Sunday, October 11, 2009


(Found here)

*1* Do you look good when you wake up? I know I don't see well, so I doubt I look good.
*2* Do you ever think you'll look back when you're older and feel so lame that you did all these surveys? Quite possibly.
*3* Do you know the meanings of the kilt pin positioning in Catholic schools? Nope. I couldn't care less.
*4* Last thing someone told you they were jealous of you for? I'm not sure. Family? I dunno.
*5* Do you find your job rewarding? Yes. thank goodness.
*6* What is the point in regretting? There is none, except perhaps to encourage avoidance.
*7* Why did you last delete someone from Myspace/MSN/whatever? I've only deleted one person from Facebook that I remember.
*8* Do you have a nifty bookmark? I have several, but I rarely use it.
*9* Do you have any songs on your iPod that say nothing but the title over and over again? I don't have an iPod, but none of the songs I listen to on my MP3 do that. I think...
*10* How long have you been/were you in high school? Sophomore through senior year.
*11* Last thing you threw in the garbage? Bag the chicken we had for dinner was wrapped in.
*12* What would you like to do with the person who took this before you? I don't know who that person is, as I stole it from the site everyone was answering it.
*13* Do you love or hate straightening your hair? I don't straighten it, unless you call blowing it out "straightening."
*14* What is the caption for your default picture? My picture on Blogger has no caption.
*15* Are you in love with your best friend? Yup. One of them.
*16* What is the longest you have kept a tamagotchi alive for? I never really had one. Sparky had one for a few weeks, about a decade ago.
*17* What does the objective on your resume state? I haven't updated my resume in eons. I probably should do that, eh?
*18* What is the last song you played on repeat? I don't do that very often. I can't think of anything right now.
*19* Do you actually make a to-do list, and if so what is the first unchecked thing on your to-do list? I constantly make lists. Right now I don't have one going, except in my head.
*20* Why did you last go to the mall? I don't remember.
*21* When at the mall do you usually just hang out or actually shop? The last person answered "shop..while hanging out? lol" which seems about right when Amy's involved.
*22* Why is candy considered sexy? Again, going with the previous person's answer: it is?"
*23* CD in your CD Player? The latest from Joan Osborne is in the kitchen, and Fiddler on the Roof is in the car.
*24* What gauge are each of your piercings? My ears are the only things that are pierced and they are standard earring piercings.
*25* Are you very persuasive? Absolutely.
*26* Who makes the best surveys in your opinion? I don't really notice these things, honestly.
*27* What is the slogan on the license plates for your state/province? It involves the 16th PoTUS.
*28* Do people generally tell you that you are photogenic? No then don't.
*29* Do you have all the same, or all different passwords for everything? I have several.
*30* What day of the week did or will your birthday fall on this year? Thursday.
*31* Is the last person you hugged cute? He's my husband, so, yeah.
*32* Do you HATE some of the survey takers on xanga? Am probably better off not knowing them. Something to be grateful for.
*33* Last person you saw wearing a band shirt, and which band? Me, for U2 (current tour).
*34* Do you love or hate interactive questions in surveys? What, precisely, are "interactive questions? Aren't they always interactive?
*35* Do you ever find yourself narrating your life in your head? Sorta, only when I'm thinking, "Hey this would make a great blogpost" or when I'm really fucking ticked.
*36* Have you ever had something other than a regular mattress for a full time bed? Not for more than a week on a mission trip.
*37* Last time using glow sticks? I usually buy them for others to use, not me.
*38* What colour are your nails painted? Autumn has arrived, so I'm completely polish-free.
*39* Last make-up item bought? Lip-gloss? In June?
*40* What colour is your nail polish remover? It's purple in the bottle. Why, I wonder?
Your computer
1. How old is it? About nine months.
2. What is the brand? Gateway.
3. What kind of internet browser do you have? IE, though I think Firefox is downloaded too. I just don't like it.
4. Is it a desktop or a laptop? Laptop.
5. What color is your keyboard? Black.
6. What kind of mouse do you have? It's a laptop, hence no mouse.
7. Do you have a lot of music saved on it? Nope.
8. Does it have Windows Media Player on it? Yep.
9. Do you have PowerPoint on it? I do! Hey, I forgot about that!
10. Do you ever play the games on it? No.

