Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)
The Facebook Meme (aka The FaceTwit Meme)

1. Facebook has now surpassed Google in number of users and traffic. How much time do you spend on Facebook? If not FB, do you use Twitter?
I use both, but I'm on Facebook easily 2-3 hours a day nowadays. Sad, eh? I haven't logged in to Twitter in a couple of months.
2. What is Farmville? I do not understand why people are asking me for margarine.
I stopped playing Farmville before Christmas and since then it has become increasingly annoying. I actually deleted all 40ish of my Farmville gifts from my "inbox" Sunday.
3. Do you war in the Mafia Wars? I do not understand why people are asking me for cows.
Really? Cows? In Mafia Wars? I don't play that, and now I won't be for sure: it's bad enough when people ask me for cows in Farmville! :-)
4. What is Cafe World? I do not understand why people are asking me for bullets!
Wow, you are seriously discombobulated. I'd rather put a bullet in my OWN head than cook; why would I want to play at cooking??
5. Are you being bombarded with these "See Who Has Been Looking At your Profile - See Who Your Peeps Are?" application request lately? I don't understand why people are asking me for my photograph and that of my dogs.
Ignore. I don't care who looks at my profile; if they aren't friends, they can't see much about me.
6. Which FB or Twitter applications, tags or gifts irritate you the most and why?
I just ignore the stuff I don't like. It's not really that big of a deal. What bothers me more are the funky apps that are going to eat my computer or data if they get access.
7. Every morning I am faced with the question at the top of my Facebook profile page, "What's On Your Mind?" Now Mr. Online Mailman wants to know the same thing. Does the whole world need to know what I'm thinking at every moment? I can't write that in a public place ya know. But if you had to answer that question honestly at 9:00 am each morning, what would you say?
"Head-Desk, Head-Desk, Head-Desk"...repeated endlessly. That's what time the library opens.
8. Do you know how you became friends and followers with everyone in your list on Facebook and Twitter?
On Facebook, yes. On Twitter, no. No clue. Kinda weird, but I hardly use Twitter either.
9. Have you ever been deceived online by someone you thought was someone else? How did you know?
I trust no-one online. Or rather, I don't believe 75%+ of what I read online.
10. Do you enjoy chatting via Yahoo Messenger or AOL the old-fashioned way? If so, who do you chat with most online?
I use Meebo, which consolidates AOL, Yahoo, MSN, Gchat, and Fbook chat into one site, one login. Nice. I do like IMing.
11. Have you ever been contacted on Facebook or via email under false pretenses, for dubious purposes, or by meddling nosy people in general?
Yes. My Spam Folder in Gmail currently has 1063 individual emails in it. I get a few Facebook things periodically, which I delete (usually).
12. Think about it. We are all flitting around making bird noises on the internet. What would the PETA people say?! Can you think of a more suitable animal mascot for Twitter? What kind of sound would we make?
PETA needs to go away. If I can annoy them in any silly way, I'm on board.
13. What kind of new cool innovative application would you like to see on Facebook or Twitter? What would you call it?
This is why I'm not a developer: I never can think of new things.
14. Have you ever had to block someone from Facebook or Twitter?
90% of the cold "adds" I receive in Twitter I block. I have a friend of a friend blocked on Facebook because he's just THAT FUCKING ANNOYING, and for a week or so I had one of my sisters blocked there as well.
15. Do you allow your real life friends to communicate with you there or do you prefer to be incognito to the universe at large?
Facebook is the real me (more or less). Twitter is less obviously me.
16. Do you belong to any CAUSES on Facebook or Twitter? If so, what makes you passionate about them and why did you join?
I have joined a few, mostly feminist and liberal-political stuff, and a couple of medical ones.
17. Do you know what a Twibe is?
Vaguely, yes. Don't really care right now, though. My life is already way too chaotic.
18. Have you ever rage twitted? Tell me!
Nope. ...I don't think?
19. I find that more and more people are reading my blogs on Facebook and commenting there. Do you share your blog posts on Facebook? Do you find that it helps or hinders your blog traffic?
I don't. My blogging is almost wholly anonymous, and I pretty much intend to keep it that way.
20. Wanna be my friend on FB? I have nearly 800 now. At least I'd recognize you!
No, I don't think you would. And I think my 210 or so Fb friends was a lot. 800 would KILL ME.

1 sweet-talkers :

Mimi Lenox said...

#3 - I was trying to be humorous by switching all the toys around in the games. Sigh. Seems I missed the mark.

#9 - You trust no one online? Read my answer to this question. I should have a bulletproof vest around my computer.

I don't know who half of the 800 are. Most joined the peace globe movement in November and it just keeps growing. I'm thrilled though!

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