Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rock 'n Roll Fridays

(Link in meme-roll)

1. HANGING ON THE TELEPHONE : “You’ve got me hangin on the telephone…”
Have you ever fallen asleep while talking on the phone?
No, though I have come very close. Sorry, Briny. Not that he knew at the time.
2. ONE WAY OR ANOTHER : “One way or another, I’m gonna find ya. I’m gonna get ya , I’ll get ya…”
Where is the oddest place you agreed to meet someone?
Near an Underground station in a part of London I was (am) absolutely unfamiliar with.
3. PRETTY BABY : “Pretty baby, you look so heavenly. A neo nebula from under the sun…”
Post your baby picture here.
Nope. I was a cutie though. And I have a copy (finally), but it's in the office and I'm too lazy to faff about taking a picture of it and posting it here etc.
4. RIP HER TO SHREDS : “Check out those shoes. She looks like she stepped out of the middle of somebody’s blues. She looks like the Sunday comics, she thinks she’s Brenda Starr…”
Who did you last rip apart or gossip about?
Steve M. about his overly-football-fanboy-ish behavior on Facebook.
5. ATOMIC : “Oh, oh heart make it magnificent. Tonight , tonight….”
Do you believe in nuclear energy? If not, what type of power do you prefer?
Do I believe in it? Of course I do! I don't think it's a great solution; I'm more of a fan of solar energy, though if I depended on that around here in the winter I'd be fucking dead. So, maybe wind. In fact, Beast has discussed putting something like this on our roof--it's windy all the time around here.
6. PICTURE THIS : “All I want is a photo in my wallet. A small remembrance of something more solid. All I want is a picture of you.”
Are you into photography? What do you usually photograph?
I mostly take pictures on vacation or at special events, and they tend not to be fabulous except by accident.
7. DENIS : “Denis Denis I’m so in love with you. You’re my king. I’m in heaven every time I look at you…”
What is your favorite name that is used by both boys and girls (Example: Jean/Gene)?
Tony/i, though I'm fond of Sam as well.
8. UNION CITY BLUE : “Oh ho, oh ho, what are we gonna do? Union, union, union city blue. Tunnel to the other side. It becomes daylight.”
Are you in a union? Do you believe in them?
I'm not in one, and I have not been likely to join one or fight for one. They have a place, but I'm not that pissed off at my boss and the city. Not yet. Another few months and that could change radically, however. Not a day passes at work that I don't get annoyed/irritated/angry with my boss.
9. HEART OF GLASS : “Love is so confusing there’s no peace of mind. If I fear I’m losing you, it’s just no good. You teasing like you do…”
When was the last time you teased someone?
Beast and I tease each other all the time. I guess the latest would be his comments tonight on my computer use and my rejoinder re NASCAR.
10. DREAMING : “Dream, dream. Even fir a little while. Dream, dream. Filling up an idle hour. Fade away….radiate…”
What do you daydream about?
Cute boys, what else? ;-) Oh, yeah, and warm weather.
11. CALL ME : “Cover me with kisses baby, cover me with love. Roll me in designer sheets, I’ll never get enough…”
Should prostitution be legal? Why or why not?
I'm all for legalizing, regulating, and taxing the HELL out of it.
12. RAPTURE : “Fab Five Freddy told me everbody’s fly…”
Who is your favorite rap artist, or if you don’t like rap music, what about it do you dislike?
I like the Sugar Hill Gang, Eminem, and LLCoolJ. Does Kanye count? If so, then him too. And I like some individual songs by others, too.
13. EAT TO THE BEAT : “Hey you gotta tummy ache, and I remember sitting in the bathroom drinking up a seltzer. Eat to the beat…”
When was the last time you had a tummy ache and what caused it?
I was sick before Christmas with a stomach virus. I'd like to pass on the next few of those that come around, please. Not a fan.

3 sweet-talkers :

DJ KathyA said...

Eminem we agree! : ) I've met people near underground stations too...sigh...miss London. Aww c'mon and post the pic...late even. Thanks for playin my meme Cat. : )

Cat. said...

I'll get around to doing it eventually. Maybe this weekend...

Shawnna said...

Good answers Cat. I agree on #11. Yeah, solar power could be a problem during winter. Especially when it's a stormy year like this one has been.

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