Your body
1. How tall are you? 172 cm.
2. Have you ever had braces? Yes, I did.
3. Do you like your appearance? Most of it. OK, some of it.
4. Do you have any tattoos? No.
5. Are you tan or pale? Whale white, with freckles in some areas (arms, face).
6. Are you happy with the size of your breasts? They're fine.
7. Do you have big feet? I have a large understanding, yes.
8. Do you have any piercings? Have we not covered this already?
9. Do you shave your arms? {{{{shudder}}}}
10. Would you ever have plastic surgery? Only to repair damage. In other words, I wouldn't rule it out, but I'm not going in voluntarily unless something gets messed up in a car accident or something.

Makeup/Accessories/Other body stuff
1. Do you wear any makeup? Only lip gloss/Chapstick.
2. Do you like belts? They are WONDERFUL when pants are too loose.
3. Do you wear a lot of jewelry? Stealing from the previous person: "not at once."
4. Have you ever used acne cream? Yes.
5. Do you like lip gloss? Well, yeah....
6. Do you go to tanning salons? PAY someone for skin cancer? Uh, no.
7. Have you ever plucked your eyebrows? Regularly.
8. Have you ever used fake eyelashes? I think that would be very foolhardy to start messing with.
9. Do you like painting your nails? I like doing my toes. My fingernails suck.
10. Have you ever used fake nails? Yeah. WAAAAYYYY too much upkeep.

1. What type of music is your favorite? I tend towards music to move to, or good lyrics. Both at once is awesome.
2. What type of music is your least favorite? Not a huge fan of hardcore rap or opera.
3. What is your favorite song? The last few times I've heard "One" (U2) I've ended up sobbing through the last 2/3 of it. Normally I say "The Sweetest Thing" though.
4. What is your least favorite song? I try really hard not to remember anything I don't like, but most anything involving Geddy Lee's voice is gonna be on the list.
5. Do you play any instruments? Flute and piano badly. Handbells, if they count.
6. Do you have an ipod? Again, have we not covered this?
7. Is music pretty much your life? I like it, it makes me less cranky when I get a brain-ful on a daily basis, but it is NOT my life. Books, yeah, they might be.
8. Have you ever downloaded music illegally? No.
9. Do you still buy CDs? Yes.
10. Do you still listen to the radio? Not very often, and only when desperate.

1. Do you like Fall Out Boy? Some of their stuff is ok.
2. Do you like Plain White T’s? No clue.
3. What is your favorite band? U2
4. What is your least favorite band? So many from which to choose, but I'll go with Kings of Leon today.
5. Is there one band that you just can’t stand? Well, yeah. Quite a lot of them in fact.
6. How many bands have you seen in concert? 5 or 6, I guess, unless opening acts count and then it's more like 10 or 12.
7. Is there a band you want to see in concert? I'd love to see Melissa Etheridge in concert.
8. Do you still like bands like N*sync and Backstreet Boys? Some of the songs are fun.
9. Do your friends like the same bands as you do? Some of them like some of them.
10. Who is the lead singer of your favorite band? Uh, Bono? Heard of him?

1. Are you a fashion freak? Uh? No?
2. Do you tend to wear what others are wearing, or are you the trend starter? I wear what's comfortable, and what looks comfortable on others.
3. Do you like the trend where you wear leggings under a mini skirt? I don't care, but you won't be catching me in a mini-skirt!
4. What is the ugliest trend you’ve ever seen? Girls: whale-tails. Boys: falling-down pants.
5. Did you have one of those sparkly purses with the sequins when they were popular? Fuck no. Absolutely not.
6. Do you think fashion is overrated? Hugely overrated.
7. What is the best clothing store? For me, Old Navy.
8. Do you shop at places like American Eagle, Abercrombie, and Hollister? I'm 45. What do you think?
9. Would you ever set foot into Hot Topic? I do, regularly, to shop for my son.
10. Which celebrity do you think has the best fashion? Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock...I dunno. Don't care.

1. Have you ever done any hard drugs? Nothing illegal.
2. If so, what kind? n/a
3. Do you smoke? Only when furious.
4. If so, what brand of cigarette? n/a
5. Do you like beer? Yuck, no.
6. Have you ever drank tequila? Not straight, and not much, but yes.
7. Do you hate the smell of cigarette smoke? Yeah, definitely not a fan.
8. Do you think bad of people who do drugs? If it interferes with their ability to function in society, yes.
9. Do you think all drugs and alcohol should be outlawed? It won't work.
10. Do your friends or parents do drugs? Only prescription meds, to keep them alive and functional.

