Sunday, January 3, 2010

I need an easy friend

(Found here)

bold the true statements

  • I have a serious attitude problem
  • I hate repetitive surveys
  • I dig 80s music
  • I’m feeling pretty lonely right now
  • Donnie Darko is really overrated
  • I have a shell necklace
  • Cats are my favorite animal
  • I wish I was with my boyfriend right now
  • My mother had me when she was too young
  • I haven’t brushed my teeth yet today
  • I love lollipops
  • I hate chewing gum
  • I once ate takeaway food three nights in a row
  • Will Ferrell is hilarious
  • I don’t think hats suit me
  • I wear alicebands (for those who don't speak Brit)
  • I have heard of the band Tears For Fears
  • I don’t drive & I’m not sure if I ever will
  • I’d rather be driven than drive myself
  • My job consists of sitting around on my ass all day
  • Oh no, the sun is out
  • I miss last summer
  • The good memories of my past make me want to cry
  • I HATE Star Wars
  • Angelina Jolie was a great actress in Girl, Interrupted
  • I know where Shakespeare was born in England
  • I’m not interested in Shakespeare or any of his plays
  • The term “whatever” is used when the person doesn’t have anything better to say
  • Zebra print is so effing tacky
  • If I were to get fat, I wouldn’t care
  • Girls who look anorexic, now that is repulsive
  • If you were to give me $200 right now, I’d go right out & spend it all
  • I want to go to Madame Tussaud’s wax museum
  • I don’t know much about my country’s history
  • I do not own a bikini
  • I wear earrings everyday
  • I had a very disturbing dream last night
  • I can’t watch animals eating other animals on wildlife TV; it makes me so sad
  • I love to read True Crime
  • I would find it hilariously funny if Former President Bush tripped over his own two feet & fell off a cliff
  • I live in America & do not have an American accent
  • I can fake a Scottish accent
  • Some music moves me to tears (most movies do)
  • I have read the book Jane Eyre
  • I love Borders bookstore
  • I’d love to work there
  • I HAVE worked there
  • I have never purchased anything from Starbucks
  • I can sing opera
  • I have seen a picture of my parents on their wedding day
  • My parents never married
  • Sometimes I wonder if I was adopted
  • I strongly believe in reincarnation
  • The celebrity I’d most love to meet is dead
  • I find Joaquin Phoenix highly sexilicious
  • I call people “fools” a lot
  • People in motorized wheelchairs make me laugh
  • I have been caught singing into my hairbrush
  • When I’m embarrassed I turn bright red
  • I don’t blush
  • I’m not squeamish at the sight of blood
  • Guys who smell good really turn me on
  • One of my favorite actors is Jim Carrey
  • Kate Winslet is the perfect example of an English Rose
  • I seriously think Sarah Jessica Parker is one of the ugliest female actresses out there
  • I enjoy taking walks by myself in the summer
  • One of my pets recently died
  • I want to marry a fat old man with loads of cash
  • I’m afraid of all animals with hooves
  • MOO
  • I’m interested in the supernatural
  • My mother is such a gossip

1 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I'll have to keep this in my drafts for a day when I'm stuck.

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