(Found here)
Is love really worth fighting for? People are worth fighting for. Love is a construct.
Your phone is ringing, it's your ex. What do you say? "Who?"
Is there someone you want to see? Naah, I'm good.
Whose clothes are you wearing? ...er, mine?
When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you? This afternoon. ...I think?
If your boyfriend or girlfriend smoked pot, would you care? He'd freakin'-well better be sharing!
Which co-worker knows the most about you? Hmm, I try to spread that around, so it's a toss-up between T., M., or A.
When's your birthday? On my MIL's half-birthday.
Are you happier single or in a relationship? I wouldn't know if I remember how to be happy single at this point. Unless you count the weeks and weeks that Beast is out of town for work.
Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you? He's my husband. You work it out.
Look to the right, what do you see? I messy pile of shit belonging to me and Sparky.
Where were you at 2 this morning? Finally asleep!
Next time you will kiss someone? Before bed, in the next couple of hours.
What are you doing today? It's 8:20 p.m. I'm winding down after a very weird day.
What if the last person you kissed said that you were the only one they wanted? Believe it or not, he has. Ergo the wedding ring.
The boy/girl you truly care about needs you at 3 AM, would you go? Yup. Have done.
What are you looking forward to in the next 3 to 4 months? Vacation next week, Triennium next month....not sure what else.
Have you broken the law in the last 3 days? If you count going over the speed limit, then yes.
What would you think if your boyfriend/ girlfriend still kept pictures of their ex? Do yearbooks count? Seriously, I don't think it's worth worrying about at this point.
Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a P,B,K,or D? K, P, D, can't think of any B though.
Do you know anyone that smokes weed? I specifically ask people who I suspect of it not to tell me if they do.
What if your boyfriend/ girlfriend went through your phone? Have fun. Don't you have, oh, 8 billion other more important things to do??
What are you doing tomorrow? Stupid city meeting (2 hours, waste of my time), work, uh...that's it I guess.
Recently kissed anyone with the name starting with a C? Don't think so, no.
What's something you really want right now, be honest! I want the humidity to go away.
What's your biggest complaint about today? Stupid people involving themselves in things they don't need to be in, as a justification for being lazy about their own work.
Have any of your friends dropped out of school? Not..exactly.
Do you ever have dreams where you're alone, or are you always with people? Hmm, I don't know. I guess I'm usually with people.
Bottles or cans? I'm far from fussy about this.
Does your home feel like home to you, or do you think you're yet to find a place to call home? I love my house.
What's the best kind of fruit juice? I like cranberry.
When was the last time you cried in the shower? Been awhile. God, I love Zoloft.
What's your favorite kind of fish? Cooked.
Do you prefer french tip or colored nails? I actually prefer naked nails, on my hands. I usually have polish on my toes in the summer.
When was the last time you felt rushed? Every damn day, almost from the time I wake up until bedtime.
Mitchell Davis or Shane Dawson? Had to Google them, so...yeah....
If you needed glasses, what kind would you get? If you have glasses, what do they look like? They are rectangular with dark top frames and earpieces. I'm not sold on them.
Does/did your school have a big football field? About standard, I guess.
Have you ever known someone that ate their school lunches in the bathroom? Nope.
Do you have any cousins that you can't stand? I haven't seen any of my cousins since I was a pre-teen. Not my choice.
Is your voice unique? Probably. I'm pretty sure I don't sound like anyone else in my family anymore.
Are you modest? Depending on your definition, yes.
Jacob Black or Edward Cullen? Head in a bucket of ice.
What's your zodiac sign? Scorp.
How many piercings do you have? One in each earlobe.
Would you ever consider getting a tattoo? I'd consider it, I have considered it, but it's pretty unlikely.
Do you believe in God? Yup.
Can you burp your ABC's? No, this is not a skill I've worked on.
Who was the last boy you talked to? Beast.
Who was the last person you texted? Beast (about 4 hours ago).
Where did your last kiss take place? The office (in our house).
Right Now
What time is it? 8:39 p.m.
How has your day been so far? As good as a day that includes a visit at the dentist.
What are your plans for the rest of the day/night? Finish Deadliest Catch, take a bath, go to bed.
What are you wearing? Shorts, T-shirt, underwear....
Are you talking to anyone (in person, phone, text, im, etc.) Just Beast on the other side of the room, and the TV sometimes.
Did you talk to the person you currently like today? ...sigh... Dude, I'm married. I don't "like" anyone.