1. Who is your best friend? Beast/Amy/Jenny
2. How long have you known this person? 26/6/27 years.
3. Do you have a lot of friends, or do you prefer a few close friends? I think I have a lot of friends but most of them are not particularly close.
4. Do you have more guy friends, or girl friends? Girls, though it's starting to even out.
5. Do you have any friends you don’t like? See 3 above, though why I would call someone I like a friend, I don't know.
6. Have you ever lost a friendship for a dumb reason? Uhm, yeah!
7. Are there any people that you used to be friends with, that you aren’t now, but wish you still were? Just one. I can't figure out what happened.
8. Does your best friend have a Myspace? Nope.
9. Do you and your friends have the same things in common? Just me, really. It's pretty random.
10. Where do you and your friends like to hang out? Varies on the friend, the day, and life in general.

1. How often do you go to the movies? Once or twice a year.
2. What’s the last movie you watched? HP5
3. What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? Psycho. I don't actually 'do' scary movies.
4. In your opinion, what is the dumbest movie ever made? Oh, hell no--there are far too many from which to choose.
5. What is your favorite actress? "What"??? How about "Who"? And I like Sandra Bullock.
6. What is your favorite actor? Again with the "what"!! I dunno...Alan Rickman?
7. What is your favorite movie? Heathers.
8. Have you seen any of the Harry Potter movies? All of them.
9. Have you seen Talladega Nights? Nope.
10. Have you seen Madagascar? Nope.

Preferred sex
1. What is the sex you prefer? The one I prefer for sex is male.
2. What color eyes do you prefer them have? I'm much more interested in good grammar--but I guess I prefer brown eyes.
3. What color hair do you prefer them have? Generally, brunette.
4. What kind of music do you prefer they like? Nothing I can't stand.
5. Do you prefer them be outgoing or shy? More towards the outgoing end of the scale.
7. Do you prefer them to weigh more than you? Yes. That is the norm, after all.
8. What would they be like? Kind-hearted, honest, and trustworthy. Yes, I want to date Boy Scouts. ...sigh
9. Would you want them to be funny? AbsoROOOTree.
10. Would you care if they smoked? Yes.

This or that
1. Doughnut or Twinkie? donut
2. The name Michael or Seth? Michael
3. Bolding surveys or answer the question surveys? Mostly the latter, though the former goes so much faster!
4. Diet Coke or diet Pepsi? Diet Dr. Pepper is preferable.
5. Fish or chicken? Those are, indeed, my choices of late.
6. Red or orange? Red.
7. Pads or tampons? Neither anymore...woo-hoo!!
8. City or country? To live: country.
9. Brother or sister? I have both. Right now I'm liking my sisters slightly more than my brother.
10. Myspace or Facebook? Facebook FTW.

1. Do you have any children? Yes.
2. What color is your bedroom? Sky blue and sand.
3. Do you know how to ride a bike? Yes, though I rarely use that knowledge.
4. Do you use electric razors or disposable razors? Disposable.
5. Do you like to play board games? Yes.
6. What is your favorite school subject? It was a tossup between English and history.
7. What is your favorite city? London.
8. Have you ever jumped off a bridge? No. Thanks.
9. Have you ever called your best friend a bitch? Not seriously.
10. Where were you born? Colorado.


1. I love bolding surveys [I like 'em, not so much with the love]
2. I've had an alcoholic beverage this week
3. I love cutting out pictures/words from magazines and putting them all over my walls
4. I watch Dancing with the Stars
5. My arm currently hurts
6. Facebook = Life [sadly...]
7. I have never been out of my state
8. ProActiv works so well for me
9. I have a class ring [...sigh...]
10. There are more than two piggy banks in my bedroom [in my house, yes]
11. Subway is my favorite fast food restaurant
12. My cell has an MP3 player on it
13. I believe certain flaws make people beautiful
14. I have dried out flowers hanging in my room
15. I weigh under 150
16. My favorite feature about myself are my eyes
17. I'm always watching TV
18. I would love to learn how to golf, but it seems extremely hard
19. I have the Wii and LOVEEE it
20. I hate being unorganized
21. My favorite weather is rain
22. I love candles, they're great
23. I'm a grammar freak
24. I have currently have straight A's [hard to figure out the grades at work and in life]
25. ... More like straight F's
26. I hate when surveys are so random that they're stupid
27. Kind of like when they ask "If you had a purple hippo, what would you name it?" Ahh.. so stupid
28. ...Like, i'm never going to have a purple hippo, so why ask? [SHUT UP!!]
29. Scarfs are awesome
30. I use the word 'wicked' a lot
31. I can't waittt to get out of this town
32. I actually love my town and never really want to move out of this area (uh..)
33. When I get proposed to, I'm wishing it'll be on the beach [too late, and not on the each]
34. I was a hoe once for Halloween [nor a ho, either]
35. I'm going to subscribe to ohWOWsurveys


