Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
 Just What I Needed

1. Who was the last person who entered your life and was just what you needed?
Almost by definition it has to be a patron at work, because I don't think I've met anyone new elsewhere lately. Maybe the Robert Duvall fan yesterday? Although I suppose it could be argued that Sparky's new friend Jet (I kid you not) might count. He's funny, though VERY teenaged!
2. What is one of your fondest childhood memories?
When I was 10, my parents allowed me to fly from Denver to Casper alone to visit my sister for a couple of weeks. My nieces were 5 and 2. I don't remember much about what I did while I was there, but I was rather homesick even though I had a good time with Elizabeth. Katherine was 2--good for reading to and kind of annoying otherwise. So, yeah, not much has changed: she's still annoying and doesn't like to read.
3. What would you like to be doing in 7 years?
I would respectfully request a better boss than I currently have. Otherwise, that would be about the time I'd like to start thinking about grandchildren. Not sure what else. Will still be at least 12 years from the prospect of retirement, which is ok, because I do like my work. Hopefully, Beast's life will be MUCH less chaotic.
4. Tell us about a blogging pet peeve.
Hmm. Personally, I need to spell-check and proof my posts; I can't tell you how many errors I find after I hit the publish button. Other people? I get tired of hearing about how adorable people's kids are, people I don't know that is. If I know the kid, I don't mind (as much). Poor writing and lack of a sense of humor is a major buzzkill too.
5. Tell us about a general pet peeve.
Thoughtless, selfish people.
6. For one day, who would you like to trade places with?
Obama's office assistant. Interesting people all day and getting to be "in on" stuff. But only briefly.
7. Where is your least favorite place to be?
I hate anything involved with medical issues, and that runs from making appointments all the way through figuring out insurance afterwards.
8. What do you like about fall?
Crunchy leaves, the tang in the air, no humidity, fewer bugs....
9. If you or someone you know are chronically late, do you believe it's the result of poor planning or choosing to be late?
Poor planning. I think some people (ahem, me, ahem) self-sabotage at times because they don't want to be at the meeting or whatever, but generally it's not exactly a plan just disorganization.

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

What a great person to swap with for a day. I wish I 'd thought of that.

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

The reason that I use Firefox is that it automatically spell checks. Which really is good when I comment. It just told me that "spell check" was not one word...

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