Sunday, February 28, 2010

I don't believe in God but I pray for you.

remember, I don't name these things....
(Found here)

Would you ever want to serve in Iraq?
Not in the military.

Do you watch true life? if so, what's your favorite episode?
I participate in true life. Unless you mean something called True Life on TV, in which case, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Have you ever heard of Sufjan Stevens?
Yeah. I don't get why he's so popular, but he sure as hell is around here.

Do you own a pair of blue converse?
No. Thinking about getting some Chucks, but haven't yet.

Do you eat cinnamon waffles a lot?
No. Maybe once a year, I remember to throw in some cinnamon.

When did you last go to Outback Steakhouse?
Over a year. Did you see Postsecret today?

If offered (and it was free), would you go to Antarctica?
Hell no. I can see ice and penguins here!

Do you love penguins or what?
I do. They remind me of one of my best friends.

What is your middle name?
...and that reminds me of one of my best high school friends...

Do you know anyone with a really weird name? if so, what is it?
I've known some people with odd names, yes. After awhile, they no longer seem so odd.

Are the majority of the hangers in your closet plastic or metal?
Metal, unfortunately.

Where do you keep all of your jewelry?
On my earring tree, necklace hanger, and jewelry box.

Do you wear tripp pants? why/why not?
No clue what they are, so I guess I don't. Now that I've Googled them, HELL NO.

If you could play any instrument, which would it be?
I would love to get back to piano. Also, bagpipes.

Do you hope that tomorrow's like today?
It won't be: Sparky will be at school, I'll be running errands, and Beast will be on the road.

Do you thrive on confrontation?
Oooh, no. Don't like those. On the other hand, sometimes you just have to face things.

Isn't it annoying when girls are constantly hitting on your boyfriend?
I don't have a boyfriend, but it only makes me sorta laugh when girls (or even women) hit on Beast.

Ever tried Halls fruit breezers?
Uh, no? Don't remember.

Do you know what isight is?
No. Off to Google this...ok, and so?

Which magazine's the best: Time, Star, OK!, People, National Geographic, Cosmo, or Vogue?
Of those, Time or Nat Geo by default. Duh.

Is your mom into photography?
Not so much.

What does this mean: wherever you go, there you are?
Pretty obvious to me. No?

Do you hate it when people call others "nazis" because they correct grammar or order people around?
It's a little annoying, yeah.

Ever watched an episode of Lost?
No. Hope I can avoid the whole thing.

Do crime shows scare you?
Not the dramas. Some of the true crime ones do.

What is the weirdest question you've ever been asked?
I work in a public library. It don't get weirder than that on a daily basis.

Would you rather your lover have no hair at all or be a sasquatch?
I would prefer a happy medium, with more hair being the default.

What would you do if a boy came up to you and said, "right birds can fly so high, and they can shit on your head. yeah they can almost fly into your eye, and make you feel so scared. but when you look at them, and you see that they are beautiful. that's how i feel about you" ?
"9-1-1, can you come for a psych pick-up."

Why do people put spaces between words and punctuation (hey . how are you ?)?
I suspect that part of this is retardo computer programs. Nothing about the way people write surprises me much, though.

Did you know that it's really offensive when you say "that's so gay" about something that you don't like?
I never say this. Because, yeah, it's offensive.

Is Joel Madden attractive?
Who? Google, though he's not hideous.

What's a word that begins with the first letter of your bf/gf/crush's name?
If I use "husband", then 'Breakdance'.

Have you ever heard a song mash-up? Did you like it?
Some are good, some suck.

If you had to choose between being a garden gnome or a gargoyle, which would you be?
Gargoyle, no contest.

Do you know the original Hunchback of Notre Dame story?
I have not read the original novel, no.

Are you pretty much a junkie?
I'm a bit of a computer junkie. And a sugar junkie.

Do you actually read the featured blogs on Xanga?
Does Xanga actually still exist?? Haven't been there for years and years, and anyway I never knew about Featured Blogs there anyway.

Do you care to share your thoughts on Twitter?
I haven't used my account in a couple of months. It was sorta lame.

Have you ever gone walking around looking for flowers?
Yes. Yes, I have.

How was the last party you went to?
Good. Loud. Fun.

Do you ever babysit? Are the kids wild?
Not very often anymore. Kids are kids.

Have you seen the movie, Forgetting Sarah Marshall? Did you like it?
Never saw it.

What's the last thing you spent money on?
Diet Dr. Pepper. Just remembered, too: it's still in my bag.

Have you ever caught a tadpole?
I think I have done, when I was a kid. I used to kind of like doing this sort of thing: tadpoles, crickets, worms, caterpillars....

Do you know the difference between a joint and a blunt?
Yes. Blunts crack me up: like you're kidding ANYone!

What kind of dog would you get if you could choose any breed?
One from a shelter, preferably a hypoallergice one.

Would you ever move to a different country then your own?
Sure, within strict parameters.

Have you ever made a music playlist?
Yup. I used to do this all the time when I did weekly (or more often) radio shows.

Do you do it for tha hood?
The previous person's answer goes for me too: "The fuck?"

What does most of your money go towards?
Mortgage, food, gas....the usual.

Do you like to decorate?
Within very strict parameters. (seems to be a theme)

What are your bedroom colors?
Sea blue and sand.

Have you ever done anything sexual in exchange for something?

How long is your longest relationship?
I've been married 23+ years. Other than that, it would be my siblings' relationships with me.

Can you name all the people you've been with?
I'm just going to go with an eyeroll and a yes.

How often do you listen to rap?
Not as much as I listen to other music.

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