1. Do you talk to your parents about sex? Ha ha ha ha, NO!!
2. What color are your bedroom walls? Still blue and sandy brown.
3. Are you going to Did you go see High School Musical 3? No.
4. Don't you think it's ridiculous that they're making you pay to go to the movie theatre to see it, even though it was an original disney CHANNEL movie? ...plock...
5. Are you wearing glasses? Affirmative.
6. Who last texted you? What did they say? Beast texted about 3:15 to tell me he and Sparky were on their way home.
7. What is your favorite Broadway show? I've actually never seen a play ON Broadway, but I'll go with The Lion King which I saw on tour.
8. Do you like taking bubble baths? How often do you? Yes, and about three times a week.
9. If you had to pick between a pool and a hottub, which one would you choose? Hot tub.
10. What are you learning about in health this year? Not taking any classes now.
11. What is the most stupid pick-up line you've ever heard? All pickup lines are, by definition, stupid.
12. Do you know anyone with extreme OCD? I see everything at the library.
13. What are your favorite kinds of surveys? (If you wanna comment me saying which ones, that'd be great!) I'm clearly not overly fussy.
14. How many pairs of socks do you think you own? Including dressy socks, I'd guess close to 70.
15. Have you ever smoked pot? Pleading the 5th.
16. Do you like where you live? My house yes. Otherwise not so much.
17. How many times has an ambluence been at your school this year? First of all, and again, I'm not in school. Second of all, "ambluence"?? REALLY? Third of all, I think Sparky's school has been amBULance-free to date.
18. When did you last get butterflies? Can't remember.
19. Do you go to your school nurse? There is no nurse on staff at my job. So, no.
20. When do you feel most happy? When I am occasionally stress-free.
21. Who has inspired you most in life? My parents.
22. Are you an only child? If yes, do you like it? I'm not, exactly. It sounds lovely at times, though.
23. How many pets do you own? 1 lonely guinea pig.
24. Where's your cell at? On the table next to me.
25. What was the last thing you took a picture of? A bent spoon and a torn playing card.


1. Was your heart damaged when you found out about Danity Kane breaking up? Nothing like this damages my heart.
2. Do you listen to Oasis? No.
3. What's your favorite Disney Channel show? I never watch the Disney Channel.
4. How many yellow shirts do you own? I can think of two.
5. On a scale 1-10, how creative are you? I'd give myself an 8, as long as "creative" doesn't mean "artistic."
6. Have you ever tried to sew? I know how to sew. Everyone in my school had to take home ec, and my mom made me learn anyway, before that.
7. Are you currently dehydrated? No.
8. How often do you take surveys? Daily-ish, if you include all the memes I do.
9. Who was the last person to break your heart? Did you forgive them? ...working on it.
10. What is your favorite word that begins with the letter E? EXACTLY!
11. Have you ever taken ballet? No.
12. When was the last time you did homework? For school: 22 years ago. For work, this morning (checked my email).
13. Show me your favorite Xanga smiley: Isn't Xanga so very 2005?
14. How many times a day do you brush your teeth, honestly? Twice, but I forgot to this morning. Shhh, don't tell.
15. Have you ever showered with the opposite sex? In very different situations, multiple times.
16. What last made you mad? Let's just say that Beast is not a lot of fun when he's tired and stressed.
17. If you were to write a book right now about yourself, what would the title be? How odd: this was a question on another meme yesterday! Today, I think it would be called "Go Away and Leave Me Alone."
18. Do you own any argyle sweaters? How many? Not anymore.
19. When was the last time you drove a car? About 2.5 hours ago.
20. What's the price for gas in your area? Slightly less than $2.50.
21. When will you next have a 'girls night out'? Maybe, MAYBE, next month in Denver.
22. How many posters are hanging in your room? Kinda over the poster thing, though we do have three nicely-framed ones in the dining room.
23. When was the last time you were on a rollercoaster? Which one was it? About 5 years ago, maybe, at Six Flags.
24. If you're 18+ who are you planning on voting for? When?
25. Are you wearing any jewelry? Just earrings and my usual rings.
26. Tell me about your outfit today: "Dress" jeans, black/white sweater, and a blanket over my legs and feet. In other words, post-work winter outfit.
27. Would you describe yourself as a 'stylish' person? No. No, I would not.
28. What time are you planning on waking up tomorrow? Seven-ish.
29. Mac and cheese or ramen noodles? Mac 'n cheese.
30. What is to the right of you? A giant pile of shit I need to be working on.
31. Do you have to wear a retainer? Not anymore, not for 30+ years.
32. When was the last time you showered? Ten years ago.
33. What is the most annoying question asked in surveys? This one? lol
34. Do you have any paintings in your house? Several.
35. What was your favorite Rugrats episode? Haven't watched Rugrats in close to 8 years.
36. Red, green, yellow, or blue? Blue.
37. How many friends do you have on Facebook? 182. Holy shit!
38. Albert Enstien said "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Do you agree? Why or why not? Without imagination there are no answers to questions.
39. What color bra are you wearing? White. And I had to check.
40. Should you be sleeping right now instead of doing this survey? "Should" no--it's 7 p.m. I wouldn't mind going to bed though, but I know I'd be awake by 4 a.m.
41. Is purple your favorite color? Nope.
42. How extroverted are you? Not particularly.
43. Are you an open person about your feelings? Yes.
44. Who's your best friend? Juggling between Beast, Jenny and Amy.
45. Describe to me what you think tomorrow will be like? Football game, talk to potential employer for Sparky, and saying goodbye to Beast again for part of the week.