Are you drinking/eating anything? Just finished, thx.
Are you listening to anything? What? Deadliest Catch. Technically, commercials right now.
What did you last watch on television? Stupid esurance ad.
Are you doing anything other than this? Just.Fucking.Watching.TV. Jeez.
How many windows are open on your computer right now? Two Chrome windows, 6 tabs total, plus Skype.
Are you wearing glasses/contacts? Without them it's a little hard to see.
Are you hungry? Nope. Cuz I just finished eating dude!
Are you singing? Screaming? Yes. Singing, no.
What room are you in? Living room.
Have you showered yet today? I showered 15 hours ago.
All in all, are you happy right now? Sure.
The Today Survey
I woke up past noon today.
I was woken up unwillingly.
I got less than eight hours of sleep.
I felt sick when I woke up.
I was with friends first thing.
We recorded a video with the webcam & posted it on someone's wall.
It was a close friend's birthday today!
I took a really funny picture with my cell phone.
^And uploaded it via Facebook Mobile.
I wore a bathing suit today.
I tanned outside.
^But I didn't go in the pool.
I was offered to smoke up, but I didn't.
I was in the car with my dad.
One of my parents was in a really pissy mood.
I had to clean up some area of my house.
I listened to my iPod on full blast.
I was in a really bad mood.
My phone died on me.
I took a shower.
^It was pretty long.
I used shampoo & conditioner.
^And bodywash, which smelled reaaally good.
I drew a heart in the steamed up window.
I didn't brush my hair when I got out.
So my hair got all crazy and wavy when it dried.
I made plans with my boyfriend.
I counted down the days until something happened.
I had family coming over for dinner.
^But I didn't see them, because I went out.
I put on makeup.
^But not as much as I normally wear.
I also didn't do anything with my hair.
I felt really ugly today.
I got whistled at by people.
^Probably because my shirt was pretty low-cut.
I went out to get food with my friends.
The food wasn't too healthy, but it was good anyways.
I went to the park.
I smoked weed.
^I smoked out of a pipe.
I actually had a cigerette today.
I watched a movie.
I didn't really like the movie I watched, it was stupid.
I gave my boyfriend head.
I had pizza.
I ate food that I didn't even know what it was.
I had a pillow fight.
I was complimented by a random person.
I did more than 10 surveys.
I stayed up late.
Which do you prefer?
made by INFINITEmadesurveys - please keep the tag on!
1. Coca Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew, or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper, Diet.
2. Cats, dogs, horses, lizards, or hamsters? Dogs.
3. Television, movie theater, computer, MP3 player, or gaming console? . Computer, or television.
4. Rock, rap, pop, metal, or punk? All of the above, plus.
5. Black, white, blue, red, or green? Blue.
6. Salad, hamburger, ice cream, chips, or fruit? Salad.
7. Kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, or college? College.
8. United States, Canada, Australia, England, or Ireland? I'm partial to the States, but would like to see all of them eventually.
9. Swimming, fishing, tanning, theme parks, or camping? Sitting on a rock in a lake, or on the top of a mountain.
10. Snowball fights, snow forts, snowmen, snow angels, or sledding? Snow angels.
11. English, math, science, history, or art? History, or English.
12. Jelly beans, gummy worms, lollipops, chocolate bars, or cotton candy? Gummy worms.
13. Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Gamecube, Super Nintendo, or Handheld? Wii.
14. Facebook, Xanga, MySpace, YouTube, or Google? Facebook, Google, YouTube (in that order, and neither of the others)
15. Cute guys, tough guys, smart guys, sexy guys, or romantic guys? Amusing guys.
16. Flats, heels, Uggs, flip flops, or skater shoes? Sandals.
17. Early morning, late morning, early afternoon, late afternoon, or evening? Early morning.
18. Bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen, or attic? Living room.
19. Face-to-face, home phone, instant messenger, cell phone, or chat site? Email, IM or Fb PM.
20. Skinny jeans, flared jeans, capris, shorts, or skirts? I'm kinda floating between capris and jeans right now.
21. T-shirt, hoodie, tank top, tube top, or halter top? T-shirt.
22. McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC, Burger King, or Dairy Queen? McDonald's, honestly.
23. Car, airplane, train, boat, or walking? Car.
24. Coffee, tea, water, milk, or soda? Soda.
25. Drama, comedy, horror, action/adventure, or thriller? Comedy.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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