Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Majorly Personal Meme, Part The Last

41. What are your plans for this weekend? Pretty much doing them right now. FIL is coming over this afternoon for a bit, so I need to hit the store for 'tubular meat products' and side dishes soon, but otherwise...yeah. Boring. I may actually get around to bringing up some family archives to work on tomorrow (gasp! horrors!); it's been over a year since I looked at that stuff.

42. Do you think someone might be thinking poorly about you? Why might that be? Sure. It happens, probably because I can be a pain in the ass to some people sometimes.

42. What features don't you have that you would like on your cell? I would love internet access. But it would probably be a pretty bad idea for me to have it.

43. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? Two.

44. What are you hoping happens by the end of 2010? Sparky gets accepted into a school or two, and we have our spring travel plans sorted out.

45. What was the last video you watched on YouTube? Haven't 'tubed in awhile. Saw some funny stuff on this week, however.

46. Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone? Nope. Or at least, it would be extraordinarily unlikely unless my life changed pretty dramatically. And, frankly, if it did, open relationships would be the VERY last thing on my plate.

47. Is there something that you could never give up? Breathing. I hear that giving it up is very bad for the health.

48. Would you, (or did you) prefer a small, intimate wedding reception, or a big-scale, over-the-top reception? We had a small one. I think it depends on how many people you know in either venue. They suck big time if you don't know anyone else there.

49. What’s bothering you right now? Not much. Kind of annoyed that Bath & Body Works stopped making my favorite lotion....

50. Do you hate anyone? Nah. WAY too much energy waste in that.

51. What were you doing at 12 am last night? Just turning off the light to go to sleep.

52. Was this summer a good one? How warm was it where you live? Up until last Thursday it was FUCKING HOT every day. That is wonderful. I love hot.

52. Is the last person you kissed before your current situation mad at you? That was over 25 years ago--if he's still mad, I'm kinda glad we didn't stay together!!

53. Can a man and woman be friends without having feelings for each other? I can't be friends with anyone without feelings interfering. Isn't that what friendship is, after all?

54. Do you think long distance relationships work? If you’ve had one, tell us about it. It worked (works?) for me, although to be fair it was (is) only long-distance some of the time.

55. Do you know why it’s called “Random Boredom“? Why what is called "Random Boredom"? In general, "random" is the word of the moment, though fading a bit.

56. Do you thing [sic] that it’s always the man’s responsibility to initiate sex? Fuck no!

57. Have you ever made love while you were in the same room with another couple? Uh...hmmm, dunno. Don't think so. Not exactly, at least.

58. Tell us the best thing about your current or most recent S/O. Beast is the rock of my life: he keeps me from floating off into Never-Never Land.

59. Tell us the worst thing about your current or most recent S/O. He can be a bit of a bore. lol [inside joke]

60. Would you write one question in today’s comments so that we could have our followers allow us to steal their questions? We’ll need at least 15. I will come up with something.

And because I'm compulsive, here are the first 40 questions, from previous weeks:

1. Are you happier now than you were five months ago? Not bloody likely...

2. Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone that you shouldn't have? If lice count, then yes.

3. Can you sleep in total darkness? As noted yesterday, I can sleep almost anywhere nowadays. I even proved it by sleeping through a football game (on TV) yesterday afternoon. Even heard the phone ring and kept sleeping.

4. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, the one who got away, what do you say? "WTF?"

5. What do you think about the weather this summer? Uh? See previous answer.

6. How many people do you trust with everything? "Everything"?? One, and just barely.

7. What was the last thing you drank? Drinking my morning DDP right now.

8. Is there anyone you want to come see you? Would love to have a visit from Elizabeth & K and baby J.

9. Name one thing you love about winter? Fires in the fireplace.

10. Have you ever dated a Goth? Goths didn't exist per se back in the day. I did date a bit of a "dramatic" personality. BRIEFLY.

11. What are you looking forward to tomorrow? Nothing specific. Having Beast around will be nice: 3.5 days in a row!!

12. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? It's 9:15 and I've been up for about 90 minutes. What's to dislike??

