You've Got Mail
1. From whom did you get your last e-mail?
I guess that would be the email I forwarded from work to my Gmail account about church stuff. Before that, it was something at work about the Children's Department. Whee.2. What is the most recent movie that you have seen in a theater?
I haven't sat in a theater for a movie in a long time, clue. It was, I think, with Sparky?3. Have you ever seen a ghost?
Not that I'm aware of.4. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry?
Oh for FUCK's sake...the timing on this...yeah, oh yeah, that plus a bunch of other painful things.5. What are you most afraid of?
The same things I always say when I'm asked this question in a meme...6. What do you do when you are bored?
This. Facebook stuff. Read. Sometimes I even just sit and stare into space.7. Other than the author of this mess of a meme, whose blog are you most curious to see their answers?
Whoever I've got time to go read, I suppose. I'm not overly social in this way.8. Name three thing from your bucket list.
Ain't got one.9. Who was the last person who complimented you on how you looked, that actually was a surprise?
Hmm. Not sure. Honestly, no clue whatsoever.10. Do you remember Berleen?
Uhm, I remember her name. Never actually met her F2F.11. What was the last concert that you attended where the band was much better than you imagined?
The opening act U2 had the last time was so much better than the one they had the time before that. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the good band, just the crap one.12. What’s the next band you’re either planning to see or want to?
I think my concert days are pretty near done. I don't enjoy the crowd thing.13. What were the last things do you imagine that Kimber threw off the roof?
Her shoes? Does she throw things off the roof on a regular basis? If so, she oughta move here; she'd fit right in in my town.
1 sweet-talkers :
Berleen took it as my attempt to humiliate her to host again. But she did do this meme this week. It was more of my point. I'll write it, but you could at least do it. She's a riot and puts up with me...
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