Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Stealing

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The Ellie Bellie Meme

what are your most common nicknames? In order of usage: Mom, Mrs. [husband's last name], Cat., Ma'am, Miss (this one makes me either laugh--when a small child uses it--or grimace--when anyone over age 12 uses it)

what is today's weather? At this moment it's sunny. We'll see if that lasts today. It's supposed to get all the way up to room temperature outside by 3.

where did go on vacation this year? What is this "vacation" of which you speak?? We were in Vegas for three days in January. That's all.

what did you do there? Hmmm, what did I do in Vegas....? I wonder....? [my son and husband were there, so factor that in to your imagination--it wasn't very exciting]

where did you stay? The Luxor.

what job do you do? I get paid to be a cataloger at our local library, but I do PLENTY of other jobs for free.

describe where you live. Flatland, Cornbelt, USA.

what do you usually do on weekends? Not much. I work about half of the Saturdays each year, and occasional Sundays. Otherwise, I clean up the house, hang out, relax...yeah. Not much.

what food hits your 'bliss spot'? Sweeeeets.

what drink really does it for you? Diet Dr. Pepper. Or vodka/lemonade.

describe the first friend that comes to your head. {I'm snortling at this phrasing...} She's adorable. {more snortling} Seriously, I love her to death. That's all that's important.

what was the last restaurant you went to? Yay, gas station McDonalds. ...sigh The schedule got all balled up; we were going to have a sort-of nice dinner on the way to the football game Friday night.

where would you like to live if you had unlimited moneys and nothing stopping your dreams? I'd like small houses in Maine, on Ydra, and in Ouray. Realistically, I want to live near my son, but not too near. In any case, that should cover all the seasons.

what is the likeliness of you achieving this dream home? I think the latter--near Sparky--is potentially gonna happen. The others--not.

what do you like to do in your spare time? This. And Facebook. And read.

what's your favorite genre for TV programs? Crime dramas, reality shows (Survivor, TAR and the Discovery channel).

what's your favorite genre for music? Tuneful, lyrical, danceable.

what's your favorite song that's sad? I like an awful lot of sad songs.... Lately, it's been "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan that's breaks me in half when I hear it.

what's your favorite soppy film? I don't really 'do' soppy films. Life's too short to use my Escape Time being sad.

how about your favorite chick flick? I've a soft spot for "Two Weeks' Notice."

what are you looking forward to at the moment? Today's bridal shower. It's weird to call it that...but anyway, my gift is a wheelbarrow. heh [it's a garden shower--the couple has been living together for awhile, so household stuff is sorta beside the point, but they just bought a house...and yard]

what are you dreading at the moment? many things...

how would you describe your personality? "Perky." {snort} OK, I'm being obnoxious. Really, I'd go with the ever-reliable "goofy."

if you had a personality eraser, what part of yours might you erase? My short temper and tendency to fly off the handle with people when I'm stressed.

you are given $5000 to spend in 1 day, what do you do with it? remember, no limitations! OK, I'm admitting that today, it would go to clothes for myself.

what is your biggest fear? That this will be a question on every meme I do for the rest of my life. [and the real answer is in yesterday's posts]

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