1. Did you last kiss? Beast, when he left.
2. If anyone, are you excited to see tomorrow? Nope you were right: no one. Well, I will be very glad to see MEM at work for the first time in 10 days.
3. Last annoyed you extremely bad? Me. I've lost a LARGE chunk of data and work.
4. Made you love them more than life itself? Sparky.
5. Did last let borrow your clothes? No one? I can't remember: I live with boys and the high school girls are all about half my size.
6. Is going through your mind right now? No one, actually. I'm barely awake.
7. Did you last dance with? Probably a baby. I haven't been dancing for a LONG time.
8. Is your favorite singer? Nina Simone.
9. Last made you happy? Me.
10. Are you talking to right now? No one. Sparky and I are watching TV.

11. Is your current favorite music video? I haven't seen one in ages.
12. Was the last thing you touched.. not computer-related?: the table
13. Is bothering you right now, if anything? My eyes are tired, I don't want to work tomorrow, the house is a nightmare, company is coming next week, and I hate the cold.
14. Is making you happy right now? NCIS and Diet Coke.
15. Was the last body part you injured? I have a doozy of a scab on my right hand from last Monday.
16. Are you listening to right now? NCIS and Ruka tearing up the newspaper lining his cage.
17. Did you last say outloud? "Excuse me"
18. Did you last say online? "Excuse me" Duh?
19. Doctor's appointment did you go to last? Eye doctor two weeks ago.
20. Was the last thing to make you angry? Idiot parent at the football game this morning.

21. Did you last kiss someone? On the mouth, in the kitchen.
22. Do you live? Here.
23. Is your computer located? On my lap, in the living room.
24. Are your parents right now? Together again.
25. Did you drive to last? Home from the grocery store.
26. Was your favorite vacation? Greece, Moosehead Lake, or Ouray.
27. Did you last camp out? Several years ago. I'm done with that shit.
28. Is your cell phone? Right next to me on the table.
29. On yourself, do you want to get pierced? Nothing, I'm good with my earlobes and that's all.
30. Are you from? Colorado originally.

31. Did you last smile? A few minutes ago.
32. Is your birthday? 32 days from today.
33. Are you going to the bathroom next? Pretty soon.
34. Will you next leave the house? Tomorrow morning.
35. Did you last eat pizza? Last Sunday.
36. Are you going to a party next? Next Saturday could be a party. There'll be wine after all.
37. Did you last hold hands? Within the last week, I think?
38. Will you graduate high school or college? 1982, 1986, and 1987.
39. Was the last time you went to a school event? There was a JV game this morning.
40. Are you going shopping? I have to stop and get some pop for Beast--forgot to grab it today.

