Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday 9

(Link in blogroll)
Joy to the World

1. What to you is the most joyous aspect of the holidays?
Christmas Eve service, singing "Silent Night" by candlelight.
2. Do you get much snow where you live? If yes, do you enjoy winter sports like skiing or would you rather stay in by the cozy fire?
It snowed this week. It snows here a lot in the Snow Belt. However, once Christmas is over, I'm ready for the snow to stop, because I'm not a fan of being cold. I stay inside whenever possible, and no I do not ski! This reply is an inside joke, because people always assumed I did ski. No.
3. Have you ever been on a sleigh ride or a carriage ride? Do you even like horses?
I've been on several carriage rides in my town this time of year. I've been on a troika, which is a Russian sleigh pulled by three horses (hence, "troi-ka") on the steppes. Both are fun. The best part of the troika ride, besides the speed (which was absolutely breath-taking) was the vodka and potato pancakes afterwards.
I love horses, and my boyfriend too.
4. During the busy week, what do you do to relax?
This. Read. Crosswords/Sudoku. And this time of year especially, I love long HOT baths just before bedtime, primarily because they guarantee that I'll be warm all over for that 30 minutes at least.
5. Do you get stressed during the holidays?
Because of the wonders of chemistry, I do not stress as much as I used to. Whee.
6. What holiday song could you happily never hear again?
Soooo many. Let's go with "Backdoor Santa."
7. How do you decide on what present you pick for a person?
I come from a long line of "What do they need?" practicality. Yes, I'm the Mom from Hell! Sparky's getting underwear and jeans on Christmas morning.
8. What does this holiday season mean to you and why?
This year I'm feeling very much like it's a huge fucking hassle. ho ho ho, bah!
9. What holiday movies best describe the season for you and why?
The first 15 or 20 minutes of "A Christmas Carol" sounds about right, or the beginning of the Grinch. Sigh....

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