Saturday, March 20, 2010

Your shimmy shook my bones

(Found here)

Are you single? Nope.

Have you ever been cheated on? Not that I'm aware of.

Are you mad at anyone right now? Meh. Mildly annoyed, maybe, but angry, no.

How many other states have you lived in? Two, making a total of three.

What is annoying you right now? The fact that I'm doing this instead of something more productive.

Do you forgive and forget? I'm on board with forgiving. Still working on forgetting some things, though; sorry, Mrs. Becker, but I am still working on it.

What's the worse thing someone has ever done to you? Depends on the day, and my position relative to events around me. Nobody's ever happened that is earth-shatteringly blameworthy.

Have you ever been to jail? I have been. I've never been in jail as an inmate, though. I had to sit the waiting room a couple of times while my mom filled in for the regular bail-bond person.

What color is your cell phone? When I last saw it, it was red and black.

Are you happy with your life so far? Yup.

Have you ever loved anyone? Good Lord! I would NEVER want to meet someone my age who honestly could answer this anything besides yes!!!

When was the last time you had your heart broken? The last time I had a down and dirty fight with Sparky--about a week ago. Romantically...not sure.

Have YOU ever broken someone's heart? I'm a mom--so of course. Regularly. Sux. Romantically, yes.

Are you a troublemaker? Not officially.

Which celebrity gets on your nerves the most? Anyone related to the K@rd@shi@ns*.

What's the last class you failed? Never failed a class. Got a B- in Geometry, and that is the worst grade I received in nearly 18 years of education.

What color is your hair? Brunette with ash blonde and strawberry highlights.

How many siblings do you have? Hate . This . Question .

Have you ever fantasized about killing someone? Not in a serious way, but yes. It's rather enjoyable, especially with the number of mysteries I've read over the years. LOTS of good ideas in there!

What's your birthstone? Topaz. I no longer loathe it, but it's not exactly my favorite either.

Who is the last person you insulted? Beast. Or Sparky. I threatened someone with a putter today at work, too.

Who's the last person that insulted you? Beast. And the grammar in this question is pretty awful.

What's the last pill you took? Two ibuprofen about 3 hours ago. The large McDonald's cup of diet Coke is working better than the pills did.

Do you smoke/drink? No/More [regularly] than ever.

Are you religious? Yes.

How many best friends have you had throughout your whole life? I am forty-six freakin' years old. Are you SERIOUS? I can't possibly remember all of them, because I'm sure there are people from when I was a year old I haven't seen since then. Figure triple digits.

Do you ever want to get married someday? Not again!

Do you ever want to have kids? My factory is closed. I'll borrow other people's kids as I have been doing now for a decade or more.

Do you tan? The freckles eventually merge into what might charitably be called a tan.

Do you trust most people? Depends on what subject. Generally, yes, but not very long, not very far, not very much.

Who do you currently have a crush on? Mark Harmon.

What color are your eyes? Hazel. I think they are probably edging toward brown today.

Do you usually hide your feelings? I can, but I usually don't bother.

Do you have anger issues? Yup. Long fuse, though, so you're probably safe.

Do you think that you would make a good parent? Yup. I have proof of it in actuality, too.

Are you an attention whore? At times.

Would you date someone 10 years older than you are? Probably not anymore. And besides, Beast says I'm not allowed to date.

Who's the last person you kissed? Beast.

Do you ever miss one of your exes? Not really. They would annoy the crap out of me these days.

Do you believe in God? Yup.

Do you ever wish you were someone else? Quite often.

Who do you miss right now? Been missing Jean lately. Not sure precisely why.

Who knows all of your secrets? God.

What family member are you closest to? In proximity, outside of the household, I guess it would be Alan and Katharine. In other terms, probably my sister Marie or her daughter Elizabeth.

Do you like the school you go to? "The School of Hard Knocks"? Not so much.

Do you hate someone right now? I can't really be bothered to be angry, so what are the odds that I'm energetic enough to hate someone?!

