Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday Thunks

(Link in meme-roll)
Never Agree in the First Place
The TT questions are brought to you by Bud, the color of Santa's Beard and the number 3333.

1. When was the last time that you made an excuse for not doing something that you shouldn't have agreed to do in the first place?
Oh, gosh, probably a couple of weeks ago. Can't think of anything specific.
. Without identifying the person, is there someone in your life that you'd like to shake some sense into?
Heh, quite a few. I'm gradually getting over this need to shake sense into people. They're on their own, dammit, just like I am, in figuring things out.
3. Did you ever really care if Tiger Woods cheated on his wife?
It was disappointing, but honestly it's none of my business. Nor is it anyone else's business except his family's and Elin's family's.
4. Did you watch the last episode of LOST? What did you think happened?
I never watched even one scene of Lost. I've watched more American Idol than I have Lost, which might give you some picture of my apathy about it. I'm just so freakin' glad it's over; now I can have my Entertainment Weekly back from the Lost Zombies!
5. If your dining room china was made in Mexico, why is it still called china?
I don't have china made in Mexico; we use my mom's and is from Japan, of course!!
6. Tell us about your favorite movie of all time.
I love the humor in "Heathers" and I have had a sort of craving to see "Dr. Zhivago" (the Omar Sharif version), but I have to wait for no boys to be around for that sort of thing. It's such an awesome, sweeping, Russian love story.
7. Do you think it's fair to get thrown out of a meme?
I think if you put something on the internet with rules, you are being ridiculously 19th century about a 21st century medium. Kind of like the RIAA and Napster. And, by the way, that's speaking as someone who was dinged several years ago for "doing it wrong" on someone else's meme site. Idiot.
8. Berleen lives in Minnesota and Kimber in Arizona. If they were to meet halfway, where would they meet?
[this seems familiar] Let's go with Ogallala, Nebraska. Boo-hah!
9. What do you think of heterosexual marriage?
Based on its track record, I think it should be more highly regulated. But, yeah, whatever, it's a lifestyle choice we should all be able to tolerate.
10. What would you change about your life if you had just one wish?
I'd give myself a better self-starter.
11. How pissed are you that we posted late?
You did? I didn't even notice! So, no worries here!
12. Tell us about a recent great day.
Last Friday when Beast IMd me some good news. Turn my day--maybe even my week--around.
13. When was the last time that you juggled?
Huh--I don't juggle.

3 sweet-talkers :

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I think marriage should be more highly regulated as well. Very true...

Stacy said...

Marriage and parenting should both be more regulated. Any idiot can do either one.

amy said...

I've never seen Dr. Zhivago. We should make a point of doing that the next time we're in Canada.

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