Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Five

(Link in meme-roll)

1. Do you have pets? If so, name them all and describe them!
Sparky has a guinea pig named Ruka.
2. A dangerous situation is happening and you spot an animal trapped, probably too afraid to get to safety. It could be a raging flood or crumbling cliffs and the animal could be a dog or cat - or perhaps your own family pet. Would you make an attempt to save them?
I would be way more likely to help a human in that situation than an animal. Look, I love animals, but if things are dire I am going to definitely be doing the self- and loved-one-protection thing first.
3. Even if you would or would not make an attempt, let's say you somehow get to the poor animal but circumstances change and you can't get back to safety. Maybe in the raging flood, you walked on something that finally broke free. Maybe the steps you used upon the crumbling cliffs had given way. Help has finally arrived in the form of a helicopter but they say they will only take you to safety and you must leave the animal behind. Would you or would you not?
See previous answer.
4. There have been situations where people have tried to rescue dogs and cats but got stuck themselves. Do you think the rescue officials have the right to sue people who decided to help but ended up getting stuck themselves?
How much more dangerous have I made it? Honestly, sometimes it's just better to keep your mouth shut about how you ended up where you did unless asked specifically.
5. The questions were to make you think about the value of an animal's life. Did it help you rethink a few things or did it just help you hash out what you already feel?
Nope. I know precisely where my line is, thanks. My brother's a firefighter, and I am the weirdo who walks into a hotel room and checks the map on the door for the nearest exit. Besides, we live in Tornado Alley, so I'm pretty clear on what to grab in emergencies. Ruka ain't really on the list, unless I'm just hanging in the basement during a siren.

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