Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Hey Jealousy

1. When was the last time that you got jealous?
I can't think of anything recent. Sorry, I'm not really a jealous type.
2. At what point do you finally decide it's time to move forward with your life (like, major changes)? How do you know? What do you do?
When all the signs are pointing directly at it. I dunno, it's not like we've had a lot of choices to make: stuff just happens. You can't really predict deaths in the family, lost jobs, just go with the flow.
3. When is it time to just let it ('it' can be whatever you choose) go? How do you know? What do you do?
When I'm staying awake nights stressing more than I'm sleeping. When I can't find more positive than negative in a situation.
4. How many times must someone push your buttons before you've just had enough? Why?
Wow, how many ways can you ask the same question? Honestly, once is enough, twice is pushing it, three times and I'm probably done.
5. If [a] S/O were to cheat on you, could you ever see yourself giving them a second chance? Or a third?
Nope. This is a dealbreaker, pretty definitely.
6. What was the last thing that someone did that you were very grateful for?
I was quite thankful for the guys not minding that I came home from work and crashed in bed for an hour.
7. How much time do you spend online in a given weekday? What about the weekends?
Probably close to 12 hours, off an on, during the week. Weekends, more like 8-10.
8. How many online journals/blogs do you read regularly? What are some of your favorites and why?
I've got 210 subscriptions in Google Reader. I keep up with most of them at least weekly.
9. What was the last major purchase that you made?
I spent a good chunk of money replacing the stuff I lost on the train--probably close to $200. I can't think of any ONE thing that I dropped a lot of cash on, though.

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

Great answers.

MissusDilis said...

Hi... dropping by. My first time at Saturday 9 and doing my visits. I enjoyed reading your answers.
Happy Mother's Day!

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