What's the last song you listened to? We've got Dirty Jobs on, so it's got random music going on. Actual song was something on XM in the car...oh yeah: Main Street by Bob Seger.

Do you have any regrets? Of course. Who doesn't?

Did anyone ever stalk you? Not to my knowledge.

What's your aim screen name? I don't use AIM, but I use my email addy for IM.

How many friends do you have on myspace? Maybe two? Haven't logged on in years.

Who is the person that called you last? A friend from graduate school

What does your last text message say? Let me go get my phone...sigh...
"Am just leaving. Only work on sat next week. C ya soon." From Sparky last night at 10:50 p.m.

Have you ever been beaten up? No, though I used to live in fear of this as a child.

How many contacts do you have on msn? Beast. That makes one. Oh, wait, his dad is on MSN too.

What kind of jewelry do you wear? Generally, inexpensive.

How long did it take you to get over your last heartbreak? Oh, I bounce back pretty quick these days.

Do you miss any of your old friends from the past? Once in awhile.

What's one thing you wish scientists would create? I would love to see gene mapping for diseases completed SOON.

Who's the last person you pushed in the pool? I don't remember ever doing it, but if I did it would have been someone like Beast or one of his friends.

Do you think that your going to heaven or hell? I maintain that we're all pretty much serving our time in hell now, so I'm hoping for heaven or at least limbo.

Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Several.

Who's the last person you IMed? Beast, from the Wii-course this morning.

How long do you take in the shower? In the shower, under the water, never more than 10 minutes.

Do you get along with mom and dad? ....sigh....
No, seriously, I really did heave a great big sigh....

Who was the last person you flirted with? Uh... can you flirt with your husband? I dunno. I don't consciously EVER flirt. Oh, yeah, well, I was sorta flirty with my pa-in-law earlier this evening.

What color is your shirt? Royal blue. Embroidery on the left upper quadrant.

Do you like Twitter? It's fine. I haven't used it since before Xmas.

Where were you today at 10:32am? In the basement at work, staffing the aforementioned Wii-course.

What was the last movie you watched? No idea.

Who was the last person you deleted off myspace/facebook? "Lady" J. She's no lady.

What's your sister's name? Marie, Ellen, Jean.

What's your current mood on myspace? [I need to stop doing old surveys...MySpace is over for me.]

Are you a nosey person? I am curious. Not sure if I'm nosey. I try, very hard, not to be too intrusive.

What's the last rumor you heard about yourself? I have graduated from that phase in my life where people feel the need to tell me gossip about myself.

How do you want to die? Quickly, painlessly, and not anytime soon.

Where do you work? At a public library.

What physical features do you like most on the opposite sex? ...heh...

Do you have any facial piercings? Are ears 'facial'? If not, then none.

When is the last time you shaved? Yesterday.

Who's the last person you hugged? Beast.

What time is it right now? 7:51 p.m.

Do you believe that money can buy you happiness? It can make life a lot more prone to comfort, but I'm not sure anything can 'buy' happiness.

Would you rather be really smart or really funny? I'm not sure how funny non-smart people are....

Why did you deny your last friend request? I currently have 7 Fb friend requests from people I don't know. I'm sure they are all wanting to add me for Castle Age, and since I hardly ever play anymore, I'm not sure I want to add strangers to my friends list.

How many times have your friends betrayed you? "Betrayed" is not a word I use in the same sentence with "friend"--if someone betrays me, they are no friend.

What's the last lie you told? Probably something minor today at the "golf-course."

What's the last thing you said out loud? It's been awhile since I spoke. I think I asked Sparky if he was ok with watching Dirty Jobs.

Do you like Obama? I do.

Has anyone in your family ever been disowned? Not exactly, though my mom's brothers stopped speaking to one another a few years before their mom died. It was an argument over money. Stupid.

Are you an argumentative person? At times.

What color is your car?
I'm kinda cracking up here. The person before me answered what color her cats are. Crack me up.
My truck is dark green, as is the Honda. Beast's company car is an odd yellowy-gray.

