Saturday, August 22, 2009

Patrick's Place

(Link in blogroll)
Saturday 6

1. Which social networking site do you feel the most comfortable with?
I still like basic blogging the best. But of the three Big Guys in social networking, I'll stick with Facebook.
2. How much do you treat your blog like you’d treat a social network?
I am anonymous (more or less) on my blog(s). On Facebook, I jumped in as 'myself' which makes it difficult sometimes because I don't always remember that my high school youth group kids or other church members can see me when I swear or that my non-Democrat friends get annoyed when I post "I hate Bush" stuff. In fact, I just realized yesterday that a local parent I really like unfriended me at some point, and I suspect it was over politics. Whatever. Some friend, eh? On my blogs, I wouldn't give a shit, because only a few IRL friends know about the blogs. It's odd, the closer (geographically) you are to me, the less likely you are to know about my blog. huh
3. Whether you actually use it or not, do you feel like you "get" Twitter?
I get it. I don't have time for the number of people I follow, which is a problem because I don't know the protocol for reading back over the past few days' updates. The only real Twitterer I actually make time to do that with is Brent Spiner. His tweets crack me UP.
4. Some people use software to mirror their status messages so that the current status on Facebook and Myspace is identical to their latest tweet on Twitter. Good idea or bad, and why?
Works great unless you are replying to a Tweet, in which case it just looks retarded on Fb: "@blerg: right but see and @blarg too" [made up names and URL]
5. Take the quiz: What Does Your Favorite Social Networking Site Say About You?
You Are a Family and Friends Centric Facebook User
As far as you're concerned, Facebook has almost everything you need. When it comes to social networking, you demand the best.

You love to connect with friends and family members online. Staying in touch is important to you.

You are likely to be more educated and more affluent than the average internet user. You are picky about advertising, spam, and aesthetics.

You are likely to use the Internet for everything, including leisure and business.
Except that for you, Facebook pretty much is the Internet.

As always, I have italicized the parts I agree with. I don't necessarily disagree with un-ital'd bits, but I am very much aware that Facebook is not the whole internet! Duh.
6. Which website has singlehandedly helped you reconnect with the most people you’d lost contact with?
DEFinitely Facebook! I am now in contact with high school and college friends, as well as people on whom I had crushes in high school and before and they are all in the wonderful mix of people I have known since then. It's fun to look at all the people I know. The only thing I wish is that I could secretly rank their updates by importance to me. I know you can create lists of friends, but the way I want to do it isn't available. Yet. ;-)

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