Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Mayhem

(Link in meme-roll)
It's All About Mom

1. How old is your Mom? If she has passed away, how old would she be?
Mom would've turned 89 last December.
2. What is/was your Moms worst habit?
Wow. Uhm, let's go with martyrdom.
3. What famous person does/did your Mom resemble (a picture of that famous person would be nice)?
Mom just looked like Mom. I don't remember ever thinking she looked like anyone but herself.
4. What would be one meal that you would love for your Mom to cook for you right now?
I think Mac 'n Cheese would be safe. Or fondue. Really, though, I only want her oatmeal raisin cookies, the ones made with the recipe she lost when I was about 10....
5. Was your Mom a Stay at Home Mom or did she have to go to a work/job (and yes, Mayhem understands and knows that being a Stay at Home Mom is work/job) when you were growing up?
My mom chose to go to work for multiple reasons--four of which were my siblings--about xix years before I was born. She put her marriage on the line to rescue her mental health, and support her family, at a time when women were expected to stay home unless their "men" couldn't support them. Fuck.That.Noise. Yay, Mom!!
6. If you could change one thing about your Mom what would it be?
I would have loved for her to go to college. I would have loved for her to have therapy to recover from what seems to have been a pretty traumatic childhood. The latter is a rather selfish wish, since it absolutely would have changed the way she related to her children, most likely for the better.
7. Did you ever make your mom cry? if so, explain.
ALL the fucking time, especially later in her life. Well, really, when I was a teenager too. Mom was a cryer.
8. Have you ever told a lie to your Mom to protect yourself or someone else? If yes, have you come clean and told your Mom the truth?
I feel like I lied all the time to Mom. I suspect now that she knew a lot more than she let on. But no, if I didn't know for she she didn't already know, I never felt compelled to 'fess up.
9. What is the one thing that you most admire about your Mom?
In case you couldn't tell, I am very proud of what she went through to save her life (among other things) by getting a job in 1958. Mom supported her parents when she graduated high school at 16 until she got married. She worked after marriage too, until she got pregnant and had to (reread that please: HAD TO) quit.
10. In 10 words or less, describe your Mom.
She was a piece of work. I miss her loads, but it's complicated.

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