What's the most akward [sic] conversation you've had in the past month? Uh...something with one of the youth group kids, probably.

When is your birthday? Just under 8 months from now.

Are you emotionally strong? Hell yes.

How about physically? Hell no.

Do you like ice cream? It's not on my Go-To List most of the time.

What's your nationality? 100% USan

Are you for or against abortion? I am in favor of a woman being allowed to choose whether to carry a pregnancy to term or not.

What color is your computer? Black on the inside, sort of red/brown on the outside.

What's your myspace url? plock

Are you a vegetarian? As the previous person said: "Nope, I like meat."

What religion are you? Christian.

Do you think you could last a month in a third world country? I need some more specifics. I probably could, unless I had to live like the majority of the people there. Do I get my meds at least? [I actually sort of have lived in a semi-third world country for a month...]

Have you ever been on the news? Yes, in the abstract.

Do you talk to random people online? Sure.

Are you fake nice to some people? my boss, and several annoying other people I know? Yes.

How much was the last shirt you bought? I think it was at fact, I know it was. I bought about a dozen T shirts for Youth Sunday for the kids. They were all under $5.

Are your ears pierced? As noted above, yes.

Do you like techno music? Sure, some of it.

Would you get the Hogwarts Crest tattooed anywhere on your body? On no account.

Would you go forward or backward in time, just to visit for five minutes? Forward more likely than backward, yes.

Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings or Twilight? Narnia or Harry, in that order. The others bore the shit out of me.

Do you like to clean? When I set myself to a task and get started generally I don't mind. Much. I hate cleaning floors though.

Would you rather be a dancer or a singer? I can already do an ok job with singing, so let's go with dancing, just because I need major help in this area anyway.

What is an instrument that you would love to learn how to play? Cello would be nice.

What is something strange that your pet seems to love to do? Eat. He's big on eating. Oh, and redecorating his cage regularly.

Do you like to work out? Not.

Favorite song from the 90's? The only one that comes to mind immediately is "How Bizarre" which is pretty random.

What is a language you would love to learn? Greek or Aramaic.

How has your day been? Not bad. Kinda long and busy.

What was your last encounter with the police? I did a 4-way stop duel today with a cop. And there was a cop in the library last week when someone's taxicab got stolen (yes. really). Police are just people. Mostly.

When was the last time someone called you "baby"? Check for people with missing front teeth. They are possibilities. No one calls me that.

What was the first thing you did this morning? Woke up.

Do you want your phone to ring at the moment? Huh, no, I'm pretty close to shutting the brain down for the day.

Do you have a feeling tonight is going to be a good night? I suppose anything is possible, Fergie and Will, et al.

Are you one of those people who consider Edward Cullen to be "hot"? Not in the book, not on the screen. Though the actor isn't exactly hideous-looking....

Have you ever met someone who took your breath away by just saying "hey"? Yeah. Isn't that weird when that happens? I don't really enjoy that feeling, either.

Are you mostly faithful in your relationships? "Mostly"?? Yes, I think I can stretch that far. {eyeroll}

How do you feel about the rain? An occasional light spring rain is fine. I don't like weeks and weeks of clouds and rain though.

Which do you like more: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits, though I probably actually eat more vegetables.

Who was the first person you talked to today? Sparky.

When was the last time you talked with the opposite sex on the phone? Mmmm? Yesterday?

Have you held hands with someone in the past 24 hours? Yup. A couple of different people, in fact.

What is your favorite thing to have on your bed? A heated mattress pad. And myself, of course.

In the past week, have you felt sad?Oh, yeah. At the weirdest times, too.

Are you tired right now? Is the fucking Pope Catholic??

Do you prefer to call or text? Text, unless it's a complicated discussion.

How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep with one, but I need two for reading in bed.

Who did you last text message? I dunno: I just went to check and accidentally deleted them all. Thanks for that.

Were you happy when you woke up today? No. I wanted to be sleeping in.

What was the last thing that you ate? Mini Val Day Hearts.

*edited 5/15 to block searches on this term --gah

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