» Fifteen Random Favorites «
- Babies
- Sugar
- Giggling
- Reading
- Crosswords
- Blogging
- Sleeping
- Driving
- Music
- Travel
- Fires in the fireplace on cold nights
- Old musicals
- Thanksgiving
- Singing
- Hugs
- Frosted sugar cookies
- Bread
- Pasta
- Pizza
- Fruit pie
- Wedding cake
- Chicken tortilla soup
- Whipped cream
- Chicken crunchwrap (Taco Bell)
- Arby's curly fries
- Arby's cheddar beef sandwich
- Fortune cookies
- Honey
- Almonds
- Bones
- Law & Order: SVU
- Ghost Whisperer
- Mythbusters
- Deadliest Catch
- American Pickers
- Football games
- NASCAR races
- The Weather Channel
- U2
- Melissa Etheridge
- Beatles
- Joan Osborne
- Queen
- Nicole Mullins
- Billy Joel
- Pet Shop Boys
- CeLo Green
- Black-Eyed Peas
- Los Lonely Boys
- Big Head Todd and the Monsters
- Coldplay
- Mom sitting on the edge of the bathtub while I swore I really was going to throw up
- The canal boats in England
- Dropping Jesse on his face, bursting into tears and running out of the room
- Bringing Sparky home from the hospital
- Telling my brother he's an asshole
- Lake Baikal
- Nathanael
- Tom at the bottom of the stairs senior year of college
- Playing jacks on the (old) front porch
- The phone call about my dad's death
- Having walking pneumonia
- Beast
- Jenny
- Amy
- Trud
- MH
- Gail
- The Redneck
- Paul
- Marla
- Velma
- Youth Sunday
- Graduation
- Grad parties
- Helping Amy move
- Mission Trip
- Being done with youth group
- Teaching Sunday School
- Not being sick
- Sparky heading to college
- Catching up at work (ha ha ha)
- Turning 50
- Glasses
- Earrings
- Deodorant
- Perfume
- Underwear
- Outerwear
- Cell phone
- Chapstick
- Intentionally stupid people
- Not being trusted
- Negativity
- Headaches
- Restless legs
- Eating more than I know I should
- The price of gasoline
- My glasses
- The sheets on my bed
- My face
- My hair
- Dr. Pepper
- Various and assorted floors
- Fiddler on the Roof
- Heathers
- Dr. Zhivago (the Omar Sharif version)
- Caddyshack
- Jacks
- My brother's Matchbox cars
- Jumprope
- Barbie and other dolls
- My high school boyfriend
- Ken
- Beast
- Sweetest Thing -- U2
- Barcelona -- Freddie Mercury
- Beast
really interesting countdown survey
Ten things I wish I could say to people:
- I hate these interruptions.
- Shut the FUCK up. Shut up NOW. Really. NOW!!
- Yes, you really are the most negative person I know.
- You know, I really am competent. Why can't you trust me?
- You were a lot more fun when you weren't so bitter.
- Guess what, the world doesn't revolve around you.
- If you knew you needed this today, why didn't you ask about it yesterday? Or even before that?
- Do you really know what you're doing? Yeah, no, you don't.
- Isn't it remotely possible that you're wrong once in awhile? Like, lots.
- I'm sorry. For all of it.
- I weigh 60 lbs. more than I am comfortable weighing.
- I want to take piano lessons again.
- And bagpipe lessons.
- I miss having a dog. Every day.
- I really enjoy being OCD about certain things.
- People who didn't know me before the past few years wouldn't believe how totally wacked-out I was before.
- I love babies, but I couldn't ever do childcare as a career.
- I don't believe in hell, at least not as a location/place/future address for anyone.
- I procrastinate on EVERYthing.
- Listen to me.
- Don't make fun of me.
- Be kind to others without being aware that I'm watching.
- Feed me good food.
- Exercise with me.
- Cry for others.
- Know your way around a hardware store.
- Flirt with babies and small chidren, in public.
- How far behind I am at work.
- My lack of accomplishments at home.
- Getting stuff sorted out before Sparky heads to college.
- What can I do to help Beast?
- Yardwork. OMG.
- The next few weeks. Specifically, getting through them and being where we need to be at the right time on the right days.