41. If you're in a relationship, why are you dating the person you are? I'm in a relationship--marriage--therefore I'm not dating.
42. If you're single, why's that? n/a and plock as well
43. Did you last cry? Yesterday. It was all Melissa's fault.
44. Are your grades the way they are right now? Oh, who the hell knows?
45. Did you last watch tv? Right now.
46. Do you like your favorite thing you do about yourself? Cause I do. What sort of weird question is this?
47. Did you last say "no"? Just now: "no, just wondering"
48. Are you in the mood you're in? Boredom and frustration have caused it.
49. Do you have moral values? Or, why not? No, you found me out: I'm completely amoral.
50. Did you like or dislike this survey? Meh-plock.


1. What song(s) get you emotional? Most good ones.
2. What are some of your favorite songs of all time? "The Sweetest Thing" "A Mighty Fortress" "Barnum & Bailey's Favorite" "Marche Slave" "Grace Kelly"...hundreds of others....
3. Do you smoke weed? Don't need to.
4. What websites do you visit daily? Fb, Gmail, Blogger, Bloglines, WW...
5. What's something that's happened lately that's awesome? Figured out Skype.
6. Why did you last cry? Sad lyrics (see above about 15 lines).
7. Do you ever listen to your old favorite bands? Hah, most of my favorite bands ARE old!
8. What are you doing this weekend? Prepping for company, mostly.
9. What are the last two movies that you saw in theaters? HP5, Star Trek, and The Terminator.
10. Is it time for you to get a new cell phone? Mine is only 2 months old, so no.
11. Do you have school spirit? heh, yeah
12. What did you think of your current crush when you first saw them? plock
13. Are you doing to prom this year? I am neither "going to" or "doing to" prom. Sparky may be.
14. Who do you like? George Thorogood of course.
15. Do you like American Apparel? Nope.
16. Are there any scene kids at your school? Not that I'm aware of, but what do I know since I'm not at school.
17. If so, are you friends with any? Doubt it.
18. Do you even like scene kids? Judging from the definition here, I wouldn't loathe them particularly.
19. What was the last thing you ate? Half a PBH.
20. What was the funniest thing you said today? Hell, who knows at this point. I'm sure it was this morning.
21. Are you scared by The Grudge? No clue. If it's a movie, probably not, because I'd never go see it.
22. What are your favorite shoes? My new Fergalicious boots.
23. Do you like seeing people you haven't seen in a long time? Sometimes. I'm not really looking forward to next week, however.
24. Do you like fisheye pictures? They make me a little queasy.
25. Do you have a best friend? No, I hate people. DUH! Of course I do.
26. What's the difference between a best friend and a close or good friend? Besties know all your secrets and like you more because of them.
27. Are you and your best friend alike or way different? Yes, both.
28. Have any of your friends been hospitalized? I think all of them have been.
29. Who do you miss? Dad.
30. Who cuts your hair? Chantell
31. Did you ever like Kiki Kannibal? Never heard of this, thank God.
32. Who dresses the best at your school? It was R!t@ Benev!dez
33. What's your MySpace URL? plock
34. Why do you like who you like? Who knows. Some sort of chemical thing.
35. Do you like taking walks at night? Don't mind them.
36. Do you wish on stars? Nope.
37. What's going on tomorrow? Work, come home, clean, watch TV, etc.
38. Ever been on a sports team at your school? I did one season each of volleyball and basketball in junior high. That cured me. I helped with the high school wrestling team for three years too, which was a lot more fun.
39. Do you often lose or forget your keys? On a regular basis, just like EVERY.DAMN.THING.ELSE.I.OWN. grrr
40. Do you like your town? The one in which I work has merit. The one in which I live would be better if it were substantially depopulated.


