Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday Thunks

(Link in meme-roll)
What's in a Name?

1. We are changing your name. You have no choice. You get to pick it, but we must approve it. You must have a good reason. Ok, what is the name and reason?
Jo Hainault [spelled differently, though]. It's based on my mom's name. Sorta-kinda.
2. I say Shotgun, you say?
"Where are we going that you're calling shotgun?"
3. We are sending you away. Africa or Mexico?
Oh, jeez. This isn't easy. For how long will I be 'away'? Do I get to pick precisely WHERE? Because there are some places in Africa I'd love to visit, but I actually speak Spanish.
4. When you're home alone, do you still close the door when you use the restroom?
Usually not, especially if I know Sparky's in school and Beast is out of town, i.e. there's not a chance anyone will wander in.
5. Berleen told me that I have to ask a mean question. Tell us about a horrible memory.
Childbirth sucked.
Moving on....
6. What are your plans for October?
Stay alive. Lose some weight (again), if I can get back on that wagon. Visit three colleges with Sparky. Buy candy to pass out on Halloween. Maybe attend the local satellite Rally for Sanity.
7. Is there anyone that you regret ever meeting ?
Not really. I have learned a great deal from almost everyone. Maybe a few library patrons that were BEYOND annoying, like the guy who called to tell my boss that I'd sworn at him on the phone; I'd said something about "screwing up" which I guess if you were born in 1915, would perhaps be 'swearing' if you're a complete asswipe. He looked so much like Orville Redenbacher that I stopped buying that brand of popcorn.
8. You have 3 months left to live, what do you do?
Update my will, find a place to be buried or scattered, PLAY, travel to some of the places I'd wanted to do, write letters to people to read when I'm gone. Clean? Naaaahhhhh.
9. You wake up in an unfamiliar place, what is your first reaction?
Put my glasses on. Hey presto: not so unfamiliar after all!!
10. Your phone rings at 4am, just before you kill this person, who do you expect it would be?
OK, I'm unlikely to kill anyone because either a) it's a wrong number so I'm unlikely to know who they are, or b) it's bad news from someone in the family.
11. You're having a bad day, what one thing can make your day better?
Taking a nap. At home.
12. You are doing a meme written by the blogosphere's shadiest character. Is there anything else that you should be doing right now?
Right before I read this, I said to Beast, "Once I finish this meme, I will go clean up the kitchen and put the food away." Seriously. No guilt in my life, eh?
13. If money were not a problem, (and it never is, right? Yes, I stole this f$%*ing question. Sue me.) where would you like to live?
In the mountains in Colorado, in a relatively small, but quirky, house not very near any neighbors, but with OUTSTANDING Internet access.

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