Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Queen's Meme

(Link in blogroll)
Bloggingham Love Shack (aka The Romance Meme)

1. What is the craziest thing you've ever done in the name of love?
Had a baby. Nothing else even comes close.
2. How much mystery should there be in a relationship? Is it a good thing or not?
3. Is there someone in the blogosphere you'd like to get to know more intimately? Have you been too shy to ask? Let me help you. Write a 3 sentence anonymous blove letter to them in this meme.
Leave a link if you dare. (I promise not to tell!)
"Dear Blogger, I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time that I ___________etc etc"

Or if you wish, do some matchmaking instead. "Dear Blogger #1 and Blogger #2, I think you would be perfect for each other. This is why..."
My matchmaking days are far in the past, I'm afraid, and the only crushes I've got running currently are not online people. One's DEFINITELY not online--but very much in person--and the other one is someone on TV so far out of my league it's not even realistic. But what crushes are? Realistic, I mean.
4. Describe a "perfect evening" with the one you love.
Good food, much laughter, some music...maybe a walk. I'm actually a pretty cheap date.
5. If you are in a relationship, describe the one thing that makes it work well for you. If you are not in a relationship, do you want to be? If so, what type of romance are you looking for? What would it look like in your life?
We both have endless patience and forbearance for each others' foibles. Welllll, maybe not endless...but a lot anyway.
6. If you had to choose between having good s*x (I told you not to let your mother read this) OR intelligent conversation on a regular basis, which would you choose and why?
Semi-coherent conversation during sex, yo. ;-)
and finally.....a purely selfish question:

7. I've got the Bloggingham Blues. What type of man is right for Queen Mimi Pencil Skirt? Do any of you see love in her foreseeable future? What do you suggest I do to spice up my love life? What am I doing wrong????!
The angst in this question leads me to think that the answer to the final question is probably "trying too hard" but as for the rest: the perfect man for you is someone who will not make you be someone other than who you are, someone who does not make you feel uncomfortable in your skin. Spice? I could be more of the wrong person to ask. I'm kinda over looking for spice. Sorry--middle age and the last few months of entirely too much excitement have caused a distinct lack of interest in spice.

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