favorite summertime beverage?
I don't really change much in the summer: still drink DDP. But I like lemonade and iced tea once in awhile too.
3. Do you use any freeware on your computer? If yes, do tell.
I use Chrome as my main browser at home, if you consider that freeware. Honestly, I would use it at work too if OCLC would support it.
4. What is one thing about your home that has to be just so or it drives you crazy when it comes to organization?
ha ha ha This is totally more about Beast than me! [long pause while I consider] The only thing I can come up with is that I hate when the house smells weird, like last night's dinner or whatever. I'm a big believer in air freshener and candles. I know that's not exactly disorganization, but it's all I can come up with. There are so many battles I've simply stopped fighting: coats hanging everywhere, dusty floors, stacks of non-kitchen items on the kitchen counters, etc.
5. Is there a specific subject you're especially curious about? A person? A region of the world? An animal? A field of study?
I read more than my share of books on the history of Christianity as well as interpretation of scripture and stuff. And I'm a big nut about the Russian Revolution and ancient Egypt. And of course there is the whole library jargon thing, which I hate, but use to communicate among peers.
6. What do you consider your most interesting trait?
Uhm? Depends on how you mean the word "interesting" I think. Perhaps my sense of humor would cover all interpretations of it.
7. What is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life?
I don't like leeches. My brother found one while we were cleaning out the garden one spring and swung it around toward me (to show me, and to freak me out--he is a brother after all! lol). Couple that with the story in On the Banks of Plum Creek about leeches, and it cured me of ever wanting to see one close up. {shudder}
8. Who do you want to yell at to "get a grip!"?
So many people from whom to choose. I'd start with people who bitch because their reserves at the library aren't placed right--like, seriously, can you honestly expect to watch 5 seasons of a TV show in two weeks?? That's why we didn't place holds on all five seasons at once, you moron! And, mind you, THIS is a Board Member. OK, then I'd move on to people like me who get far too upset about things like that. ;-)
9. What do you wear to particularly look great for a party or event?
I don't care how I look for a party, as long as I'm clean and dressed approximately like everyone else. I am one of the apparently rare women in the world who couldn't give a shit about clothes.

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I didn't think of Chrome as being freeware, I just found an iPad app for it and use it there, too.

And I think you have a wicked sense of humor (using the New England meaning of wicked)!

I am Harriet said...

Didn't know so many of us were Chrome lovers :)

Have a great weekend!

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