Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday 9

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You Like Me Too Much

1. If everyone liked each other, what would we complain about?
The weather, of course!
2. If you were most powerful person in the world, how would you use that power?
Extremely carefully, and not often.
3. If had exactly one year to live, what are the three things you'd want to do before you died?
Travel the country by motorcycle, get all my photo albums sorted out, and write loads of letters to my loved ones.
4. If you could change one thing about the world, what would that one thing be?
That we all figure out a way to deal with disagreements without being such jerks to one another. (see question #1)
5. If you could take one thing back, what would that one thing be?
I would like to have not shouted at Sparky so much when he was little.
6. If you were stuck on an island forever but had all the water, food and shelter you needed. What would be the three other things you'd bring with you?
Medical supplies (including a doctor), a penknife, and a solid internet connection.
7. If the internet didn't exist, would the quality of life go up or down?
The internet itself doesn't really affect my quality of life. Before the internet was widespread, I had the same general quality of life as I do now. I'm not sure it's possible to quantify something that doesn't exist. Now, if we knew about the internet, but couldn't have access to it...that would adversely affect quality of life, I'm sure.
8. If a million dollars fell off a back of a truck, would you keep it?
Well, no, because surely someone would notice it was missing and come looking for it. It's a bit hard to hide that much money--and keep quiet about it.
9. What is something you said, something you stole, something you did wrong?
All three at once? Or separately? I'm gonna do separately I guess:
--"But there's no quarterback on the field to sack, girls!" [during their "Sack That Quarter-Back" cheer, at last night's game, during a kickoff]
--Tic-Tacs [when I was about 10]
--Choosing a restaurant last night [it was very noisy and the sun was blinding]

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