13. What's the longest that you have committed to one person and one person only? A month over 25 years, officially. But we were dating pretty exclusively for a year or so prior to that.

14. What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today? Looked to see what time it was.

15. Has anyone ever told you they never want to ever lose you? Not in those words.

16. Is there anybody that you wish you could fix your relationship with? I would love to have a heart-to-heart conversation with my brother to find out what he's turned into such a dick, but it's unlikely to happen.

17. Could you go out in public, looking like you do now? Well, sure! I wouldn't, however, unless the house caught fire.

18. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? How? Change is constant, people. If I knew how, I could make shitpots full of money, couldn't I?

19. Do you believe that you never know what you got until you lose it? I think there's some truth to that statement, yes.

20. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Uh, yeah...? A few of them, actually.

21. If you were to live your life without your best friend, what would change? EVERYdamnthing!!!

22. Tell us about a era of your life that you really miss. I miss being a little kid, jumping rope, reading, running around the neighborhood, being un-self-conscious.

23. Have you ever been betrayed by someone that came as a complete surprise? Without revealing the person, if yes, tell us about it. Yup. Building on the theme, it was probably the moment I realized that my brother can really be a dick, about 13 years ago.

24. Do you ever think that is a good idea to hide your feelings? Yup. Again, as I mentioned yesterday, my temper seems to share the shit out of some people. Really, am I that scary when I'm mad? I guess so.

25. Tell us about your favorite year when you were a student. Sophomore year in high school was pretty awesome: I got to march in the Tournament of Roses parade, our class moved to high school along with the freshmen that year (we were never the babies at my high school), and I looooovvveddd being in high school!

25. When was the last time you were in a very good mood? What caused it? I was in a pretty good mood last night, until Sparky got home from the dance. Girl issues. ...sigh

26. Have you ever had a romantic relationship with a sibling of a good friend? Perish the thought!

27. Tell us about the last thing that you did that you truly regret. Can't think of anything specific. Maybe not making some phone calls....?

28. When did you laughed [sic] today? Haven't much yet. It's been pretty low-key.

29. Do you trust easily? Not like I used to, that's for sure!

30. What do you care about that you wish more people would? Thinking for themselves.

31. Is it easier for you to go without food or go without sleep? Ten years ago, I tried to fast for a day a few times a year; it's becoming more and more difficult to do so for physical reasons. Meanwhile, I've become inured to functioning on less sleep.

32. What non-alcohol beverage do you enjoy drinking the most? DDP, duh! :-)

33. When you walk into a room full of strangers, generally how is your confidence? Depends on what I'm there for. If I'm not the center of attention, I'm fine.

34. Does talking about sex with anyone but your lover make you uncomfortable? To a certain extent, though again, it depends on the context.

35. Do you tend to believe members of the opposite sex mostly behave the same way? Well, they are all human, so they tend to behave in some of the myriad ways humans behave. I'm pretty sure most men don't behave like Tibetan yaks.

36. Did you drink any alcohol this week? If yes, what? Yes. Had several Stoli+cranberry juice concoctions (at home) over the course of the week, and quite a lot of box wine yesterday (not at home). I think that's it.

37. Would you ever consider being a vegetarian? Not. A. Chance.

38. Do you believe that there’s always room in your heart for someone? Sure.

39. Do you believe in the concept of soul mates? Not really.

40. Last week, we had a few players criticize our victim’s question. Which is fine to do and we value your opinion. Would you ever consider writing questions for Bud and me to post on a Sunday Stealing? Sure. Uhm, cuz beggars shouldn't be choosers. Besides, if you visited the site these came from, you'll note that they are HIGH SCHOOL KIDS, so of course the questions will be...uh...lame. :-)

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

You marched in the Tournament of Roses Parade??!! How cool is taht!!!!!

Bud Fisher said...

Loved the response that if that dude from 25 years ago is still made that he's got a problem. You think? Great job...

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