(Found here)
started 12/5/11 8:54 p.m.
Does your best friend approve of the last person you kissed? Well, if not, she's managed to keep it to herself for a VERY long time....
Is there anything bothering you right now? Nothing out of the ordinary. Although I would like to to know if Sparky's feeling better than yesterday.
What color shirt are you wearing? Teal.
Do you care what you look like? What kind of question is that? Of course I care, but it's not the be-all and end-all of my life.
Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? No, but I have skipped work because of that.
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone for over an hour? Sparky.
Do you think that you will be in a relationship three months from now? I ... hope so. lol
continued 12/22/11 6:52 p.m.
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants or pajama pants? Brown jeans.
Where is the last person you kissed at the moment? Right across the room in his recliner.
Do you think you're wasting your time on the person you have feelings for? I'm married to him, so...probably not.
Do you like flowery scents or more clean scents? Clean. Hate fake flowers.
Do you own a manual or electric toothbrush? I actually have both. Right now I'm just using the manual, till it wears out.
Do you prefer heels or flats? I'm a shoe-whore; I'll wear (almost) anything.
Do you try to eat healthy? Not. Somewhere in the chaos of the last few years, that has slipped to the bottom of the priority pile.
What food could you live off for the rest of your life? Carbs: pasta, bread, cookies....
Do you leave the television on and sleep to it? No. I mean, I can sleep with the TV on, but I don't have a TV in my bedroom.
Do you watch movies on TV? Uhm, yeah. Even I'm not so lame that I don't watch ANY movies ANYwhere (since I almost never go to the theater).
What is your death of choice? Quiet, in my bed, in about 4 decades (as long as I'm still healthy at that point).
What is your name supposed to mean? It means I have to spell it for everyone. Repeatedly.
How many pillows do you sleep with? I use one to sleep, but I have an extra one for reading, etc., beforehand.
Name two things that you have on you at all times: My glasses and Chapstick.
What's the color of your bedsheets? Right now they are blue satin-stripe.
How much cash do you have on you right now? None, but there's probably about $120 in my wallet.
What is your favorite town/city? Ouray.
What did you have for dinner last night? P@ul##'s pizza and breadsticks.
What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? Gmail, Facebook, Blogger, HootSuite, GReader...and at work: Connexion, Zimbra, Meebo, my library's catalog, and various other cataloging sites; I usually have at least 8 tabs open at work.
Is anything on your body hurting right now? Not really. My back has stopped hurting, for now, but I am laughing (at a Jeff Dunham DVD) so hard that my stomach hurts and I keep coughing up a lung. "Hello, Fathuh..."
What is your favorite Starbucks drink? Caramel apple cider.
Recent time that you were really upset? Last weekend; no details forthcoming.
What wild animals have you seen outside a zoo? Lions, tigers, bears, ligers, wolf-dog cross-breeds, some wild big cats. Seriously. A few camels, too. I think that's it.
Do you consider yourself to be an "animal person"? Yes.
Are you afraid of any animals? I'm not overly fond of badgers (mean little buggers), or camels (also mean, but bigger), or skunks. Oh, BEARS! Bears terrify me, in the wild.
What is your favorite animal? Wolves. Or dogs, I guess. lol
Are there any animals you wish were extinct? From a selfish perspective, mosquitoes.
What kind of computer do you own? Gateway laptop. And about, oh, five other options around the house.
How old were you when you had your very first computer? It was probably around 1991. I think. Anyway, that would make me 28.
What products do you buy the most? (Clothes, food, etc.) Most of our money, like most people, goes toward paying for shelter and food.
What is your favorite store to shop at? Kohl's. Target.
When was the last time you went shopping? I was at the [grocery] store this afternoon on the way home from work.
Do you even like shopping? Hate. It.
What was the last movie you saw in theaters? I have NO CLUE.
How much is a movie ticket where you live? $4 locally, $11 at the bigger theaters further away.
Would you rather watch a movie alone or with someone? With someone.
Would you see a movie just because a favorite actor was in it? I might. Depends on reviews. That wouldn't be my only reason for going.
What movie would you like to watch right now? Still watching Jeff-fuh-fuh. Nothing out right now I'm dying to see.
How often do you watch movies? Not often. Clearly.
Who do you argue with more: Friends, family or significant other? Family.
continued 12/25/11 7:30 p.m.
1. Did someone die in that last movie you watched? I can't remember what movie was the last one I watched. If it was Bridesmaids (over Thanksgiving), then no, no death.
2. Are the trees pretty colours outside for you now or at all? 'Tis winter: all but the evergreens look dead. If that's your thing, then you're good, I guess.
3. Do your parents make/made you weed the garden? Yup. I earned money doing that one summer for a neighbor, too.
4. When's the last time you video recorded something on TV? I don't tape anything anymore; I've graduated to DVR, and I'm sure we have stuff from last week to watch.
5. How big is your memory chip? In my computer? In my camera? On the DVR? In any case, I really don't know.
6. What are your views on sunflowers? I don't have a view on sunflowers. This is not the time of year for optimal sunflower viewing. In the summer/fall, I love 'em.
7. What is your favourite incense scent? I'm rarely incensed, and don't smell anything much when I am. Beast can't stand the smell of incense so I never bother with it.
8. Caramel apples or candy apples? Caramel, but I haven't had either kind of these for years. My teeth are not fans.
9. Have you ever tried one of those blue candy apples? I've never seen a blue apple.
10. Would you ever or do you make your dog where [sic] a bandana [sic]? I have, when I had a dog.
11. Do you find dandelions when they're gone all white pretty? Yes. I like dandelions a lot, regardless of their status and age. Then again, I'm not responsible for the lawn, so what do I know?