- Worrying about FIL.
- Wash my face.
- Brush my teeth.
- Do a puzzle, or read.
- Put in earplugs.
- Get rid of one pillow.
- Take off my glasses.
- Kenya
- Egypt
- Australia
- Hawaii
- Alaska
- Jeans.
- Tie-dye sox.
- OSU hoodie.
- Underwear.
- U2
- Michelle Shocked
- Melissa Etheridge
- Be sure Sparky is safely launched.
- Play with more babies!
- I like being smarter than most people. But I really like that most people don't know that.
a countdown from fifteen
[ 15 things that make you smile ]
- Babies
- Justin (@ church)
- Teenagers when they've really relaxed
- Squirrels
- Birds, in the spring, looking for girlfriends
- SUN!
- Sleeping in and waking up without an alarm
- Arriving at a destination
- Giggles
- A job well done
- Absurdity
- Good food
- The happiness of people I love
- Looking through old pictures
- Reading a good book
- Screaming babies
- Screaming parents
- Stupidity
- People cutting me off in traffic
- Negativity Not being able to sleepFeeling lousy
- Other people (those I like) feeling lousy
- Whining
- Selfishness/Self-centeredness
- Not following through
- My weight
- Being wrong
- Being let down by others
- Clothes
- TV
- Computer
- Incredibly annoying things
- Water
- Diet Dr. Pepper
- Bathroom stuff
- Pills
- Kleenex
- Food
- The inside of my eyelids
- Books
- Learning Greek
- Learning Hebrew
- Skydiving
- Flying a plane
- Driving a semi
- Driving a motorcycle
- Learning to play bagpipes
- Driving across country alone
- Going to a movie alone
- Coin collecting
- Volunteering with Red Cross
- Going hunting
- All the various family Bibles I own
- This computer
- My Nook
- My glasses
- My car
- The scrapbooks I made
- A couple of pairs of earrings: the ones I got on the Hastings Battlefield site mostly
- The rocking horse
- Mom's china
- Cousin Bill's painting
- Beast's CPAP
- Red Lake Indian Reservation
- Woodstock, VT
- Moosehead Lake, ME
- Moscow
- Outer Mongolia
- Ydra
- Low Row, Yorkshire
- Las Vegas, NV
- Bristol, TN
- Houston, TX
- Sugar cookies
- Honey
- Bread
- Pasta
- Almonds
- Chicken
- Pizza
- Tiramisu
- Fresh fruit
- Sleeping
- Feeling healthy
- Reading a book
- Taking a bath
- Getting some work done (at work)
- Doing a puzzle
- Finishing this meme
- Sitting in the sun
- Cell phone
- Computer
- Flares
- Books
- Sunscreen
- Matches
- Go to the doctor
- Get sick
- Grieve
- Get old
- Apologize
- Argue
- Sparky
- Beast
- Jenny
- Amy
- Col
- Being found out
- Failing
- Earwigs
- Looking stupid
- Tired
- Vaguely hungry
- Unwell
- This summer's mission trip with the youth group
- Sparky's departure for college
- Let me help!
10 Important People
- Beast
- Sparky
- Jenny
- Amy
- Walker
- Trud
- My boss
- Pastor P
- Idiot St. Louis dude
- U2
- Melissa Etheridge
- Nicole Mullins
- Billy Joel
- Gogol Bordello
- Queen
- Joan Osborne
- Beatles
- Mika
- Liver and other organ meat
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cooked cabbage
- Cooked cauliflower
- Raw or stewed tomatoes
- Peanut butter cookies
- Dried coconut
- Anything bug-related
- Babies
- Giggling
- (some) Music
- Other people's joy
- Comedians (good ones make me laugh out loud)
- My clumsiness
- Puppies
- Being cranky
- Being bossed around
- Stupidity
- Computer problems
- Knotty problems that I need to resolve
- Negativity
- Food
- Air
- Water
- My glasses
- Dr. Zhivago
- Citizen Kane
- E.T.
I don't listen to the radio so I have no idea.2 Heroes
- Millard Fuller
- Desmond Tutu
- Anxious
1 sweet-talkers :
I swiped part of this.
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Sweet comments from sweet people