Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yesterday all my troubles seem [sic] so far away

(Found here)

Do you think before you speak? More than I used to, less than I probably ought to.

Do you make the wrong choices often? Not really.

Does it make you mad when people stare at you? It's a little paranoia-inducing. I don't get mad.

Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you? I live in a relatively small town, plus I grew up in the West. {shrug} I'm used to it.

Are you listening to music right now? Just the background music on NCIS: LA.

How many cell phones have you had in your life so far? I think I've had three. Maybe four. Can't remember for sure. Beast has had about ten, I think...

Did your parents spoil you as a child? According to some of my siblings, yes. According to me, not so much.

Will this weekend be a good one? Fucking well BETTER be!

What are you craving right now? Sleep, sun, sugar.

Have you cried today at all? Nope.

Would you rather get up early or sleep in? Early is fine if I'm alone.

Do you use chapstick? All the time.

Are you wearing shorts at the moment? Are you kidding? It's the middle of winter!

What is your favorite thing to shop for? Food, of course.

What are you listening to at the moment? Didn't we cover this? I'm watching TV.

What is the nearest green object to you? The blanket wrapped around my legs and feet.

Is your phone right beside you? It's on the table next to me.

Has anything weird happened in the past week? Every day is weird.

What was the last thing you put in your mouth? The last of the can of DDP from this morning.

What was the last picture you took of? A playing card wrapped around a spoon.

What is the connection between you and the last person you texted? We're married. To each other.

Would you kill someone for a million dollars? Not just for the money.

Do you like yourself? Yup.

Does your password have to do with a boy? No.

Are you a girly girl? Heh. Rarely.

Big or small purses? No purse.

Who was the last person that you cried in front of? Probably Beast.

Have you ever crawled through a window? Yup. And within the last couple of years even.

Look behind you, what do you see? The back of the couch, miniblinds, and the front window.

Have you ever worked in a food place? Yes. Not for a long time, but I worked at two very different "food places."

Do you wear your seat belt in the car? Yup.

Are you happy right now? Pretty much. A little overwhelmed, but not unhappy.

Do you hurt anywhere? My shoulders are not happy. They'd be much happier if I weren't on the computer so much, though, so it's my own fault.

Do you think you're wasting time with the person you have feelings for? ...plock...

Have you ever told someone you loved them when you didn't mean it? I've said it when I wasn't feeling very loving.

Did you have feelings for anyone last Summer? Why is the season capitalized? And ...plock.

When was the last time you kissed someone and regretted it? Years and years and years.

Have you smiled today? Yup.

Have you ever had Mike's Hard Lemonade? I believe I've tasted it. Was not impressed.

Do you have any candles in your bedroom? Yup.

Do you have an iPhone? The previous responder's answer works for me: "Fuck Apple."

What are you listening to right now? OK, enuf. I am hereby boycotting this question because of this meme forever (or until I forget).

Have you ever tried a meatball sub? Uh, yeah, on Beast's recommendation. Was not overly thrilled.

Do you like the smell of gasoline? I don't mind the fumes, but I don't like the smell. Yeah, I know: weird.

How old will you be in four years? Four years from today, I will be 50.16666666667.

How old do people normally guess you are? People don't tell me. Which is probably just as well.

Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes, the top.

How many windows are open on your computer? One window, five tabs.

Is there any jewelery [sic] you always wear? Three rings. I usually have on earrings as well.

Are you a mean person? Sometimes.

Have you ever felt like you were being replaced? Yup.

Would you rather have ice cream or cake for dessert? CAKE, no contest!

Are you wearing make up at the moment? Not unless you count lip balm.

How many dogs do you have? None. {sniff} :'/

This time last year, do you remember who you were dating? Yeah, ok--NOT!

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