(Found here)
Do you watch the Tyra Banks Show on a regular basis? Hella no! Yuck.
Is there any show that you watch religiously? CSI, NCIS...Deadliest Catch this year especially...
What would you say to George Bush if you had only one chance to interview him? I wouldn't interview him. What's to say, after 8 years of ruining our country?
Do you chew your nails often? Trying to stop.
What's your worst nervous habit? Inappropriate laughter.
Are you wearing a bra right now? Yup.
Do you have a collection of socks? I have a lot of sox, but it's not exactly a collection.
How many days have you gone wearing the same pair of underwear? Two. And rarely.
Have you ever dated someone in a signed band? Not. Not even an unsigned band.
Do you own a budgie? Had one as a child, but not a huge fan of birds.
When was the last time you went out to eat? Lunch, today.
Do you prefer American Idol or Canadian Idol? I prefer not to idolize.
Is your hair up or down right now? Up-ish (pony).
Do you like roller coasters? I don't live for them, but they're ok.
Have you ever been to Paramount Canada's Wonderland? Nope. Didn't even know there was something like this.
How many younger siblings do you have? None--I am 'the baby.'
Do you think you'd be able to go far on the TV show The Moment Of Truth? No clue, since I've never heard of it.
What store do you shop in the most? Probably J#w#l.
Are lyrics important to you, or is the music more important? Depends on the intent of the song. If no one has spent anytime really crafting lyrics, I look for the tune. If we've got neither, then well...NEXT.
When was the last time you had a barbecue with your family? Sunday.
Do you text often? Yes. Daily, certainly.
What do you think of Pete Doherty? I don't. Really--the name is familiar, and I just wiki'd him, but...{shrug} don't care.
Do you have Sirius Satellite Radio? In Beast's car and on the TV.
Is your refrigerator covered in magnets? Ayup. I am THAT kind of woman.
Where are you going tonight? It is tonight, and I'm watching TV. What's it to ya?
What did you/plan on doing for your Sweet 16? Went to a movie with friends and then came back to my house for cake, ice cream and giggling.
Have you ever been in a musical? Yup.
What was the last birthday present you got from your dad? My dad was not a big gift-giver in that sense. And my last birthday before my dad died was my 31st. That makes it 15 years ago, yo.
Do you and your siblings buy gifts for each other, or do your parents buy them and put your name on the gifts? We gave up on gift-buying for the most part almost 20 years go.
What do you think about global warming? I think we're screwed.
Have you ever played Rock Band? No. Guitar Hero, VERY briefly, but no Rock Band.
So, which instrument are you best at? Bells, at this point. I used to play the piano and flute. Unless you are continuing the previous question in which case...none of them.
What color are your headphones? Black, and black-and-gray.
Have you ever been to a territory in Canada? Yup. Two, in fact.
Do you think it'd be cool to live in an igloo? VERY cool, as in icy. Pass, thanks.
What would be the most romantic way a man could propose to you (if you prefer it that way)? Bahhh.
Which movie theater do you usually go to? The one in town, about 3 blocks from my workplace.
Where do you and your friends hang out usually? My friends do not 'hang out'--we have lives.
Do you consider marriage sacred? I believe in the vows I took, yes. More people should pay attention to what they are promising when they say it.
Have you ever played Grand Theft Auto? No.
Do you think people take that game too seriously? I think most people in western culture take ALL games too seriously.
Do you prefer brown, white, or rye bread? The person before me said, "who the fuck calls it 'brown bread?' have you ever in life heard somebody say 'I want it one brown bread?' I sure as hell haven't. and wheat." I do know people who call it brown bread. Including myself. I'm not overly fussy about bread as long as it's not the density of Wonder Bread. Not a big fan of Russian rye--black bread, that is. Moron.
What is your favorite dessert? PIE!!!
Do you know how to speak Chinese? Ni hao--that's it.
When people laugh at you, it's most likely because you ... If they are laughing AT me, I just did something ridiculous. If they are laughing, but not at me, I probably said something ridiculous.
Can you chew your own toenails? I suppose I could if I wanted to. Which I don't.
Do you have a long, complicated last name that people always say wrong? Yes. Yes, I do. They spell it wrong too. What annoys me is that my first name is very short, butwhich is usually misspelled as well. Sigh.
Who or what is depicted on your calendar? I've got DalĂ at work, Greek islands in the kitchen, and lighthouses upstairs.
Are you going to a concert in the next three months? Possibly. Who knows. Actually, there will probably be some sort of music thing at the Triennium.
What are you waiting for? I don't know. I really don't. Something, though.
Do you cry at funerals? Yes. Though, weirdly, not very much at my mom's.
Are you the type of person to pretend you like someone, or are you right out with how you feel about them? I'm willing to put up with almost anyone for a few minutes, and my job is such that I have to at least pretend to be courteous to everyone who speaks to me. It can get tiresome.
Do you remember the first pet you ever had? Yup...it was that parake...er, budgie mentioned above.
Approximately, how many surveys do you do a day? It averages to about 15 memes a week, I guess.
Do you prefer countdown surveys, bolding surveys, random surveys, or themed surveys? I'm not so picky.
What are you going to do now? Publish this and then find something productive to do. ha ha ha
Sunday night
5 years ago
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