Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
You're My Best Friend

1. Outside of your romantic life, do you currently have a best friend?
Wow, this is an interesting way to phrase an old, tired question! Yes, I have a couple of best friends to whom I'm not married.
2. Regarding your future, what is the best thing you could hope for?
Live well, die happy, leave the world better than when I arrived.
3. Have you ever helped out a friend with basic needs, like rent or food? If yes, what did you do?
Uh, well, food: sorta. Churches are really good at what I call Casserole Patrol when life spirals out of control. I've cleaned houses for a couple of people, and I've purchased gift cards and mailed them anonymously for a couple of others, one a coworker. I'm not comfortable in the Lady Bountiful mode, but if asked I would find some way of helping.
4. If they re-instituted the draft (for both genders and you were of age) would you go, or would find some way out of it?
I'd claim C.O., though it's highly doubtful they'd draft me with my medical issues. Interesting timing on this: on my son's next birthday he has to register with the draft people. I'm not happy about that, but it is his decision if he wants to step outside of the norm on it.
5. Tell us one thing you wish you hadn't let yourself do.
I wish I'd left a former job--or not taken that job--very early on instead of dragging things out for 5 years. I 'won' but at great cost.
6. Tell us about the last time you bragged.
Probably in the previous meme, though I wasn't meaning to. Or maybe in question #2 of this one.
7. What area are you wisest in?
My relationships with other people. I rarely overstep the boundaries, and could probably be accused of underrating or misrepresenting the kind of relationship. Every so often, I find out that I'm "best friends" with someone I consider much more of an acquaintance than a friend (much less a "best"). I have learned that people are grand, but most are unreliable, so I'm careful to expect very little.

Not that that makes ANY sense outside of my head. Oh well.
8. Tell us about something that happened that at the time made you "full of yourself".
I have that feeling sometimes at the Reference Desk: the All-Knowing, All-Seeing Librarian. It's sort of a feeling that whatever anyone throws at me, I can handle it, like being in the zone. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen often, but there are days when I can help every single person who asks for my help, and they leave happy.

It happens while cataloging too, but I rarely get props for it so it's less noticeable.
9. Has there ever been a time that you wanted to try something in the bedroom, but were afraid to ask?
Fuuuuuckkkk, yeah!

4 sweet-talkers :

I am Harriet said...

Live well, die happy...Amen :)

Have a great Saturday!

Kwizgiver said...

Your answer for #7 made total sense to me.

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

You don't really seem the Bragging" type. Have a great day...

Melissa Mashburn said...

Very good and honest answer for number 8

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