Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday Thunks

(Link in meme-roll)
You give it a title

A. If you see a tornado out your window, what do you do?
What the HELL am I doing looking out a window during tornado weather?! JesusGod!! The first thing I do is pray as I run to the middle of the house; it's too late to get to basement unless I'm looking out the back window. Seriously, tornadoes scare the shit out of me.
B. A celebrity knocks on your door saying that their tour bus/limo/pedal bike broke down (you pick the transportation)... who is it and what do you do to help them?
Well, ok, assuming I recognize this person, I'd probably let them in and let them phone for help, stuttering and acting like a moron the whole time.
C. Brett is back on the Vikings - do you really give a crap?
I do; he needs to retire, if only for his long-term health. I used to respect the man, but the last three years have diminished that respect to the point that seeing his name just makes me cringe.
D. What side of the bed do you think Bud sleeps on?
I suspect Bud sleeps in the center, at least when his lady-friend isn't around. ;-)
E. Cookie Monster eats vegetables now. Is this ok with you?
Kinda takes all the fun out of things, but whatever. I guess Cookie has hit middle age. Sigh...happens to all of us eventually.
F. All the TT's get together for coffee... which state do we meet in?
Mayhem. Or, if that one's full, Chaos. Panic is my third choice, but I'm not really a fan of the service level there.
G. Is the town you live in famous for anything? Infamous for anything?
Nothing of note happens in the village in which I live. We are populated by simpletons who blow shit up, and sex offenders, and a few quasi-normal folks.
H. Coffee flavored bubble gum - would you?
Not even.
I. So Kimber lost her fight with a granite table.... what did you ever lose a fight with?
The biggest culprit overall has been myself. And a few walls.
J. Have you ever slept beneath the stars?
I've slept in a couple of tents, and I've slept in the sun, but I don't remember ever being asleep outdoors with absolutely NOTHING between me and the sky.
K. School is starting up soon, or has for some, did you get a new pair of tennis shoes every year while you were in school?
No. My mom was a big believer in dressing up a little for school. So, not so much with the sneakers. Made P.E. rather interesting.
L. What two flavors do you love that you would never want to taste at the same time?
Buttercream and curry.
M. If you could shave a quote into a lion's fur, what would it say?
N. Did you ever accidentally walk in on your parents doing the nasty? Did you ever purposely walk in on them?
My parents had locks on their doors and strict rules about entering their room when the door was closed in any case. So, no. Thank the good Lord!

4 sweet-talkers :

Ozzy's Mom said...

i love curry, but with buttercream, not so much :)

great thunks~

Debster said...

I feel cookie monster's pain. I really do. We all get old. But I just hate that he isn't allowed to eat cookies anymore. He never even swallowed most of them.

Anyhow...glad you played. Happy Thunking Thursday, Cat.


Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I think political correctness takes the fun out of a lot of thing. Great job as always...

LivingDeadNurse said...

He has new name its veggie monster but he got sued by the veggie he is now known as the monster formally known as cookie

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