Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Mayhem

(Link in meme-roll)
The Over-Rated

1. Name a restaurant that is over-rated?
Hooters. I don't like wings anyway, but...really?
2. What food is over-rated?
Well, wings, I guess. ;-)
3. Name an experience that you have had that is/was over-rated?
Childbirth. Fucking nightmare, also messy, embarrassing (though not at the time--at the time I didn't give one flying fuck), humiliating (due to the behavior of some of the health-care "professionals"), and ohyeah a LEETLE BIT painful.
4. What celebrity is over-rated?
99.98% of them. I can't actually think of one who isn't. By someone.
5. What movie is/was over-rated?
"Avatar" springs to mind for some reason, but really, see my answer to #4.
6. What famous person is over-rated?
What? Didn't we just do this? How is "fame" different from "celebrity"? Am I supposed to only think of Famous SERIOUS People this time? If so, then...uh...bin Laden.
7. Would you rather be over-rated or under-rated?
I'd totally rather not be rated at all. However, it's important that you don't underestimate me.
8. What or who is the most over-rated thing in the world?
Clean livin' takes all the joy out of life.
9. Is there something that your S.O. (spouse, etc.) likes a lot that you think is over-rated?
NASCAR, reading about science, arguing about sports, closing drawers and cupboard doors, keeping crap because "it might be worth something someday", pretzels.... :-)

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