Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
You Shook Me

1. What celebrity would you just want to shake some sense into?
The list of those I don't want to is WAY shorter.
2. What do you think comes after death?
3. What is the first book that you can remember reading by yourself as a child?
The book I learned to read with was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I don't remember specifically reading any "learn to read" books.
4. What was the first rock concert that you attended?
The first pop concert was after a baseball game in Denver: the Beach Boys. The first regular HUGE concert was probably Paul Young. I've seen Styx twice, Boston once, and U2 twice, as well as a lot of much smaller acts.
5. If you were to suddenly become famous, would you choose a stage name? If yes, what would it be?
I've considered possibly names I'd use as a published author. Most of them revolve around a combination of my legal name, but different enough to be ... well, different.
6. What is the one thing that you wish the media would stop talking about?
The same things over and over. If there isn't any news, have some intelligent (emphasis there) conversation among adults (emphasis there) for a change.
7. If you could be part of any band, which one would it be and who would you be and why?
Chumbawumba would be very interesting to jam with. And to be a fly on the wall in the studio, or onstage, with U2 ... O.M.G.!
8. Do you live close to your immediate family members? If not, how far away are they?
I live within about an hour of two nephews, a niece and nephew-in-law, and my father-in-law. The other members of my more-or-less immediate family live in Colorado, Texas, Tennessee, Manhattan, England, and Scotland.
9. Last seasonal question (promise): What did you do on New Year's Eve?
Basically the same thing I'm doing right now: just sitting here watching TV with the three Ts, and goofing online.

1 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I picked U2, too! And there's a goodie for you on my blog: what if this is as good as it gets?: beautiful blogger award

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