(Found here)
Once again, I have no clue about the title; it certainly doesn't mean anything to me!
01. What is the most perverted thing someone has ever said to you? I've worked in public libraries for over 20 years. I've heard everything, including being told fairly recently by a guy who was supposedly boinking one of my coworkers that I have a nice butt. Nice, eh?
02. When was the last time you were touched emotionally? I don't know, perhaps at the wedding on Saturday, or at the burial ground Sunday, but it's really hard to tell sometimes through the Zoloft fog.
03. What was the last magazine you read? I guess that would be E Weekly from two weeks ago.
04. Do you like cocker spaniels? Sure. Dogs are cool, though cockers aren't my favorite. Kinda barky, very dandery.
05. Do you like being out in the rain? Nope. I've worn glasses for almost 40 years and I remember as a child I loved being in the rain. Glasses ruin that.
06. Do you have a secret crush on anyone? Not today.
07. Do you suffer from eczema? Not often. I've had it, but my sister really does suffer from it.
08. What period do you find most interesting, Victorian or medieval? Medieval. So foreign, so similar to today. The Victorians just annoy the hell outta me with their hypocrisy.
09. If you were going to a fancy dress party tomorrow, what would you wear? Something I bought tomorrow.
010. Who do you email the most? Beast. Or possibly M. @ work.
011. Don't you think that lemon flavoured toothpaste sounds disgusting? Heh. I could get used to it, as long as it isn't SWEET lemon.
012. Who was the last person who cooked for you? I made dinner tonight: pork chops and Rice-a-Roni.
013. Do you like bad boys? Nope. They irritate me.
014. Have you ever worn a crown or a tiara? Probably threw on a tiara as a joke at some point, and I've had BK crowns on occasionally over the years.
015. If not, would you like to? ...meh
016. What's your favourite flavour of Pringles? I have always LOATHED Pringles. They taste awful regardless of the 'flavor.'
017. Who was the last person you couldn't stop thinking about? My sister Jean.
018. Do you bite your fingernails? Yes. Sorta.
019. What is something you do when you're alone? Sleep. Read. Blog. Facebook. Not much different than when I'm not alone.
020. How many drinks does it usually take for you to get drunk? Well, I found out that 2 vodka gimlets over a couple of hours puts me out.
021. What were you doing at 4 PM yesterday? What time zone? At 4 this time zone, I was eating breakfast. At 4 that time zone I was boarding the plane for last leg of our trip home.
022. Have you ever tried to climb something but fell off? I grew up in the mountains. Falling is bad. Having said that, I have fallen up stairs so many times in my life it's not even funny.
023. Have you ever tripped in public whilst alone? Is there really anyone who hasn't?
024. If so what did you do? Blushed, kept walking.
025. Do you resemble anyone famous? Not that I'm aware of.
026. What brand is your hairdryer? Conair? I don't know, actually.
027. Would you date a guy shorter than you? Probably. Though I suspect Beast would disapprove.
028. Could you live without sex? Yep.
029. Do you like babies? Yes, I do. In case anyone hadn't noticed.
030. Do you dog-ear pages of a book or use a bookmark? I don't very often dog-ear, because I usually have library books. If they're my own, I will dog-ear the book to death.
031. Name three things that are on your bedroom floor: three rugs, a pair of sox, a plastic box of puzzle books, etc.
032. What was the last thing you dreamed about? Don't remember. Pretty sure I didn't dream the last time I slept.
033. Who makes you laugh the most? In general, kids make me laugh.
034. Are you stubborn? Yes. It's genetic.
035. Would you rather be a Goddess or a Princess? Goddess. I loathe Princesses.
036. What scent is your deodorant? No scent; it's a mineral thing I'm trying to use up.
037. Name three people you dislike: There really aren't three specific people that I dislike. I dislike, in general, blowhards, dickheads, and selfish people.
038. Do you believe in past lives? Not really.
039. If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be? Wouldn't.
040. What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? I watched an amazing dance video (NOT on YouTube though) today.
041. Do you actually pass on chain letters? Nope.
042. Can you wiggle your ears? Nope. My dad could, though.
043. Do you like your voice? Yeah. Not always thrilled with my accent, though.
044. Can you do any good impressions/voices? I can do some accents, but not anyone famous.
045. Are you scared of horses? Uh, well...kinda. They are a little, y'know, large.
046. What is your favourite weekday? Monday.
047. What two specific colours best reflect your personality? Blue and white, I guess.
048. Does it annoy you that some people don't like others because they are vegetarians? I wasn't aware that this is an issue. Vegetarians are just hard (for me) to cook for. Otherwise, I don't care.
049. What do you think you take for granted? Beast.
050. Do you think sex is an important part of a relationship? I think it's important if it's a sexual relationship. I don't have sex with everyone with whom I have relationships, though.
051. Are you taller than your mum? I am at least 5 inches taller than she was at her tallest.
052. Who is the youngest person in your family? My niece's baby is only 17 months.
053. Do you have a close relationship with your Dad? I do.
054. Do you know anyone who is dying? Aren't we all? But yes, I do. Several people, actually, are on the short track, it seems.
055. What do you think you look like without make up? I never wear makeup, so....
056. What was the last newspaper you read? The Observer.
057. Who was your most memorable teacher? Good-memorable: Miss Fitz. Horrible-memorable: D!ck Blue.
058. Would you ever experiment with an Ouija board? I did. One memorable time, I was spending the night at a friend's house, we were sleeping in the family's camper doing the Ouija when her older brother and a few friends started rocking the camper.
059. Who was the last person you hung up on? I don't know anyone I've been hung up on lately.
060. What physical feature do you get complimented on? ...can't think of anything.
01. Are there any songs on your iPod that you don't like anymore, but don't want to delete because of the memories attached to them? This concept is extremely foreign to me.