01. Do all your friends have a myspace or facebook? Most of them are on Facebook. No clue about MySpace--nor do I care.
02. What do you collect? Dust and S&Ps.
03. Do you always wear jewelry? Pretty much.
04. Do you find the ancient Egyptians interesting? Yes. I have OCD moments about that era.
05. How many times have you argued with your best friend? A few.
06. What year was it when you got your first xanga? What is the fixation with Xanga here? I may have registered for an account about 5 years ago, but if I used it more than 5 times, I'd be surprised.
07. Are you a good speller? Yes'm. Not suc a great typist sometimes...but I can spell good. Yup.
08. Who would you rather look like, Jessica or Ashlee Simpson? Given those choices, Lisa. Simpson.
09. Do you watch stuff like MADE and My Super Sweet Sixteen on MTV? Only when I'm trying to make myself sick.
010. Do you find shows like them addictive? Nooop.
011. Do you do your own food shopping? I should be relying on Sparky for this?? So, yeah.
012. Is your mum a good cook? Not anymore.
013. If you had to meet a ghost of someone, who would you choose to meet and why? Define "ghost." I wouldn't mind meeting my grandmother, but then again, I will someday again. Whatever.
014. Does your hair get easily tangled? I don't think it's overly prone to it, no.
015. When was the last time you went to a beach? June 2008.
016. Do you like to swim? Nope, since I actually drown when I try.
017. Would you ever work in a fast food restaurant? If I had to have an income and it was the only place hiring.
018. Are you a sensitive person? Define "sensitive." Yes. Or no.
019. What is the nastiest name you've ever called someone? I'm not sure which one to say is the 'nastiest' so let's just say there have been some doozies.
020. Do you like cats? In the moment, yes. I wouldn't want to own one, for various reasons.
021. If you have a cat, does it kill small animals? n/a
022. Do you like dragons? Don't know any. Wouldn't mind being one in a few decades though.
023. Are you ever a snob? About some things, yes.
025. What do you usually eat for lunch? Frozen dinner or salad.
026. Would you like to believe in faeries? It's not really on my To-Do List, no.
027. What do you think of these new 'xanga themes'? ENOUGH WITH THE XANGA!!
028. What has been the best album you've bought this year? I'm liking the latest Joan Osborne more than U2's latest.
030. What kind of books do you like to read? Those written for literate people with a brain.
031. Do you use MSN a lot? No.
032. Do you get a lot of stomachaches? Not really my point of first contact.
033. Ever drank whiskey? Yes. Once. Not a fan.
034. Do you hate techno music? Not at all. I like it, up to a point.
035. Have you ever been to England? Uhm, yeah.
036. Is the "EMO" trend driving you crazy? No, I can ignore that fairly easily.
037. Do you think Jack Black is funny? He was pretty funny in Tropic Thunder.
038. Name an A list celebrity you don't think can act: Renee Zellwegger, a.k.a. Squinty.
039. What was the last thing you broke? Dunno. Can't think of anything off the top of my head.
040. Who was the last person you emailed? Looks like it was K @ work today.
041. Do any of your friends ever smell bad? Yup. It happens to the best of us.
042. Have you ever been drooled on? Yup. I'm a mom. nuthin'!
043. What was the last thing/person you took a photo of? A bent spoon and a torn playing card.
043. Do you have a camera phone? Yup.
044. How old is your ipod? That's a rather presumptuous question. There are no iPods in this house.
045. Do you wear hairbands? Not often. They hurt my skull.
046. Are you currently job hunting? No. Not yet anyway.
047. How high is your confidence? DAMN high! [ha ha ha]
048. Have you made a MEEZ before? Possibly. Don't remember.
049. Have you heard of The 69 Eyes? Nope.
050. Has anyone ever said you were kooky? Uhm, YEAH!


How long has it been since your last shower? Yesterday morning.
Have you ever had spinach and vinegar? Hmm, no. We usually had lemon juice on our cooked spinach.
Do you care about global warming? Of course, but I care about a lot of others things too.
Do you even believe in it? Yup.
Do you think people who don’t believe in it are just stupid? Depends on what they don't believe.
What kind of ipod do you have? Y'know, you would think that people who are fixated on this piece of technology could get the capitalization stuff right.
What kind of cell phone? LG Lotus
Don’t you think the Jonas Brothers are overrated? Pretty much.
And Zac Efron? Ditto.
Have you ever had sober sex? Well, YEAH! Jeez.
How about drunk sex? Tipsy, yes., I think.
Have you ever had to take careers class? Probably. Don't remember, though.
Do you ever go in those little photo booths in the mall? Yes, but not until recently.
Do you remember the show Growing Pains? I remember it, but I was a little old to be watching it when it was popular.
How do you feel about Nicole Richie dating Joel Madden and Paris Hilton dating Benji Madden? Do you think it was planned? plock
Do you wear hats? In winter or when I'm having a bad hair day.
Have you ever been beaten up by a boyfriend? Nope. Thank God.
Did you take swimming lessons when you were younger? One round, which I mostly ditched.
Were you born in the same town you live in now? HELL no!!
Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? Yup.
How about a drug test? I'm not sure. Maybe? I passed if I did.
For that matter, have you ever even done drugs? ha ha ha ha Pleading the 5th.
Are you trying to quit anything? Yup.
What do you plan on being when you grow up? Grown-up.
Do you belong to a fitness club? No.
Do you like your food really spicy or just mild? I'd like to be able to eat spicy food again, but it doesn't agree with it.
Does depression run in your family? Not diagnosed, but I think it does yes.
Do you have any family members that are alcoholics? Yes.
Who's your very best friend? When did you meet? Beast: 1982; Jenny, 1982; Amy: 2003?
How do you feel about love? I LOVE it!
Do you have a crush? Still no.
Would you rather hook up or go out? This is so far beyond my reality, I can't even answer.
Do you like sex? Given the alternative, yes. lol
Or if you’ve never had it, do you want to? plock
Would you rather have a pet moose or bear? I don't think either would make a very good pet.
What kind of makeup do you wear? Don't.
Do you wear eyeshadow? Are you listening? No.
Or lipstick? I occasionally wear lip gloss, but that's all.
Are you content with your life at the moment? Pretty much.