12. Are you going to apply for a scholarship for post secondary education? I don't think I'll need a scholarship for any further post-secondary classwork I might decide to do. Most of my ongoing education is of the training variety, often covered by work.
13. Do you like to use colours when taking notes in class? If I had gone this way for note-taking, I would not have taken very good notes: I'm way too OCD. As it was, I barely got everything down I needed in plain black (or blue) pen.
14. What kind of blank CDs do you use? Whatever Beast has purchased. I almost never use blank CDs, however.
15. What colour is your doorstep/porch? Porch floor is 'natural wood.' Trim is a dark blue-gray.
16. Do you like the look of lighthouses? I've had a lighthouse calendar in our bedroom for at least 8 or 9 years. So, yeah. It's a theme, as much as I do themes, in the decor.
17. a) When you think of standing and looking at the ocean where do you picture yourself? Puerto Vallarta.
17. b) Why does your mind put you there? Because it's warm and peaceful and non-threatening, with lovely sand beaches.
18. Have you ever found buried treasure from digging in the sand at a random beach? Nope. What a weird question! ;-)
19. Does your calculator work well or do you wish you had a smarter one? I wouldn't want my calculator to be smarter than me, so I'll stick with a basic 4-function one.
20. What colour lipstick would you put on right now? Giant assumption there: that I'm wearing lipstick. I'm not. I wear it about, oh, twice a year.
21. Do you see and cobwebs anywhere? I knocked them all down earlier this month, so no.
22. Is the room you are in dusty? This whole bloody house is dusty! Sigh. I need to call about hiring a cleaning person next month....
23. Have your ever gotten that test done where they prick your back and determine what you're allergic to? Yup. A few times. It's a Buh-LAST!! (not) I've had the forearm test, too a couple of times.
24. Is your doctor Asian or of Asian descent? My doctor's last name is Patel. You work it out.
25. Bobby pins: cute or completely useless? Not cute. Useful, though.
26. Have you ever gotten a wart or any kind? Not exactly. I have a small 'water-filled cyst' on my knee that appeared sometime last year and won't go away. It doesn't hurt so the doctor (Patel) says to leave it unless it starts actively bothering me.
27. When did it last rain for you? Doesn't really rain for me, but it did precipitate generally sometime last week.
28. As you're getting older, do you find that you want to speak and use better grammar in day to day conversations? I grew up speaking well, so if anything I've probably gotten worse. Unless I'm really in a formal situation, of course.
29. Do you still use your original iPod head phones? Again with the assumptions: I don't own an iPod. So, no.
30. Imagine you were in a thrift store with a friend and you find something that you think is actually kind of cool...
a) Would you wear it? Of course. Why else would I even bother buying it?
b) Why? Why not?
31. Does your family ever eat ham for special occasions? ?? We eat ham. Special occasion or not.
32. What language would you rather be fluent in: French or Inuit? Inuit. I'm not a big fan of French, though it would certainly be far more practical. Unless you're in the far northern reaches of North America.
33. Do you like Canada? Yes. Though I'm afraid I don't quite 'get' Tim Hortons.
34. Do you feel that Stephen Harper is like Bush and the both are like the spawn of Hilter [sic] and/or Pinky and the Brain and really just want to take over the world? No. Because I don't want to bother looking up Stephen Harper, but comparing anyone to Hitler is just hyperbole and shows lazy thinking.
35. Do you feel that Yoko Ono was the worst thing that ever happened to The Beatles? No, they were on their way to splitting long before she appeared.
36. Favourite Spice Girl... I prefer them as a single entity, but if I had to pick it would be either Sporty or Scary.
37. a) Did you have weird names for things when you were little? I believe I had some issues with the word 'cinnamon' at one point. Otherwise, all the names I learned for things were not weird (at the time, anyway).
b) Give us an example or two: Well, no.
38. What do you prefer: the smell of really good food or the smell of really good perfumes? Food.
39. Silk or Velvet? Depends on what we're talking about, but I'm generally not much into velvet.
40. What would you do if your boyfriend [imaginary or current] bought you a chair for absolutely no reason at all? If it weren't ugly, and Beast wasn't opposed to keeping a chair purchased by my [imaginary] boyfriend, we'd probably keep it; we keep ALL furniture.
41. Do you like to kick stones while you walk places? Not intentionally, being over the age of 10.
42. a) What's your birthstone? Topaz. Yawn.
b) What do you wish was your birthstone? Sapphire. Or emerald even.
43. Lawn chairs: old school, simpleton, folding ones or the colapsable [sic] that come with a bag and cup holders, etc.? NOT hard plastic, that's my only stipulation. They are really uncomfortable.
44. Is winter usually an enjoyable season for you? I'd rather it didn't last so freakin' long.
45. What's prettier: fall or spring? Fall. Less rain, generally.
46. What to you hate most: mosquitos [sic] or house flies? Skeeters.
47. Dimmer switches or normal lights? Depends. I like dimmers in places where it makes sense to have them.
48. Have you ever found a ring and liked it and wore it for a good while? Well, yeah, as a matter of fact. I have three that I wear daily.
49. Do you wish that disney [sic] was the way it used to be? That would be ... what? Small, and irrelevant?
50. a) What's your favourite Disney Princess of ALL time? Mulan.
b) Was she your favourite back when you were little? When I was little, the only available princesses were Snow White and Cinderella. Oh, I guess Sleeping Beauty was around too, eventually. Not the greatest role models.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
Naturally, I swiped this. But I'm breaking it into parts.
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