Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall Meme

(swiped from Kwizgiver, who swiped it herself...and so it goes)

Have you turned the heat on in your house yet this fall?
My understanding is that Beast turned it on yesterday to burn off the dust while all the windows were open. We haven't needed to use it for heat yet, though.
Do you allow your pets on the furniture?
When we had a dog, and when she was allowed in the house, she was hard to keep off the furniture! Ruka occasionally runs the couch, but not very often; he gets too excited and poos. However, nowadays, it would be silly for me to allow most other animals on our furniture since I'm pretty much allergic to all of them.
What were your final words for September?
I tend not to talk to manmade time constructs (heh), but I was glad, as always, to see October arrive. Last Facebook post was freakin' behind at work.....
What are your first words for October?
OK, clearly I'm two weeks late on this meme.... My first Facebook post of the month was‎
"We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindness there is at last one which makes the heart run over." --Dr Samuel Johnson
Do you think you’ve ever seen a ghost?
Nope. No floaty white things drifting past. Perhaps some personification of memory in other forms, but no ghosts.
What is the one color that represents this time of year?
I can't choose one color. One of the reasons I like fall is the different colors of leaves: dark green, brown, yellow, light green, red, orange...all along the roads and paths.
Which of your senses do you think is most sensitive this time of year?
Touch. Less humidity + more temperature changes=more feeling.
What is your favorite thing to do at the county fair?
Ours happens in early August, and my favorite is the 4H exhibits and the animals. I also like the races and demo derby kinds of things, and the funnel cakes. We haven't gone in a few years though. Maybe next year.
What do you like when you have a cold?
Sleep, soft kleenex, and Sudafed.
Are you willing to spend over $100 for a piece of winter clothing, like boots or a coat?
I don't think I ever have, not quite, but if I loved it and it would last till I was 90, I might.
What do you have too much of in your kitchen?
Clutter. It never really goes away, even when I clean.
What gripes do you have about this time of year?
I'm going with Kwizgiver's answer: it doesn't last long enough! This year has been exceptional, however.
Other than yourself, are you responsible for getting anyone ready in the morning?
Not anymore. Sparky gets himself ready. Frankly, he's always gotten up with the sun, so it hasn't been an issue for years. Sometimes I have to remind him to do some basic morning stuff, but he's usually pretty reliable nowadays.
When was the last time you cleaned your gutters?
Our trees are nowhere near tall enough around here to be messing with our gutters. I think Beast looked at 'em last year, though. He's OCD about some stuff.
So, it’s after Labor Day. Will you still be wearing white?
I've never really paid a lot of attention to this, but I don't own a lot of white clothes in any case.
What shows are you most looking forward to this Fall?
The NCISes, CSI, CSI:NY, Survivor, TAR...and Hawaii Five-O. Do you see a theme? I'm really mostly excited about football season, to be honest.
What three things have you just not gotten around to from the summer, but probably should do before snow flies?
All our windows need washing, inside and out. It would be lovely to have the gardens tidied up, but they sorta fell by the wayside this year in a HUGE way. I'd like to have my truck looked at: I think the clutch may be dying, or at least slipping.

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

What's TAR?

Cat. said...

The Amazing Race....

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