Randomize the music [I'm alternating Jango with my MP3]

1. What's your name? A volte il cuore--Andrea Bocelli
2. Mom's name? No More--Bob Seger [kinda true]
3. Where does she work? Me Voy a Rio--Chayanne [heh, no]
4. Where do you work? Let Mercy Lead--Rich Mullins [kinda, yeah]
5. Who are your friends? Burn for You--tobyMac
6. Do you ever wear hats? Imagine--John Lennon
7. What's tu padre's name? An Ocean Apart--2002 [kinda, metaphorically, yes]
8. When you're at the dentist what do you say? Make You Feel My Love--Joan Osborne [no]
9. What kind of sunglasses do you wear? Beat Connection--LCD Soundsystem
10. Are you fat? Can't Live Without You--Nelson
11. So are you a drugs or alcohol kind of person? Wonderful--Adam and The Ants [heh]
12. What time is it? Acrobat--U2
13. Where do you go to school at? Convoy--C.W. McCall
14. What is the name of the book you're reading? Pretty Maids All in a Row--Eagles
15. What is the last thing you watched on tv? Home In My Hand--Foghat [just the remote]
16. What makes you laugh? Walking on Stone--Vinnie James [not really, no]
17. Are you racist? La Isla Bonita--Madonna
18. Why do your toes look ugly? The Revolution Starts Now--Steve Earle
19. What makes you feel like you're so perfect? Cars And Girls--Prefab Sprout [, maybe...]
20. What do you like to eat? Let Me Go--Melissa Etheridge
21. What do you listen to while cooking? The Sweetest Punch--Elvis Costello [no, but that might be what I drink while cooking]
22. What about while eating? Rock Lobster--B52s [...and this might be what I'm actually eating]
23. How is your senior year of high school going to be? Glory Days--Bruce Springsteen [O.M.G.--RIGHT on target!]
24. What should you get a trophy for? Romance--R.E.M. [heh, or not]
25. What makes you feel miserable? Never Tear Us Apart--INXS
26. What about thankful? Think For a Minute--The Housemartins [yup]
27. What do you do when the power is out? Nkosi Sikelel 'lafrica--Ladysmith Black Mambazo
28. What do you constantly text about? The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll--Phranc [or not so much]
29. What do those loud noisy neighbors blare at all hours of the night? Take a Chance on Me--Erasure [hee hee hee]
30. If you rode a mini bike to school what would you sing on the way? Pinch Me--Barenaked Ladies [no]
31. What would your theme song be while fighting werewolves? Love Song--Sara Bareilles [think it'll work?]
32. What would be your rebel song that you sang while vandalizing the school? Don't Say No--Tom Tom Club [giggle]
33. What would you sing if you skipped a problem on the big math test? One I Love--Coldplay
34. What do you sing while on the john constipated? Garments of Praise--Robin Mark
35. What makes you think of the 60's? Worst Comes to Worst--Dilated Peoples (feat. Guru)
36. The 70's? Who Do You Love?--George Thorogood & the Destroyers [ooh, that's sorta freaky that I mentioned this one already in my answers, no?]
37. The 80's? Let Love Rule--Lenny Kravitz [yeah, this is true, in some ways]
38. The 90's? I Go Blind--54-40
39. What song do you mutter under your breath when you get a hangnail? Runaway--Corrs
40. What song makes life worth living? Breathing--Lifehouse [and so accurate]

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