Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)

1. Do you take a lot of medication?
I take two prescription pills, one OTC allergy pill, and two (different) vitamins daily. Probably take an ibuprofen or Tylenol 3-4 times a week. Is that a lot.
2. Name one of your flaws and tell us about it.
I get somewhat over-passionate about things I care about. And then I tend to say/write things that get me in trouble.
3. Have you ever won first place? If yes, tell us about your victory!
I won a lot of competition stuff in high school either solo or as a member of a group, but I haven't really doing much competing on my own since then, primarily because I only compete with myself. I either also win or always lose, depending on the perspective. Examples of previous wins? First places in academic things, first places in band competitions, co-valedictorian, first chair over and over most of junior high and high school....
4. Who is the last person to make you smile? What was happening?
Beast suggested we watch something to make ourselves feel better about ourselves, and then turned on "Cops."
5. Describe a time when you should have tried harder.
I wish I'd've pushed a little more on teaching Sparky how to keep his room clean when he was younger. Too late now.
6. What are you best at?
I excel at memes.
7. If someone was going to make a movie or TV show about your life, who would play you and why?
With my luck, they'd hire Rene Zellwegger to play me because of the resemblance in the eye area.
8. Name 3 things that you think are strange.
Marsupials, people who believe anything they hear on Faux News, thundersnow.
9. What is one lesson you have learned in the past 12 months?
Don't count on your family living forever. [as if I hadn't already gotten with that program]

3 sweet-talkers :

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I am with you on it all, particularly on Faux News...

erer said...

Neat answers! Dropping by from S9.

Happy Meme-ing :)

Kwizgiver said...

I would second that you excel at memes! :-)

Your ring tone explanations made me smile.

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