south beach, baby
[01] What was the last major decision that you made?
I make decisions all-bloody-day at work. Some are major, some are not. Today, I decided not to slug Fat Frank. It was the right decision, but I'm not happy about it.[02] What factors went into making that decision?
1. I like my job. 2. I don't think I'd do well in jail. 3. It wouldn't prove anything to Fatso, and he'd be obviously right (this time) that I was harassing him. 4. And no amount of showering would be enough to get the Frank-cooties off my hand after I made contact.[03] With whom did/do you seek counsel to make a confident decision?
Me and God, we make a good team in things like this.[04] Do you prefer to make decisions quickly or do you prefer to "sleep on it?"
It's odd: I seem to make the big decisions more quickly than the small ones. I can mull over using a red or green pen for hours vs. choosing which refrigerator I want to spend the next 15 years with.[05] What was the last regrettable decision you made (if you have ever made one)?
Most of them involve not shutting my mouth sooner. Today was yet another in a long, LONG list of times when shutting up would have, if not solved, then ameliorated the situation.
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