Saturday, March 20, 2010

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday 6

1. Which was the first childhood story you remember being told to you by your parents or grandparents?
I don't remember my parents really telling me stories, except family stories, or Bible stories once in awhile. Dad used to read to me almost every night, though, when I was little. The earliest book I remember is The Little House; I loved that book. Mom & I went to the library every Saturday afternoon and checked out an armload of books for the week.
2. Which was the first childhood story you remember being read to you by your parents or grandparents?
Woops. Well, first of all, my grandparents were not big readers and they were all dead by the time I was 9 or 10, but I'm almost certain "The Little House" wasn't the first book Dad read to me. Instead of (re-)answering this, I'll tell you the book during which I suddenly figured out reading. My sister Jean was reading it to me and all of a sudden: WHAM! I got it!!
3. Which was the first novel you remember reading for your own pleasure, not for a class assignment?
Dude, I read pretty much non-STOP during my childhood!! The "Little House" books (my own set, which I still own and have now replaced), Sherlock Holmes (my brother's copy), Tom Sawyer, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys (my mom's and sisters' copies), Heidi (Mom's copy), The Wizard of Oz, Little Women (my sister's copy), Dr. Seuss...I read voraciously. There is no way I remember which was first. In fact, I'm not even sure what books I had to read for school. Mostly, I don't remember being assigned books at all.
4. Which was the first novel you remember reading that really pulled you into the story?
Uhm ... yeah. ALL OF THEM?! I never finished Little Women till college, however, because once Meg got married, the story got really stupid. In my 8-year-old opinion.
5. Take the quiz: Which Alice in Wonderland Character Are You?
I am Alice. And by the way, this is one of those books I still reread every few years, a perennial favorite.
6. Which childhood story would you most enjoy telling to your kids?
Y'know, surprisingly, I never pushed the Hardy Boys (or Nancy Drew for that matter) at Sparky--how did I miss that? But he owned/owns all the Dr. Seuss books, and we read all the "Little House" books when he was tiny, and Tom Sawyer, and all the Narnia books, "A Wrinkle in Time" and the sequel, and all the Harry Potter books, to name a few. I miss reading out loud to him....{{sniff}}

1 sweet-talkers :

Donna. W said...

I know what you mean when you say, "WHAM, I suddenly got it." That happened to me with my nursery rhyme book. I had the whole thing memorized, and I looked at the words while reciting the rhymes and realized certain letters made certain sounds. I was probably four or five, because it was before I started school.

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