Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)
#40 The Weekend Meme

1. What is your typical weekend like?
There hasn't been a typical weekend for me in...well, ever. For 20 years of my life, I worked every other Saturday and every 6th (or so) Sunday. Only recently have I gone down to only working one Saturday a month, plus every 4th (or so) Sunday. Beast generally does laundry on Friday or Saturday. Sometimes we have a youth group meeting on Sunday night. Sometimes we go to church Sunday morning. See what I mean? Nothing very typical about any of that.
2. Are you a party animal or a couch potato on the weekends?
Given those two choices, I guess I'm a couch potato. I'm certainly NOT a party animal.
3. It wasn’t until 1940 that the two-day weekend became nationwide. I say it’s time for three-day weekend across the whole world! Wouldn’t you love to work 4 days and off 3 all the time? Do you think this is a good idea?
I do that already, but then again, I'm not full-time at work. Yet. And, did you notice, not everyone gets weekends off. No one in retail takes weekends for granted, either. Could we maybe work on having a universal 6-day work-week first? And, if we are only working 4 days, do we only get PAID for 4 days??
4. Do you consider Sunday as a traditional day of rest?
It's frequently the busiest day of the week for me in terms of time spent running hither and yon, so no. However, my dad came from a tradition of really doing the Sabbath; by the time I was around he had mellowed considerably, but there were some things he had trouble with, like playing cards on Sunday. Even solitaire.
5. What are your around-the-house weekend chores?
Yard-work, laundry, sometimes grocery shopping. It sorta depends on the weekend.
6. If you have a significant other in your life or are dating, what is your favorite indoor and outdoor activity?
Uhm. Yeah.
Moving on. lol
7. Where would go for a romantic weekend getaway?
North to the nearest big lake, or west to (almost) the Big River. Both are cheaper than going east to the Big City.
8. Do you have any special weekend traditions, quirks or rituals?
I am NEVER quirky! [hah] In football season, thanks to Sunday Ticket we watch games all afternoon on Sunday (and some college games on Saturday), and Beast loves his NASCAR. We do frequently order pizza for dinner on Sunday night, especially during football season.
9. What is your weekend blogging routine?
After Friday's massive meme-gorge, I try to get stuff like that done early on Saturday and Sunday so I can walk away from the computer and accomplish something over the rest of the day. It doesn't always work that way, but I try.
10. Tell us about your favorite weekend memories as a child?
After church we usually came home to a hot dinner at "lunchtime"; I remember peeling a LOT of potatoes on Sundays. Then, once we cleaned up afterwards, I was free for the rest of the day. Dad usually took a nap. I always read the comics, especially Prince Valiant. "60 Minutes" was a given in the evenings. Football during the season, but only the Bronco games. Mom usually ironed during the games. I supposed she ironed every Sunday, but I only remember it during the football games. Sundays were pretty lazy once church was over.

2 sweet-talkers :

Mouse said...

I work the odd Saturday or Sunday as overtime, but can't imagine doing that all the time, so am VERY glad I don't have to work in retail!

Mimi Lenox said...

I have basically stopped blogging on the weekends. It's wonderful!

I remember peeling potatoes for Sunday after-church lunch at my grandmother's house. Nice memory. Thanks for reminding me.

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