Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)
The AfterLife Meme

1. Have you ever seen an angel? If not, do you believe in them?
I have not, and I'm ok with that. Have you noticed that biblical angels tend not to bring unequivocally good news? And the first words out of their mouths are usually, "Don't be afraid"? Yeah, don't think I need to meet an angel.
2. Tell us a real ghost story. Ever seen one?
Nope. Only on TV.
3. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
Nope. Thank God. I'm hoping for only the one at the end.
4. It is midnight in Heaven. You have just arrived. You are told that you can choose any kind of "Heaven" you want. What would that be?
What does midnight have to do with this? I'm sure my heaven will be 100% appropriate for me, and I have no idea what that means. I'm kinda hoping there'll be dogs.
5. You have come back to Earth as something or someone else. Describe that entity.
Hopeful it won't be any kind of insect. Wouldn't mind being a cat.
6. It is your first morning in Hades. What fascinating aspect of the underworld will you visit first?
I've already spent a lot of time in hell. Hopefully, after I die, I'll be done with that.
7. Scientists have just created a new pill that induces immediate immortality. You can live forever! What are you going to do with the rest of your life?
Memes, of course.

3 sweet-talkers :

Anonymous said...

#7 - LOL
and there better be dogs....

Durward Discussion said...

There was a lovely twilight zone about a man who died and the condition of his soul was somewhat in the balance. He avoided hell because his loyal dog had gone with him and when the devil in disguise said that heaven didn't allow dogs, the man said in that case he didn't want to go. Man and dog got to heaven together because of the dog's good soul.

Durward Discussion said...

Found the episode The Hunt

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