02. Who's your favorite character on the last TV show you watched? I like the Hillstrand brothers on Deadliest Catch (we're watching it now).
03. What's the most adorable thing you've seen recently? Been some pretty cute kids around lately. Also, the speeches at the wedding Saturday were kind of cute.
04. Black and white or sepia? REAL sepia.
05. How do you feel about the song "Kiss Me" by Sixpence None the Richer? Now that I don't hear it every 10 minutes, I like it.
06. Are your subscriptions ordered by the date you subscribed to them, by the date they last updated, or alphabetically? My subscriptions to ... what? If I knew what this was referring to, I'd tell you. Generally, though, I work toward alphabetizing.
07. Tell me something silly you believed when you were a little kid: The whole baby-making thing was weird.
08. When you have to solve an algebraic equation, do you use X, N, or some other letter? Whatever.
09. Assuming you know what The Game is, who taught you the rules? Presumably my friends. My parents were clueless.
10. Have you ever had a guitar solo stuck in your head? Probably.
11. Do you know anybody who owns a grandfather clock? Yup.
12. What was the last thing you drew on MS Paint? I haven't used MS Paint in at least a decade.
13. How old were you when you joined your first social networking site? Mid-20s (Prodigy), so about 1990.
14. Do you ever save any of your AIM or MSN chats? The site saves them; I don't make a point of copying them, though I used to.
15. What's your favorite vowel? I sorta like I and A.
16. When was the last time you had a headache? Sunday.
17. Are mashed potatoes better lumpy or smooth? A wee bit lumpy is fine, but not big lumps.
18. Have you ever been to FailBlog.org? What did you think of it? Yup. Addicting.
19. Does it bother you when survey makers separate questions that could've been combined? A bit.
20. Have you ever eaten a chocolate covered coffee bean? Yaaack. No.
1. Last time you had sex? ...Recently.
2. How do you keep your hair "down there"? I keep it clean.
3. Ever have sex outside of a relationship? By definition, no.
4. Most embarrassing period story you have to tell? I haven't had a period in 14 years, thank God, and I've forgotten most of the horror of that, except for the first few.
5. Favorite sexual act (ex. blowjobs, fingering, etc.)? Entirely dependent on so many things...
6. Ever taken naked pictures of yourself? Nope.
7. Do you like/love anyone right now? Yup.
8. Spit or swallow? Again, this is rather dependent on a lot of factors.
9. If someone paid you to have sex with them, would you do it? What if it was for a million dollars? Probably not.
10. Ever did something sexual while under the influence? Of course.
13. If a taken person pursued you and you were interested, would you do anything with them? Nope.
14. Have you ever cheated or been cheated on? Nope.
15. What's your cup size? B
16. Do you have any self-esteem issues? Who doesn't? But again, dependent on the incident.
17. Last time you cried, and why? Saying goodbye to Sparky a couple of weeks ago.
18. Are you on any medications? What kind? Zoloft and Levoxyl, and an OTC allergy pill.
19. What method of birth control do you use? Don't. Use anything, I mean. That's the joy of a hysterectomy + monogamy.
20. Ever tried drugs or alcohol? ?? Yes ??
21. Ever drove drunk? Nope.
22. Ever did anything sexual at work? Well, I've kissed my husband goodbye at work....
23. Ever met someone from the internet? How did it go? Yes, but only friends. It went fine.
24. Ever have an online significant other? Actually, yes. Totally not real, just fun.
25. Is there a secret you're hiding from everyone? Of course.
26. Ever been to a therapist? A few times.
27. Worst break-up you ever had? PLOCK
28. Are there any friends you have that you secretly despise? Wouldn't this make them, um, NOT friends?
29. Ever gave someone a lapdance? Nope.
30. Ever liked two people at one time? Welcome to adolescence.
31. Is there someone you're lying to at the moment? Nope.
32. Would you sleep with your boss to get a raise or a promotion? My boss doesn't swing that way, and no.
33. Do you plan on going to college? Not any more.
34. How many kids do you want in the future? We have one. That's enough.
35. What age do you want to get married at, if at all? Got married at 22.7 years.
36. Will you take your partner’s last name, have them take yours, or just both keep your last names? Maybe combine them? I added Beast's last name to mine.
37. Would you use an online dating site to find a partner? I might, though again Beast wouldn't be happy.
38. Ever been engaged? Yup.
39. Ever been called a bad kisser? No.
40. What color eyes did the last person you kissed have? Pretty sure they're still hazel.
41. Would you ever pierce your genitals or nipples? Nope.
42. Is waiting for marriage to have sex a good idea to you? Yup.
43. Do you masturbate? Not too often.
44. Ever masturbated with something really weird (ex. a Sharpie or a hairbrush or whatever)? Well, I think this definition of 'weird' is weird, plus it reminds me of Billy Idol, so now I'm just giggling. Moving on...
45. Ever dropped someone's toothbrush in the toilet and didn't tell them? Yuck. No.
46. Ever heard/walked in on your parents having sex? No. Thank God.
47. If you had a hot cousin, would you have sexual relations with them? Probably not.
48. Ever fall for someone who was only supposed to be your friend with benefits? When I was dating, "friends with benefits" wasn't really a done thing. Or at least we didn't call it that. And no.
49. Ever had a friend with benefits? Yup. He's called my husband.
50. Opinion on casual sex? I'm generally agin it.
Sunday night
5 years ago
2 sweet-talkers :
I can't even start to explain why this made me laugh, but by the end there are tears streaming down my cheeks and my stomach hurts. Thank you! :))
Glad to be of assistance. lol
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