Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
If I Had a Hammer

1. Are you handy with tools?
Let's back up a few years here: my dad was in construction for over 50 years, he owned his own businesses from age 25 on, he had two sisters and four daughters, he had high expectations of everyone, and he hated to pay others to do what he knew how to do. I had no choice but to learn how to use tools; I was handing him appropriate screwdrivers and wrenches at age 4, burning oil off a concrete floor with a torch at 11, and hanging upside-down over a leaky hot-water heater uncoupling a connection at age 17.
Yeah, I can use tools. It was quite shocking to go to college and find out that a lot of people don't know which end of a hammer to hold.
2. What was the best thing that happened to you this week?
Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It may be a train, but at least the tunnel's not so dark.
3. What was the worst thing that happened to you this week?
My complete lack of application in one specific area of my life. I just don't care, either...except that I do.
4. Do you think you act your age?
Mostly. I was thinking today at work about my musical taste being a little on the young side, considering.
5. Describe an item of clothing that has definitely seen better days but that you refuse to dispose of and still wear. Why won't you toss it?
I have three shirts (well, ok, two shirts and a sweater) that belonged to my dad. I wear one of them whenever I need a little boost, but the flannel shirt is really just a rag--the elbows blew out a decade ago, so I just cut off the sleeves above the torn bits and wear it that way. Li'l Abner iz mee.
6. What is your favorite summertime beverage?
Same as the winter-time one: Diet Dr. Pepper. I will have an occasional glass of unsweet iced suntea, too.
7. Have you ever lied about your age?
Never needed to. I will cop to occasionally telling people I'm the age I'll be by the end of the year around August, just because it's so annoying to have to do the math all weird. Mom called me on that once: "You aren't 35, YET! Not till November!"
8. What was the most memorable birthday party you've attended?
My 8th birthday party was weird. I can only be sure about one person who came--although there were about 10 of us there--because she was a year older than everyone and it was a Big Freakin' Deal, that one year. ;-)
9. What is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life?
I am not a fan of tornadoes, and that has gotten worse in the past few years based on 1) the microburst over our house about six years ago, 2) Sparky's school bus being diverted on the way home from school in January four years ago because of a tornado that touched down about five miles from here, and 3) the hardwood tree that was ripped out of the ground in my sister's yard about 20 years ago. I will hit the basement with no qualms if I even suspect the weather may go in the dumper. But I don't flutter around being annoying; I just go quietly and sit with the weather radio and a book.

2 sweet-talkers :

Manda said...

Oh my goodness! If I lived in an area with tornado's I would be just as frightened. Just reading that kind of freaked me out!


Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

My mom always says that light-oncoming train thing. I can't wait to add your twist "at least there's light"! You always crack me up! :)

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