Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Stealing

(Link in blogroll)
The Random Dozen Meme

1. When you go to Wowmart, what one thing do you get every single time, besides a funky-wheeled squeaking cart full of frustration?
Mostly I just get frustrated with the checkers. Why can't they have a self-service lane??
2. What is something that people are currently "into" that you just don’t get or appreciate?
Anything on MTV.
3. What is something that really hoists your sail that other people might feel "ho-hum" about?
The intricacies of DDC--though I draw the line at Tables 3A-C.
4. Favorite song to sing in the shower or car?
I don't ever sing in the shower, but the car: "I Need a Lover" (Mellencamp) was blasting pretty loud on the Children of the Corn drive home tonight.
5. A really great salad must have this ingredient:
6. What advice in a nutshell would you give to new bloggers?
Whether you like it or not, whatever you write is going to be viewable forever.
7. What was the alternate name that your parents almost named you? Do you wish they had chosen it instead of the one they gave you?
I have no idea. That is so odd: I know the family lore about how I was named--by my sisters--but I don't know if anyone ever told me what name I would have had if my parents had chosen. Dad wanted to name my oldest sister "Gretchen" but I doubt that would have been resurrected for me.
8. What in your life are you waiting for?
Nothing. I'm just waiting on a friend.
9. You get a package in the mail. What is it, and who is it from?
Clothes, chosen by someone who loves me and 'gets' my likes and dislikes and body, someone who has an unlimited amount of money to throw around.
10. Today–what song represents you?
Amy, it is NOT the song on the CD you specifically pointed out, ok? :-) It didn't really endear me to Ludacris, though it did make me laugh so hard I almost hit the car in front of me.

Let's go with the one already referenced in question 8.
11. What is one thing that blogging has taught you about yourself?
I talk too much, and a lot of my inner dialogue is very cranky!
12. How are you going to (or how did you) choose the clothes you're wearing today? What do they say about you in general or specifically how you’re feeling today?
I was going to wear gray pedal-pushers, but then I pulled out a tan T-shirt and that combo didn't work, so I grabbed my tan stretchy...uh, capris? earrings to match and sparkly shoes. I did specifically put Aragorn on my toes, badly, this morning. Which reminds me: I need to fix that so I do look quite so much like trailer trash.

What does all this say? Probably, that I'm a fashion nightmare with delusions of trailer trash life. Wevs. Don't care.

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