Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday Thunks

(Link in meme-roll)

1. Charlie Sheen is an idiot and will probably end up with his own stupid reality show that will get 40 million viewers the first day and then people will fall asleep and quit watching. What person, celebrity or not, would you watch every eppy of a reality show if they were the center of it all?
The only people I'd want to watch are those who wouldn't in a million years do a reality show. Which is why I'd wanna watch them; they'd be busy doing important stuff...not discussing tuna or doing pilates.
2. We all pay bills and wish we didn't have to. We all work and wish we could just lay around all day doing nothing. We all have those grown up responsibilities that we wish we could give to an African Elephant. Besides all the things the African Elephant got from you for the day, what is something from your high school years that you miss most of all?
Not being tired all the damn time. I think I felt tired sometimes then, but I'm practically exhausted ALL the time now.
3. Sometimes we want to grow wings and fly. What's the furthest you've fallen?
I have been fortunate never to have fallen further than a couple of steps up or down.
4. There is square bread, wheat bread, circle shaped bread, bread with nuts in it, funny named bread. When you open a bread bag, do you twist it when you are done or put the metal tie thingie back on? (And did you know that if you look at that metal tie thingie, it has a day of the week printed on it?)
Twist the plastic around, unless the bag is still pretty full. I do know that there is info written on them, but bread doesn't last long around here.
5. Some spoiled little brat (hey.. my opinion) called 911 on her teacher because he shook his own desk to get the students attention in the class. (I know, right?) Think back... what clever ways did a teacher of yours use to get the attention of the class or a particular student?
My high school history teacher threw eraser at idiots almost every day. Usually the same 2-3 people. Mostly he missed (on purpose); he connected just often enough to keep those guys on their good behavior.
6. Artwork, pictures, notes, appointments. How many magnets are on your refrigerator?7. Cats are fluffy, dogs are soft, snakes are leathery, fish are wet. What is an animal that you have held or petted that you don't think many people have had the chance?
I got about THIS close to a dog-wolf hybrid. And a liger. They weren't together, but they shared a zipcode, for sure.
8. I'm coming to your house to paint your kitchen. I'm bringing the paint. What color should I not have with me?
Pink. Leave the pink far away from me. Don't even think pink.
9. Snow falls down, sometimes sideways. It still ends up on the ground. If snowflakes came in all different colors, which color snowflake would fall the fastest?
Around here, a lot of snow actually doesn't end up on the ground--it blows elsewhere. I think black snowflakes would fall fastest, due to their extra weight.
10. We caved... well at least I did. Are you glad Thursday Thunks is back?
Yes. I am. I missed my good Thursday meme! Thanks, you guys.

1 sweet-talkers :

Ria said...

A liger!! That is soo cool. My daughter has one bright pink wall and 3 bright orange walls. After she painted them i realized it was almost exactly the colors pink and orange on a dunkin donuts cup. So now my husband says it's my fault for drinking to much coffee.

I told him better weird walls than tat's or piercings...

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